Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.4


Alan was surprised at the appearance of the Princess, and stood in between to prevent a fight. Lin looked at the young lady who was dressed like a boy, in the leather pants and boots, with the vest over the tunic. The young lady was holding the dagger in her hand, and looked quite capable of handling it.

"Princess Clarity, I presume." Lin Denham bowed towards the young lady. "I am Lin Denham formerly of your .... King Egan Castellan until quite recent."

"You mentioned of seducing my mother, Queen Evie. If that was true, then you are telling to all of us, I am also your child." Clare confronted the older man with tears rolling down her eyes. "I had hardly seen my father, I meant the King himself."

"I...." Lin to reply when Alan cut in. Alan reached out for the dagger held by Clare but she stepped back.

"Move no closer, Alan. I am here to ask the man who had claimed to be my....father." Clare threatens the huntsman. "I been raised here by Helene, and with tales that she told me I was a Princess, but since my mother's death, I was sent to stay here."

"I been meaning to know why and would like to see my King, if he was truly my father." Clare replied. "I been asking that since I was a young girl, and trained myself to be ....useful in the coming quest."

Alan shook his head; disbelieving the thought that the one he called Princess, who had bear the pains and wounds from the harsh training at such a tender age. He thought she was just another tomboy who needed to be outgrown from, but he was wrong. She had learned hard, but she still lacks the skills of a warrior.

"Yes, what I had said is the truth. I would prove it to you." Lin reached for his vest and withdrew the scroll which bear his King' order. He handed it to Alan, but the later passed it on to Helene.

"In there, are the written words of King Egan, of his ....weakness, and why he asked me to sire his children. He wanted a son for his lands, but in the event that child would to do wrong, this scroll would be to denounce him of his right as King." Lin told them while Helene read the words written on it. She sat down in pain on reading the scroll.

"King Egan was a good King, tough on his enemies, merciless towards those who oppose him, but he was kind to his servants and peasants who lived on his land. His only failure was himself to have an heir. I provide him one, but he still feared that the new King, although proclaimed by him as heir; may be unworthy, he had given the right to denounce him." Lin stopped in his long explanation.

"At what cost, Castellan? At the cost of the lands waging wars again if this was to go out?" Alan retorted back. "Do you know with his denouncement, we would all be at war. Lords and Barons would fight once more...."

"As Lord Falstof had done. He had taken over the lands by the influence exerted on this grandson." Lin replied. "The war had started, but the signs of it are not seen on the surface. It had already begun when the other Lords are murmuring rebellion against the new King, and his adviser the Grandfather. They are caused by increase in tributes and taxes; a measure for the King to re-take those lands from the original Lords."

"As we speak, the Lord of Dune, and Travis had pulled out from the protectorate of the King." Lin declared. "Lord of Sommers would next, with Baron Kipling."

"Nay, those were the strongest allies of King Egan." Alan rebuked back. He seen those Lords before; they are like kins to King Egan.

"Allies before, but soon to be enemies when your treasure and farms are seized or taxed by the King. The new King had done it for his grandfather willed it." Lin told him. "I am here to restore the lands under the new ....Queen. With the new Queen, we could reclaim back what was King Egan."

"Queen? You are mad, Lin. There was no Queen in rule before. Since.....Boudica." Alan was referring to the lady who was the Queen of the Celtic Tribe that fought against the Romans.

"Nay, there was one other. She was Gwenllian, daughter of Gruffydd. She was from the north and fought off the Normans. She ..." Lin reminded the huntsman of another great warrior, who fought alongside her King to fight the invasion.

"She was no Queen herself. She was the ..." Alan rebuked back on his own knowledge.

"Aye, she was, she fought hard for the lands that belonged to the people. She died for the people. Just as Princess Clarity would reclaimed back her ....King Egan' lands." Lin looked to the young lady. He then approached her. He went on his knees and bowed to her.

"I am Lin Denham, formerly the Castellan of King Egan and his trusted friend. The King himself asked me to extend his family line, and I was duty bound to do so. I, myself hold no family of my own, with no need of any on my own, but for y King, he must have one. His Queen was blessed with a son, and daughter; a twin at birth but separated by then for he only valued the son for his heir." Ling sighed again."I tried to counsel him to receive you back into his arms, but he would not. He may be ..."

"Say no more, Lin of my castle. I have heard enough." Clare replied. She stepped forth and pulled at the former Castellan to rise.

"If the lands of King Egan needed to be saved by myself, then I shall ride forth to do so. .... As befitting of his daughter and Princes to this land." Clare declared. "We ride at dawn tomorrow."

With that Clare walked off to her own room and shut the door. All of them stood there looking at the closed door, and finally it was Helene who spoke.

"Let the child rest. She needs it if she was to continue on the quest." All of them then moved to the fireplace to warm their body.

And conscience.

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