Monday, June 30, 2014

Crusaders III; The New Age...... coming soon to the blog.

Crusaders III
The New Age

Jimmy Loong

March 2013

You have read the Crusaders from the medieval to the current time era. Are you prepared for the later years' version? 

What was Earth then? What happened to the Crusaders? 

Are their foes still the same? 

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.5

Prologue 7

"Othello, I..." Desdemona whispered to his love while they lay inside the chamber in the quinqueremes. She had been sick since they board the ship. It was all a whirlwind of events since the incident at the Senate Hall. After that incident, she went back to retrieved her personal belongings from her chamber. Her father had stepped into her chamber to watched her pack. He had not said any words to her but kept his silence. She did not offer any goodbyes to him but left for the Castra that night.

"Why my love? I had not expected you here?" Othello had sounded surprised. He had not prepared his bare furnished chambers for her, and felt that it was inappropriate as yet.

"You looked beautiful." It was the flimsy gown that she had reserved for the occasion. He was taken in by the body that was beneath it all. She held out her arms to him.

"I had declared that I would not be left alone by myself while you are away." Desdemona told him.

"Aye, I heard you, but I was thinking of making a villa next to Castra which I could go home with you. But here..." Othello point to his chamber, "Its a pigsty than a villa."

"If my love lived in the pigsty, then I shall be seen there too." Desdemona told him. She reached for him again, but he pulled away.

"I am sorry, my love, but the Centurions awaits me for their briefing." Othello told her. She glared at him and told him.

"Do you mean to tell me that even on our first night of the union, we are to be parted by your Legion?" Desdemona questioned him, but then she replied for him.

"Yes, please go. I would not have my name be rumored to the downfall of my lover." Desdemona sighed. Then she brighten up and showed him the sash he gave her.

"I still had this and would be my mate for the night." Desdemona told him. Othello smiled sheepishly and left her there to rejoin his Centurions. Desdemona sighed to herself.

"He hold two loves; one of the Legion and the other of me. But which would triumph remain to be seen."

It was a challenge for her to hold that thought. A challenge she was to hold even on her voyage. She was woken from her day dream.

"Hush, my love." Othello had lain next to her on the narrow bedding while the ship rocked to the waves. He had told her many times during the voyage that walls of the ship are thin and sounds travel clearer on it. It was not his lover seeking to resumed their silent love making, but she was in need to use the port hole to clear her last meal. She was not used to the sea, being a land bounded person all her life before, she had find difficulty loving her lover. She crawled over his body and walked to the port hole. While she was throwing her meals off, Othello had held her from the rear. He was trying to coax her onto another round of love, but she was turned off.

"I am not in the mood, Othello." Desdemona pushed her lover off her back and stumbled to the bedding. She sat there and pulled the bedding cover over her nude body. He walked toward her and displayed his eagerness to continue, but she shook her head.

"Its not you, my love. Its the sea." Othello heard her and sat down next to her. He reached out to his love, which she snugged up to him. They had been at the sea for over two weeks, crossing the short stretch of the sea, but this journey, their route was marred by choppy seas.

Othello was to reply when the door to their chamber was knocked. Othello sighed but Desdemona was used to it. Since their union, there was always a knock on every alternate turn of the sun. She pulled away and reached for her gown. Othello dressed in silence and then left her. By the time he stepped out the room, he had forgotten his physical lover for the love of the legion.

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.45

Dark Bishop

I was told to hold him off while she drove for the Precinct, but Billie was the stuff up bitch when he was set on the objective. I saw him riding towards me and do not intend to stop. I reversed off and let him pass. I watched him sped down, and then continue on his rear.

Maybe he would stop when he realized that he had lost her.

But it was not to be.

Billie rode into a road block; several SUV parked to block the street with armed personnel. There was no warning shots; they just fired on sight.

It was termination by extreme prejudice.

Dark Knight

“Screw!” I applied the brakes and turned the front of the bike. At that speed, the bike went down on its side and skidded across towards them, while I had rolled off on my back. I had pulled my gun and shot at it. It was a move I seen on the movies and did some practice of my own, with stolen bikes. The bullets fired at the topside of the bike aimed at the fuel tanks with an open top unscrewed by me. It was an incendiary bomb moving towards the SUV.

The tanks ignited and gave the shooters a hot rush of flames into their faces.

Once I had fired, I did the body roll towards the side of the street, and into the alley there. I got up and ran.  

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.4

Unknown to Montana, Othello had been busy. He had landed the other part of the Legion further up the coastline racing ahead of the storm. It was the strength of eight cohorts; three thousand two hundred Legionnaires with two squads of mounted calvary; another hundred and sixty mounted legionnaire. He knew that the men would not worked well with the oars like the experienced ones. And neither would the horses survived any sea storms; he had them diverted and landed them to the nearby coast. The legionnaires are trained to double marched on dry lands, and they did justice for him. They reached the valley in one day of double marching despite the storm that lashed the interior of the land. The two squads of calvaries were sent out to to scout the terrain for the tribesmen.

The legionnaires marched on with the firm yet wet land under their feet, and knowing that their battle was to start motived them to get it done fast. Their Legatus rode by them along the side, with his words of encouragement and even stopped to help the ones who slipped it. He was the Dark One and like the rain that covered their trail, they would emerged on the enemies like the dark skies.

The calvaries did their task well, outriding the external scouts at the perimeters and removing them from alerting the main bands of tribesmen. They secured the trail ahead while checking the strength of the tribesmen. The scouts rode back and gave their reports to the Legatus.

"Iago, take one cohorts to the other hill here. I want them flanked." Othello told his Centurions under the makeshift tent. He point with his finger at the spot on the animal skin that was drawn the terrain of the place.

"Clasius, you would take one cohorts to the opposite hill. It had the cover of the woods there, and would allowed you to sneak up on the camp. Attack when you seen Iago' contact the tribesmen." Othello was not to know that earlier the other Centurion had taken position there earlier.

"I would come in along the valley in full strength bearing on them first. They would see my columns as the main threat, and upon my engagement, Iago would do his. And then yours." Othello explained the strategy. "Create as much noise as you can. Make them think we are move with three legions coming at them."

"Once we have them trapped in; Iago, have your cohorts joined up with Clasius and formed a wedge to cut them into two bands. That would dispersed them, and break their form." Othello continued on. "The calvary would take care of the ones that escaped our trap. Anyone disagree to my moves?"

None of the Centurions had any to voice on protest for there was none. They all respected Othello for his leadership and strategy. But there was one question.

"How would Prime Pilus assist in us?" Iago asked.

"He is on a task to protect the harbour. Its crucial we secured that too, as there were reports of others coming in the south to feed on this rebellion. We cannot have that in our province." Othello told them but in real terms, he had his loved ones sailed there to avoid the battle. One of the loved ones was his love, Desdemona on her maiden voyage in battle.

None had more to asked and they were asked to deploy. Once everyone was in position, Othello called on the attack with his remaining cohorts. He had formed his attack to use Iago cohorts to rolled onto the right flank and then moved to the rear. The other cohort would harassed the left side while Othello attacked the front with his cohorts. They were smaller in numbers but they had the surprise on their side with the storm creating a veil of mystery when his legionnaires rushed in with their tight formations.

"Heave into them!" Iago shouted to his men while they rushed down. They looked like the screaming banshees of the Celtics with their armor and the pila leveled towards the tribesmen. The Legatus had them shouting or screaming their loudest while they marched in. It was to give an impression of strength. It had worked then. The experienced ones of the tribesmen went for their weapons while the farm boys ran in fright. They are trained to fight behind the experienced ones that would fortify their bravery, but in the storm, they were neglected. They did not see the Romans as the enemy but an formidable demons in armor.

"For Rome!" Othello shouted out while he drew on the gladius and held up his own shield. The men resounded his call into the valley and then attacked. The half a legion strength slammed their numbers against the unorganized hordes; with their pila and shields to the fore.

Othello was in the front to thrust down an attacking tribesman with a cudgel made of wood, while his personal guards had their attention pre-occupied. He saw a gap forming at the front and shouted for a squad to move in.

"Breach that gap. Get into there." Othello shouted. He was soon rewarded by the shouts that Iago had joined them in the right. Its working the strategy that he had deployed. Under the cover of the rain, the tribesmen were taken by surprised. Iago formation tore through his side of the tribesmen and they slaughter their way towards the rear of the tribesmen. They were joined by the other cohort and formed a wedge to moved inwards towards Othello.

"Legatus, your dark side have triumph again." Iago shouted to his Legatus when they met in the battlefield. Othello was one who followed his men into battle unlike many other Legatus. He still thinks he was a Centurion and not the Legatus.

"We are winning, Legatus." One of the Centurions told the Legatus on seeing the tribesmen were retreating in chaos.

"Round them up. We needed more slaves." Iago shouted out, ignoring his Legatus standing nearby. Othello pretended not to hear that, as he was not keen on having his defeated as slaves. He knew what slavery meant; he treated his own like his men in the Legion. He walked away and was stopped by a old warrior of the tribes.

"Your amulet? Where did you get it?" The warrior point to his amulet given by Gaius. Othello wanted to replied but Iago had grabbed the warrior to push aside. The warrior was then pulled away by Iago' men before Othello could intervene. He was told of another matter.

"Legatus, we have the leader. He is there." Othello acknowledged the Centurion and walked off to see the assumed leader. Soon he had forgotten all about the amulet and the old warrior. The leader was his equivalent in ranking and needed to be accorded the correct treatment for one like him.

"Prepared a tent for me, Iago. I need to talk to their leader." Othello told the other. Then he continued. "You may leave one cohort for me. Take the rest back to the harbour.. I would join you there by daybreak tomorrow."

Friday, June 27, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.44

Dark Bishop

I sat by the alley on the instruction on the Agent. I had told Marlene when I knew she was the Feds, and announced my intention to be a witness for them on the Chessmen. I want out since my own group is targeting me too. More to it, I want to retire soon. Billie was my other reason; we are past running and needed a place to retire. Since my move on Marlene, I did checked on her; also a bad habit of mine. I like to run through their bags when they are asleep. I found out her ID and gun, and that was why I shucked out in a hurry.

I recalled my conversation on her.

“Meet me at this location later today.” I was told, and given the GPS. Then the second call just got in.

“Mitch, this is Marlene.” I heard her clear. “Get on the Freeway. Meet at the next intersection. Look for a blue SUV.”

I saw her speeding below me, and moved my car to catch up. The Land Rover may be a monster on the road but so was the 1993 Chevrolet Camaro. The beauty was powered by a 350 LT1 V8 Engine Pushrod with 275 hp (205 KW) and 325 lb ft (441 N-m) torque with the Borg-Warner six speed manual transmission. I gunned the car to close the distance. It was then I saw the shots.

“Mitch, do your part.” Marlene shouted in. “Or the deal is off.”

I would have called it off, but when I saw the bike. It was Billie; he had shown it to me when I first arrive. He was proud of it; he even told me, it was like riding a steer in a rodeo.

I dialed Billie’ number. I prayed hard he would reply. He had not been answering for some time.

“Billie, it’s me. Pull over.”

Dark Knight

“Screw it, Mitch. I am not giving up.” I replied above the din of the traffic. “You can deal with her after I am done with her.”

“Billie, it’s our only chance of giving all those pasts away. Don’t make me to do it.” Mitch cautioned me. He had told me recently that he wanted to quit, and retired to the country side. We could get ourselves a place where the neighbors are five miles apart. Maybe adopt a kid to raise as our own.

Mitch would be Dad while I am Mum.

But I just lost the Queen.

I loved the Queen like my own. She may be a vicious person, but she loved me. She may have made me a killer, but she was the one who taught me more of it. She was like my Father, but still I loved him, despite his lust.

Damn! I love to be the submissive one unless I had to kill them.

“No, Mitch. She killed the Queen.” I shouted back before throwing away the head piece. The bitch had turned off at the last intersection and made me do a dangerous drift with the bike. I slide the bike close to the surface before righting it for the opposite direction. I swerved in between the oncoming vehicles and then gunned off in pursuit on the route taken by the bitch. Mitch was in the rear of her, riding pillion like a body guard.

We were on the side street, and less traffic.

Mitch took to his role too well; he slowed down and did a tangent stop with his car. He leaned out with the gun leveled at me. I was not stopping for him, or anyone else. I gunned the bike to the peak, and sped on.  

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.3

"I saw the fleet." The Centurion told Montana after approaching the later. "It may not be much of a fleet, but its reinforcement."

The Governor aides rushed out to see the incoming fleet of tiremes and quinqueremes. He sighed at the fleet which was fighting the waves in the bay. He saw a smaller fleet of assorted guinguereme with a complement of four hundred to  the halve size tireme of two hundred crews including marines. He counted and estimated that there was only one fifth of the legion there. It took them over two hours for the first vessel to anchored in the bay during the storm.

A small boat was lowered and the leader of the fleet was seen on it. Montano and his companion went out to greet the leader of the fleet at the jetty.

"Hail Legionnaire." Montana greet the new arrival. "My name is Montana, the aide to Governor of Lusitania."

"Primus Pilus Cassio of the 3rd Legion. I had come on the orders of the Emperor to assist in the threat on this province." The Pilus introduced himself. "My Legatus would had met you but he was called away on some more important issue."

"Legatus called away and taken more than half the legion? Truly it must be an important quest." Montana stood in the rain swept jetty without moving the entourage to the warmth interior of the tavern. It was Cassio who was asked that they moved to a warmer area.

"Perhaps you would know more of Legatus issue there." Cassio explained himself. "More to that, my men needed some dry lands to clear their sickness. They are needed to march in a short time. We got a battle to win."

Cassio looked at his newly arrived guests from the ship.

"I have some ladies which are in need of some shelter." Cassio pointed to the two ladies who had just came on the dry land.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.43

The Backer Pieces assist

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Knight

One of my characters due to my childhood, was never rush into anything. I got the message from the Queen, to come to the gathering place. I took the invitation but I stayed out of sight. It’s just that I am concerned on why the Queen called the meeting; she hardly do it and if its done, it was Mrs.Treacher who host it.

But Mrs.Treacher was on my list of people who want to take me out. I recalled her association with the Cleaners. That make me extra cautious. My concerns were alleviated when I saw how the Queen removed the mass of us who served as the Chessmen. I watched the toasting and then the surprised looks on those who drank. To top it all, I heard the conversation between the two Queens.

Just when I thought it was time to step away, the Agent shot the Queen.

“No!” I shouted out. I rushed out, and the Agent shot at me but missed. She ran towards the exit while I pursue her. I reached the door in time, to hear the engine sound. She had her car parked near there.

Damn! I rushed out and saw the blue SUV speeding off. I gave chase on foot not to catch it but to get to my new bike parked ahead.

She was driving fast, but I could be faster.

The Suzuki GSX-R750 Year 2004, a 750 cc class sport bike motorcycle with a featured lightweight aluminum alloy frame, flatside carbs, twin discs with port calipers and 18 inch front and rear. The engine produced 147 hp power at crank shaft and torque of 79 N m@10,750 rpm. The bike is one of the lightest GSX bike. At the top speed of 180kmh, I was the Speedy compared to her official car.

I went onto to the stretch and was soon hoarding her rear. I was tempted to overtake her but she saw me. Her Land Rover Freelander with its 24-valve quad-cam V6 Configuration and pressuring variable intake system (VIS) add power to the vehicles, but it was no match to the super bike in terms of swerving through traffic.

I tried to match her at the side, but she knew I was onto her. She turned her wheel to turn me off, but I stepped it up to go ahead. I ran the bike to the front, trying to slow her down. She in turn pulled her gun and shot at me. At that speed, her aim was off, but it was distracting. I pulled off to the left and took out my gun. I had practices with it, so I was getting hit. The windscreen was the first to crack but nothing was ever as you planned.

Damn! Someone else had come into the playing field.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.2

Act Two Scene 1 Part 1

The sea front which was where the small harbour was built, had two rows of shops to serviced the incoming boats. It was laid inside the bay and served as a shelter from the gales and high waves. There was several taverns there but of one was drew the interest of most folks there. The tavern was warmed by the large fire places in the center of the tavern, but there were several fire pots that were placed strategically around the hall. It housed the tavern owner and his three assistants serving the handful of customers who had taken shelter from the rain. It housed the long bar with the overhanging boar skull looming over it on the wall. The place was called the Boar, but everyone came for the ewes that served the drinks. The four round tables with the long table were all occupied, but that long table drawn to the window, however had an exclusive quiet group remain seated while watching the rain outside. It was the Lusitania delegation of a Governor aide, and his personal entourage of two companions and twelve guards. The important guests were seated at the long table while the guards are seated nearer to the doorway.

"Montana, did you get the information correct?" The one who asked was Lucius, a trader who have a flourishing trade here and Rome, does not wished his coins depleted by this war. He was build with a rounded frame that was loosely covered by the toga he wore. He swept his hands across his forehead of the sweat there.

"Lucius, I met the seafarer who met them at the open sea. It was before the storm build up, and he had told me they are headed here." Montana replied while his hand held the wine in the goblet that would warmed his body.

"Aye, a news of over two weeks, and not only you have heard it but we all did. But with this Tempest, which may had ail the fleet. Could it had been wreck by it, or swept off to the other continent?" Lucius replied in dismay. "I am truly concerned."

"Mathias, why are you silent?" Montana looked to the other aide who had accompanied him. That one was like an identical of Lucius but he lacked the height of the former; he was shorter.

"I speak when I need to. You know me, Montana." Mathias looked to Lucius. "While he speaks, I had arrange a tireme of my own at the far beach. Once this storm have lifted, I would be leaving."

"Pardon me." Mathias looked to shocked Montana. "I have other trade lines that needed my attention."

"None taken. I am here on the favor of the Governor." Montana replied. "Don't sail without me."

That was not a request, but an order. Montana held an influence on this province. It was then the Centurion rode in. He was excited on his entry. Across the hall, the tavern wench looked to the rain through the window shutters.

"Aye, the storm getting softer. I could see the wind flag now. Its blowing hard but not like then." Cassie told her counterpart behind the bar.

"Not as hard as your Favell, I presumed." Alica replied. She knew Cassie was heaving her arse at the other for some weeks now.

"Can your lips, Alica. Its them she is looking to have a piece." Stella the other wench was at the far end of the bar, cleaning the goblets. "Them loud colorful garbs must had cost more than my frock."

"Stella, your frock would come unloose on the drop of two coins. I know you better than them." Alica replied. "I wondered if they got the ladle for my pot."

"Aha! You pot all stewed up by Hani, even a plough horse would had less to do with going past you." Stella replied. That riled up Alica, but in came Glauco, the owner to stop the possible cat fight.

"Hold onto you lips, wenches. We got some gentlemen there and I don't need you to spoil their moods." Glauco was holding on the prospect of them staying on, more so with the juggling of the coin in their purses and them reserving the upper rooms for the guests. He was to asked them if they wanted more wine when the Centurion came in. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.42

White King

I was surprised when Simon walked out with the rifle leveled at me. I looked to Mrs.Treacher for clarification.

“I did say I cared about those who are my flesh and blood. The Cleaners are my family members too. You had them killed cease my obligations to you.”

“Tracy, if you do this; you would end up in the run as a fugitive.” I explained to her the consequences.

“Fuck your section. I was trained by the military. I had been on black ops and been hunted before.” Tracy smiled. “But I am curious to know why you did you hit us.”

“I did not know then when we hit the place. It was a tip off, but it happened so fast.” I explained. “I called the bosses, and they told me to find you. But things happened so fast.”

“So you killed them all. I barely made it.” Tracy replied. “I wondered if we are still allies.”

“Call my bosses. They would clear it all.” It was the ruse I needed. I had my gun and jumped to the side while firing it. I hit the guy first, in the head and then Tracy in the chest. It was learned from Combat Situation Session, and it worked. I got up and approached the shot lady. She was still alive, but that was a fatal wound.

“You could have held back until we cleared things here, but you were too impatient.” I told Tracy.

“Me impatient? I was with that bitch for some time with my vengeance held back.” Tracy was spitting blood from her mouth along with the venom aimed at me.

“Then join your daughter.” I shot her in the head. I looked at the Dark Queen.

“I would be surprised that you would squirm at such moves. You are the Dark Queen after all.”

“I am not. I am just surprised at you, Agent Marlene. I am used to the killing, but you really surprise me. I was picturing you as a straight laced agent, following the codes of conduct.” The Dark Queen smiled. “Sanctioning killing squad? I guess we need to get the extreme for the new age.”

“Mary, I am past the speeches. I am here to offer you a new direction. I want into the Chessmen. I have been hunting you for a long time. During the time, I had learned more of the Chessmen, and I believed to know more of your organization. I want in.”

“You want in?” The Dark Queen laughed. “Killing two of them does not qualify you automatically.”

“But if I held back the investigation on the Chessmen.” Marlene injected in. “I can be the informant.”

“Name your offer.” The Dark Queen told her.

“The new Chessmen needed a new leadership.” Marlene looked to the Queen. “It’s a good operation; a profitable one. I am ~”

“You are proposing to come in as the new King.” The Queen interjected in. “Marlene, I have been in the business to know the catch. So what is your price?”

“I want ten million in diamonds or gold as my fees as the new King. With that I promise you protection from the Authorities.”

“So the White King truly displayed her loyalty on the board.” The one known as the Dark Queen replied. “I should have anticipated that or you would not have come alone. I am sure the fees can be arranged.”

There was a briefcase near the Dark Queen. She motioned to that.

“Inside are gems and uncut diamonds worth that value or more. It’s yours.” The Dark Queen had come prepared to negotiate with the payout. “I like to come prepared. Like in a game of Chess, I planned my moves beforehand.” 

“You were good Queen, Mary. You managed the Chessmen well, both as the Knight then and now as the Queen. But you are a risk. Its time, I will form the new Chessmen” I spoke up. “But I may do with a new Queen.”

With that statement, I shot the Dark Queen in the face.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Crusaders II; The game ends

The game ends

1.          The safe house near the Vatican

Geraldine woke up in her own bed and slowly made her way to the living area. She can see the three others all sitting there looking groggy from their first night of rest. Just as she sat down on the couch, Father Ricken stepped in bearing a tray of hot drinks and food.

"Good morning, everyone." Father Ricken placed the tray on the coffee table. "Good rest was what all of you needed."

"Father Ricken, what did happened? I could only remember leaving here for Russia with Clawler. They were going to Washington." Geraldine took up the hot chocolate drink and took her first sip of the day.

"Yes, I remember leaving here but then nothing after that." Miles confirmed her statement. "Have we been drugged or something? I been in Special Forces to know such things do happened."

"No, nothing of that. In Moscow, you had a bad accident. No major injuries but some bruises. You were in coma for a week before we brought you back." Father Ricken explained to the lady.

"Miles and Kruger, you were in Washington but on your back; the terrorist blew the car you were in. Both of you were in shock and had a temporary loss of memory. You only recovered two days ago but the doctors said you would have relapses."

"A coincidental occurrence which tells me of some conspiracy." Kruger spoke up. "I don't like conspiracy."

"This would helped you to recollect." Father Ricken passed them the folders. "Your mission was a success. Moscow recovered the secret book while Washington found the culprit who stole the data."

Father Ricken left the three Crusaders to read the folders while looking at Clawler. The last Crusader was looking at the fireplace trying to remember its version of the last few weeks. It had images in his mind but when he was Windingo, he loses his conscious of the happenings then.

Father Ricken picked up his portable and called the number.

"They can't remembered. We can go to their next task soon."

2.          On the River Rhine

Lucifer dressed in his dressing gown sat himself at the dining table while taking a spoonful of the caviar to place on his cracker. It was a good start to a better day until his cracker laid with caviar was taken away.

"Eating caviar is the perfect closure to a lovely night of sex. You sure know how to please a lady." Lilith nibbled at the cracker and sat herself opposite him.

"Don't you considered dressing up for meal times?" Lucifer watched as the vixen spilled a small of the caviar on her cleavage. She used her finger to picked it up and raised it to her lips. She sucked in the caviar and smiled.

"Only for you I am always comfortable in nude." Lilith replied in a sexy manner but her mood was soon interrupted.

"I am sure you wouldn't mind being here." Lilith got up and stormed out of the living area back to the bedroom.

"I guess that means a no." Baal took the seat vacated by the vixen. "You came close to winning. Your demons were overriding those of Micheal's army but you gave up. I am beginning to suspect you are weak as Asmodeus said."

Lucifer picked up the bowl of caviar and threw the contents into Baal's face.

"Get out. If I see you again, I would have you removed to...."

Baal laughed at the threat.

"Hell?I been there. Nice place."

3.          In another dimension

Micheal was standing there holding onto his sword in front of him pointing downward while waiting for the Gabriel to catch up. He can see Father sitting there on the throne was getting impatient.

"I am sorry, Father. I had to collect the healing probe." Gabriel placed the wooden case down at his feet.

"Gabriel, your foolish mission disrupted my research. You know I do like to be disturb during my research time...."

"Father, Lucifer wanted to come back. He asked me and I assisted him. I would had succeeded if not for Micheal here." Gabriel protested. "I told you then."

"Silence! Gabriel, your action was not well explained to me. I punished you to the Cube." Gabriel was led away to be placed in a rectangle cell of two metres by two metres.

"Micheal, your lack of leadership caused me worries. I cannot be here every time you hit a problem with Lucifer." Father reprimand the second generation of officers. "Do not let it happened again."

Father beamed away in a flash of lights. Micheal looked at the window screen that showed him the planet Earth in that dimension. Of all the dimensions, this small planet gives him so many issues for centuries. Lucifer was his second in command before he revolted and took off with his followers to that planet. Micheal pursued him but the intervention of Father stopped him and leaving the revolutionaries there stranded without the means to leave the planet. Now the hundred odd discards have grown their own numbers.

Soon they would rebel us.

4.          Brooke View

Sheriff Tommy Jones III greet the five residents returning back from their trip to Roswell. They handed to him the crate they collected from there. It was to go to the Library.

"Anything happened here? The driver asked. Gabriel had since restored the town structure and the damaged vehicles when he erased their memory of the battle.

"Oh, nothing much. Brad proposing to my daughter but I doubt she would accept. She in love with my successor, Andy."

"Well, if there is one stud to add another Tommy Jones in the registrar that would be Andy. He is a bull." The wife of the driver spoke up as she stepped out of the truck. Then she looked at her husband and smiled.

"A woman can tell by the way they walked. The bull next to me drove me nuts in those motels we put up. Sheriff, I hoped you pay for Pay per View expenses. We saw a lot of them of them during our trip."

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...