Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.3.2

On King Egan' side, the archers took to their forward positions and notched in their arrows. The opposing side also did the same, and both archers traded blows. The archers from King Egan were more experienced and had the longer bows for the distance. They ignored the archers there and shot to the rear towards the pike men and knights. That riled up the rear column and the call for battle was given. On seeing the advancing foot soldiers, the archers of both sides withdrew back. Both the sides clashed in the field, and it was then the hidden half of King Egan' army arrived at the flank of Lord Moor side. The pike men charged in at the archers and then towards the flank of the knights.

King Egan on his steed charged in at the knights with the battle mace held in his right hand. He swung it at the nearest knight; hitting at the other on the left shoulder, before he swung it back to hit on the back of the head. The last blow dropped the knight from the horse. He then rode on and met the second knight, but that one had deflected the mace with the sword. The knight swung back with the sword on passing the King and cut him on the right waist; cutting passes the armor. King Egan kicked at his horse to move forward and dropped the mace. He reached for the waist and held back the bleeding. He reached for his dagger on his right leg greave, but the pain was unbearable. He fell down to his knees and looked at the approaching knight still on the horse. He pushed himself to stand and saw the knight fell down from the horse.

One of his guards had killed the knight with an arrow into the side of the neck. King Egan looked to the warrior and it was then, King Egan was shot be another archer from Lord Moor side, into his groin. He collapsed down, but his own guards had stepped in to form a cordon around him. Soon the battle was over, and King Egan won. He was treated at the battlefield, but there was too much damage.

"The wedding must be called off, Lin." King Egan confided to the warrior who had saved his life. They were alone in the healer' tent, and King Egan had asked for Lin to see him alone. It had taken nearly a full moon for the King to recover where he could move. Outside of the tent, the knights of the deposed Lord Moor had their armors removed and hung by the heavy branches on the trees at the nearby forest. Lord Moor himself was stake on the battlefield and left to die. That was the wrath of King Egan for his near death moment.

"I cannot deceive my Queen."

"No, my King. The wedding would go on. Or war would resume on the lands." Lin told the King. "The hard fought victory of yours, your father, and also of your guards. As we speak, Lord Falstof had spoken to your other Lords, that he would provide your land peace or war."

King Egan knew that fact. Lord Falstof was his equal in strength and influence, but he was older and has a beautiful daughter for marriage. If they are to be close allies, the other neighboring lords would be more compliant in meeting their tributes contribution. He sighed at that decision, for he feared his last wound would make his Queen a laughing stock of the ladies.

"My King, you are not ....entirely without it." Lin tried to find the words to soothe the King. "The healer said that the organs are intact, but the workings of may be ....impaired."

"Lin, I am not a man anymore." King Egan sighed. "The bastard removed my fatherhood."

Just as Lin was to encourage his King, the tent was intruded in by the arrival of Lord Falstof, in his armor. He was a tall man with the battle scars that shaped his tough body frame, but with age, he was then more of a spectator to any battle. By his side was his heir, Prince Holden. Like his father, he was tall but he was known to be a good strategic leader with his battles won by his planning.

"King Egan, I heard you are unwell." Lord Falstof did not hold back his words, while he stepped to check on his daughter's suitor. He was against the union, but the alliance of the two parties would strengthen their lands. More to it, the ladies of the realm are mere pawns in these moves. He had wedded his Queen on the strengthening of the alliance with the Lords. He was doing the same with Egan, but he had heard rumors that the King was fatally wounded, hence he rode in to check.

"No, Lord Falstof. I am fine, but for a battle wound, that took time to heal. I would be able to ride soon, and be back for the union with your daughter. More to it, I had added in Lord Moor' land to ours. I would rename River Dane to that of your daughter." King Egan forced a smile on his face although he knew that the Lord was there to see him die. And with that would have taken over his lands by force.

It was with that King Egan wedded Princess Evie, but he was saved by the call for battle. A distraught suitor of the Princess had declared war on King Egan, which he was gladly to fight. He rode on the morning of their union, although he was not with her during the wedding night. He had feigned excuses to avoid seeing his bride. It was not till after two battles and for nearly one season when he had ran out of excuses.

King Egan rested his right hand on the door to his chamber. It was late into the night, and the Queen had waited one too many nights alone. He paused at the door and looked at his trusted friend. Lin nodded to him, and pushed the door opened for him.

King Egan stepped in and closed the door behind him. He looked to the bedding and saw his Queen had rested there. He walked towards the bedding and looked closely to the sleeping form. She looked beautiful; lying there, with her locks of hair laid across the bedding, while her body was covered by the flimsy gown she had selected for their union; one that she had kept for over a season. He looked at her body beneath the flimsy material; her silhouette there lying on her back, showed the curves of her body flesh. It was then he felt the movement in his manhood; it had been sometime since he felt anything. She stirred in her sleep and moved to sleep on her left side. Her arm moved out to rub the bedding as if in searched for her mate.

King Egan stepped back from the bedding and started removing his clothes. He then climbed onto the bedding and laid down on the rear of her. He reached over with his hands, and spooned her to his body. She shuddered under his touch and woke up, but did not pull away. She slept there motionless, while his hands roved over her body from the shoulders to the waist. He did not push his hand below it, but she felt his hardness pressed against the rear of her lower spine.

"Hush, my dear. We would sleep tonight." With that King Egan held onto his Queen for the warmth comfort.

It took the a few more nights, with each time King Egan just held his Queen on the bedding. She would be first to sleep and then he would join her. After a few nights of such, Queen Evie took the initiative to sleep in the nude in wait for her King. He came as usual and stood there looking at her beneath the bed cover. He undressed as usual, and felt the urge to urinate. He walked over to the pot and peed into it. It was then his Queen peeked out and saw for the first time, the hardness that was felt by her the last few nights. She had seen others; mostly of boys, but never a man. Never one like him, but she soon closed her eyes when he faced the bed.

King Egan stood there over the pot after his peed, and wondered to himself. He had been lying next to her for the last few nights, felt the urges, but he had not pursued it like before. Prior to his injury, he would have not hesitated in ravishing her, as he had done for the other captives or hostages of his. He looked down at himself, and smiled. It had not failed him before, despite the screams or moaning, he was no lover of those ladies, but with this lady, he felt differently. He viewed her differently; something he had not felt before.

He walked to the bedding and noticed that the candles were few that night, giving the chamber a more subdued environment. He raised the cover and climbed in. The first thing he felt was the skin, and then the return of the tingling in his manhood. He pulled back and slept back on his side of the bedding. He tried to regulate his breathing and contemplated what to do next. He was to reached for her when she moved first. She moved on her side and then over him, lying on his chest.

"My King, I am yours." Queen Evie whispered to him. His mind snapped then and he pushed her off. He rolled over onto of her, and pushed his hips in between her legs. He reached down with his right hand and pushed himself in. She gasped out on his intrusion, but bear with the initial discomfort that soon settled to a rhythm of pleasuring points. She felt his thrusts and mauling on her chest, with the final thrust of his; she then felt nothing. He had rolled over and then got up from the bedding. He reached for his gown and walked out of the chamber. It was like that for over three seasons before she barred him from her chamber. It was not another season, when he marched to the Battle of Cecil.

Lin Denham looked to his old friend and comrade in arm. He was the trusted lieutenant of the King, even to the extent of keeping guard over his castle and Queen. But he also entrusted more than that to his lieutenant. He made the Castellan signed a pledge to seduce the Queen.

"My Queen, the sun is on the horizon." The Castellan looked to his Queen, who was seated on the patio of the library on the upper level overlooking the river. They had sat there since the previous nightfall, and spoke into the late night. Then she had fallen asleep on the seat but he had kept vigil over her while the servants stoke the brazier which kept them warm. Her personal maids are all asleep in the library. He reached over to wake her up, and then stood himself up on the patio. He stretched himself fully on his toes, and felt the morning sunlight showering his body with its first light. It was then he felt his own manhood coming to hardness on his leggings. He pulled in his body frame, and then felt the eyes on him. He looked to the Queen and saw her watching him.

"Morning, my Queen." Lin greets his Queen, and moved to take back his seat. He sat down an adjusted his legging to hide his manhood. Queen Evie smiled at him and then looked away. She felt ashamed for staring but she also felt the uneasy feeling inside her. It was not like her to favor another man besides her King. It was the first embarrassing moment but not their last. There were a few instances after that like casual touching and then the personal rendezvous to chat. It took time for her be direct with him and it came one evening during their personal chats.

"Lin" Queen Evie was in personal terms with him in their personal chats."How long more before the King arrived back?"

"I heard that they are winning and may be back before the season is over." Lin told her. He had been reading the messages sent back by the doves. "The King would be back soon."

It was then Queen Evie broke down to tears and ran back to her chamber. Lin followed on, but stopped at the doorway. He was to turn away when she called out his name. He went in and saw her standing there. There were no words needed to be spoken, when they held each other. Then they moved to the bedding and consummated on it. It was to take place for the next few nights and then just as it had started, it stopped and the Queen refused to see anyone until the King came back. A fortnight later, the Queen declared her pregnancy. 

Lin paused in his tale and looked at the group.

"Queen Evie children are mine."

It was then; Clare came out of her hiding, holding her bow with the arrow notched on the string.

"You are a liar." 

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