Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Dark Queen of White `1.9

The growing terms


Gareth never knew why he was asked to join the Princess at the castle for he was mostly on his own most times. She had not left the chamber for over a week then. He saw Michael was also missing; probably disappeared into the forest, and Alan had left with Lin. He approached the Princess but each time she refused to see him. He spends his time exploring the castle and never stopped at any location. King Bannion was always at the Main Hall, addressing his own personal entourage of Lords and guards. Of the former, it was dwindling in numbers since the last address done by the Princess.

"Gareth of Steinheim, you are requested to see Princess Clarity." The maid announced to the warrior who was standing by the palisades. He took to his heels and was soon at the door to the Princess chamber. He knocked on the door and was told to go in. The Princess was by the window and with the sun behind here, her body figure was seen through the gown she had on. The sight of her body beholds him then, and it was Helene who woke him up from his slumber.

"Gareth of Steinheim, you are needed over here." Gareth heard her call, and sheepishly walked over to the window.

"Gareth, if you recalled my conversation with you, I need you to tell me of the world of Man." The Princess looked at him while Helene put on a cloak over her gown. "I was raised from the world of Man, and had no friends besides those in the forest. You would teach me their ways."

Gareth nodded and then tried to talk the way out.

"My Queen, I may not be the person....." Gareth was cut off by the other.

"I told you then, and you said yes. So if you backed off now, I would have you executed." The Princess threatened him. "I did not select you on random. I did so on own my intuition and I am rarely wrong."

Helene had then walked over and held the Princess, but she shrugged her off.

"I am alright, Helene. I am alright..." The Princess smiled weakly at her caretaker.

"Clare," Helene calling her by the nickname. "You have not been yourself since we arrived here. You have not left the chamber since we were here..."

"Yes, I have not left the chamber, as I am here to know my mother." The Princess expressed herself. "I have done it. Now I need to experience the outside. But I need an escort. One that knew the world outside. One like him."

The Princess looked at Gareth who stood there feeling so helpless.

"Gareth of Steinheim would be my guide and guard." The Princess then moved to the closet and asked that Helene dressed her up for her excursion to the outside world. She removed her cloak and was raising the hem of her gown, when Helene chased the warrior out. He did however catch a sight of her nude body from behind.

Soon they were riding past the palisades, but the King had deployed a column of guards to tail them. The Princess had expressly given the command that they are to be kept a distance from her. Her ride to the village was filled with stares and then the bow at the waist when they knew who she was. But none dare to address her directly. She rode to the center of the village and then dismounted. She walked to the tavern in front of her and went in. The place was partially filled with patrons, but they all stood up from their seats.

"No, please remain seated. I am here for a drink." The Princess told them. She asked Gareth to get her a drink. He went over and got her a mug of milk. He took for himself a mug of the local fermented drink. It was then the other guards came in but the Princess shooed them off. She wanted to be alone with the villagers, although some had stood up to leave.

"Please remain seated." She told them, but they were reluctant. She then raised her voice and told them to sit. That was when they all sat down. She also took the drink meant for Gareth and drank it down.

"It tastes like .... Honey and yet bitter." She told him. He nodded and then after a few more mouthful, she was all talks and hardly listening to Gareth who was explaining the villages. That was how she ended up sleeping at the room on the upper level of the tavern with the owner's wife attending to her, until Helene arrived.

It was to continue on; her travels to more villages and settlements, including farm houses. Soon she was back at the place where she was raised. She invited Gareth in and had the King's guards sent off. She saw them leave and then asked Gareth to join her. They rode off into the forest. 

Soon they reached the secluded spot by the waterfall among the rocks in the hill. She dismounted and walked to the pool of water. She sat down by the banks and took off her riding boots. She placed her legs into the cooling water, and smiled.

"This was my inner sanctum; not even Helene knew it." The Princess told him. "Only the wolves know of it." 

"Michael?" The name came out of Gareth without him thinking of it.

"Yes, he knew." She replied. "He was the one who brought me here. He was my pet."

The Princess looked away from Gareth, and into the forest. She was expecting to see the wolves, but none appeared. Not even Michael. That was unusual for them. She looked towards him and then asked him to sit by her.

"Tell me of the world of Man. And about love."

Gareth looked at her, and then looks away.

"I am afraid that....I am not the person to teach you the world. You should get another one like Lin or Alan. I am too young." Gareth stuttered in his reply.

"No, you are the right one. I needed someone of my age. I hardly knew anyone. And in the last war, I was forced to grow up. I was forced to be an iron lady. I was forced to make decision that affected others. I seen many things in the last years that I ....I was not sure of."

She looked at Gareth.

"Do you understand it all? I grew up fast in the last three years. I am not ready to do that, but they forced me."

"Who forced you?" Gareth asked.

"My mother. She appeared before me nightly telling me what to do." 

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