Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 3.2

The young couple left while Ariel pushed the cart in with the three cases on it. He placed the cart next to the table near to the trio. He then stepped back and bowed to them.

"Steven Lane, Timothy Shell, Kabib." Paul spoke to them. "It never occurred to you why you are still here."

Paul looked to Steven.

"My dear friend, Steven. Or once my dear friend, you are no more, as I seen your intent now. But I shall forgive you.. You were my rook then; the one who would jumped across the board to do my bidding. The ladies loved you; you were a bull then. A raging bull that the cows shuddered at your thrusts. You cared not for if they were cows or calf, or even young bulls, you had your way. "

"If I had let you out," Paul continued on. "You would had been placed in the market to stud or be shot by the jealous husbands. There were few but they asked me to keep you here lest you shamed them out there."

Paul took a drink with the wine goblet.

"Your shrinking issue was not your doing but mine. I had to keep you away from my daughter. I had her here for her safety. So I indulged you with the liquor; to quell your sorrow and also to numbed your urges. Or the alternative was the crude castration."

Steven who was drinking his wine, puked it out on the last words.

"I could had done it many times, with you drunk and lost to the real world." Paul said it out loud. Then he looked to Timothy.

"You were in this scene long too. You were not as vile as he was, but you cared not who and when. You done them all from the elderly to the young ones. You partake whether they liked it or not. Why, Timothy?"

Timothy glared at Paul.

"Was it your inadequacy? Or was it your nature? Like the rape of Kabib' mother. You were the one who insisted that she be taught a lesson for refusing you. You were the one who insisted that she be paid for her ways. You kept her locked for three days. You went in there those times. You are Kabib' father, you bastard."

"Yes, I was a bastard. My mother left me on the steps of the orphanage when I was a baby. I was Oliver Twist. I was brought up like one, but I had no one to protect me. No gentleman came to my aid but they aided me for themselves." Timothy broke down to cry.

"I did, Timothy Shell. I gave you the family name. Shell as in a shell that would protect you. I took you here to work for me then. I was the owner of Evergreen. I made this your home. And you used it."

"So did you." Timothy shouted back. "You are no better bastard than myself. You had your enemies or their loved ones trapped here. You controlled them from here. Paul Miller, you are a bastard too."

Paul glared at the man who he saved and brought up here then accusing him of the acts that he had partake.

"How many ladies did you coerced to lay with you? How many did you raped? How many of those men did you killed with the drugs? How many did I helped you to incinerate them in the basement? Tell me. Paul Miller." Timothy looked to him. "You are no saint either."

"Father?" Kabib uttered those words toward Timothy.

"Are you my father?" Kabib looked to the man again. Then he looked to Paul.

"Benefactor not my father?" Kabib asked him.

"No, Kabib. I was never your father. I was never Miranda' either. I can't father a child. The doctors told me." Paul stood up. "I did however raped your mother. Like those that he said. I did it out of anger; my own inadequacy. My own failure to sire a child."

"No...." Kabib rocked on his chair. He then went down on the flooring and curled up like the form he needed. Steven spoke up to Paul.

"Paul, we would called it even. You make us monsters, you used us. Now we want your life to repay ours."

"A devil does not trade his soul for another. I offered you an alternative. Those are my life worth." Paul told them. "Feel free to check them."

Steven was the first to grabbed the first chest and placed it on the table. He opened it and saw the contents.

"Oh my God.!' Steven sifted his hands through the wads of notes in the case. Timothy rushed over to take the next case,and soon had the chest opened. It contain jewelries. Kabib got up from his form and looked to Paul.

"Benefactor, leave us please." Kabib pleaded.

"Kabib, I am dying." Paul told him. "I may not last long. Take your share and leave."

"No, you leave. This is my land. I would be King now. I would be the new King." Kabib refused to leave. "This is all mine."

"Yes, Kabib. Its yours after I die. " Paul laughed. "Do you want to know more of your mother? Your father?"

"I would tell you now." Paul spoke up.

"Your mother was a nurse here. She was a good one, but she was nasty. She abused the inmates and the news went out. Some of the other inmates knew of it. They grouped together and paid some nurses to teach her a lesson. They cared not what it was. Such was the snobbish ways of the rich ones."

"Kabib, one of your father is here." Paul point to the two men. "They were one of the three who raped your mother.."

"Maybe one day, you would know but now we are denied the test to prove who it was." Paul continued on. "Your mother was traumatized and was interned here after the act. She gave birth to you but she felt you were a product of the devil. She made you suffer."

Kabib looked at the man who had just told him what may had been his origin. He was a product of these two men. He was not of the King but a bastard of one of them. His mother was a ....whore. In his mind, she was. If she did not torment the others, they may not had raped her. He looked at Paul.

"Was she pretty?" Kabib asked.

"No, she was a whore." Steven spoke out in his drunken mode. He was distracted by the wealth and spoke out of turn. Kabib rushed at him and punched him.

"She was my mother. You do not said she was a whore." Kabib threatened the man on the flooring.

Then the sounds of howling was heard. It vibrated off the wall despite the falling rain.

"Its the four legged ones." Kabib muttered out. He feared nothing but those hounds; they were his biggest fears. He remembered then the hounds chasing the escaped inmate. It was fun initially at the chase, and the fun became a nightmare when the hounds tore at the inmate flesh. He remembered then screaming but the nurses made him watched it all. The hounds gnarled at the innards before they pulled it out with their fangs. He recalled the scene when the hounds fought over the intestines, that part of it broke off to land at his lap. He screamed and ran back to the room much to the amusement of the nurses.

But not all the nurses liked it.

Some hated it, for it was frightening. 

Steven was one who hated it. He recalled the nurses coming back to speak of it like it was a glorious cup final, or a major battle was won. He may be tyrant when it came to sex, but he was a meek when it involved the killing. He was a show off in fights, but always backed off even to the most timid opponents. 

Timothy loved the hounds; it was his avenue of escape to see them fight over the dead body of the inmate. He used to placed side bets on the amount of time the dogs would take to complete the kill. But his affinity was soon put to rest when he himself was set on by one of the hounds when he passed their cage. He fought the dog but the canine had set its marks on his body. He still carried the scars on his left shin and right wrist, and would had been dead if not the help rendered by others.

Since then, they all feared the hounds of the land. The two dozen hounds were bred by the guards then to prevent outsider from coming in and the insiders from leaving. And on some occasions, the dead inmates are fed as food. The hounds answered to no one but the guards.

They were the benefactor's army.

"The hounds are here...." It was Timothy who ran first. He ran for his shelter in the East Block. He ran so fast that he fell into swimming pool. He disliked the water; it was too deep for him to wade. He struggled but the water was not clear like before. It was filled with mud and they sucked him down. He screamed out when the muddy water got into his lungs.

Steven ran too into the woods. He ran passed the pavilion and the creeks. The further he ran, the more real was the sounds of the hounds. It was killing him to hear it. He ran on and then collapsed. He could not breathe, he was gasping for his breath. His chest constricted up and he yell out but no one heard him.

Kabib ran to his hidden corridors; he got there in time. He ran on and one till he reached his room He locked the door and stayed there. 

They were never seen after that night. Ariel stepped out from the hidden doorway. He had turned off the gramophone that played the sounds of the hounds. It was filtered through the music pipes and enhanced with the drugs that he had earlier placed inside the wines, the effect was as expected. It was one more time the experiment proved successfully tested on the human specimens.

"Ariel, I am still the Benefactor. And I would be King again." Paul said to himself. "Continued with our plan."

Ariel nodded and went off to do his tasks.

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