Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tweet tweetttttt.....Its coming to the holidays....Again???

For those of you who are celebrating Chinese New Year, "Gong Xi Fa Chai" ( literally translated as Happy And Prosperous New Year". Its the Cantonese version of the greeting.

Yes, I would be on leave, but I am not far away from the PC. ....or maybe for a day or two when I am caught up with friends and families; chatting and eating mandarin oranges, with the 'Texas' Hold'em Up' game in concentration.....haahahaha... I am the worse Poker player; I cannot hide my glee when I am winning. Or assumed I was.

Nevertheless, I shall be posting whenever I could.

For an update, Loki had progressed to 10,000 words and at page 18 now. He is learning his trade now, and would be the man soon to rival Thor. I shared with you an excerpts from it;

“My love, can we give him a name to be remember even in our death.” Farbauti reached out to his love. He knew that he would not have long to live, but still the newborn was part of his blood. Laufey smiled at those words, and then she looked hard at the baby. The newborn bear a lot of resemblance to her brothers, Loimian and Killan. They were brave warriors themselves, but they were also known as the trickster for the fun they played at the camp fire.

“Yes, he would be named. He would be given a name which I would provide.” Laufey replied. “I would name him …. Loki.”

With that whisper, the newborn smiled to his mother

“Laufey…” Farbauti whispered out but was given the glare by the other. Laufey was to place the baby to sleep.

“I wanted to say I like the name. Loki suits him well.” Farbauti replied.

“If Loki were to survive, then he would be a greater than any of us. He would be seen to be bigger than any of your warriors, and others including the Aesir would bow to his feet.” Laufey then told the baby. 

“If you cannot beat them, then trick them.” 

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...