Friday, January 17, 2014

5.2 & 5.3 The Crusaders II Strategy Outlined

1.          Russian Military Intelligence Office

The van bearing the logo of pest control swept it wheels to the rear of the building, and then down the ramp to the basement. There the van drove onto the end of the basement where the garbage chutes are located. The van backed up to the chutes while the back door opened. Two figures climbed out and leap up into the chutes; using their claws and enhanced abilities to climb up. The enhanced abilities also include the ability to sniff out scents. They are looking for the perfume left by an earlier operative; 1 ml was all it needed. They moved from garbage chutes to the ventilation shafts. They did not get picked up by the thermal sensors installed after the motion detectors triggered to many false calls when the rats ran passed it.

The trail lead to the unit they wanted; the Marshall's office. The two operatives cleared the shaft and landed on their feet. Then the surprise came; they came to face some deadly automatics held by some dark clad soldiers.

"Welcome to Russian Hospitality. We been dealing with spies for years, and you are just one of the many who tried." The commander of the eight squad men smiled behind his balaclava." We noticed the perfume and kept vigil."

The two operatives did not reply but bared their fangs.

"волки!" The warning came too late. The two operatives went into action with the claws and fangs. While the bullets slammed into their bodies, they hardly felt it as they twisted the heads off the necks muscles.

Within the minute all eight soldiers were dead on the flooring. The two operatives went into action; they went for the painting of the Kiev landscape. They did not lowered it down, but just ripped it off. Behind it was a wall safe with old combination lock. This is the Marshall's office and no one burglarized it. Unless they are werewolves.

The werewolves each held an edge of the safe and pulled it apart. Then one of them reached in and removed the black note book. The one who held the book tore it into two parts and each of them pocket a part each. They went back to the shafts and out the same way they came in.

In minutes, the van left the building. The Military just lost a document without any back up in text or electronic forms.

2.          The Pharoah Pyramids, Egypt

The busload of tourists looked in awe at the magnificent architecture of the ancient days. The bus carried a load of forty two passengers but the guide counted only forty of them boarding the bus. The guide gave them twenty minutes before shooing the driver to drive the bus. They got a dinner at in the city tonight.

Unknown to them, the two tourists are in the pyramids. They are looking at the wordings on the walls. The older of the two; a bespectacled older lady still clad in her jeans and checker shirt was holding a magnifying glass on the words.

"I think I found the scripture. Its behind the statue in the third chamber." She spoke out to the younger lady similarly dressed. They both convene to the chamber, and standing there was a statue of Anubis; Anubis was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife. He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackal, or in full jackal form wearing a ribbon and holding a flail in the crook of its arm. The jackal was strongly associated with cemeteries in ancient Egypt, since it was a scavenger which threatened to uncover human bodies and eat their flesh.

The older lady went straight for the statue but she did not make it. The younger version had her claws into the older lady back of the neck. Then she lowered the body gently out of respect. The younger lady walked to the back of the statue, and looked for the sign. She saw it and pushed at it. The flooring behind the statue opened up to reveal a set of steps going downwards. The younger lady went back to fetch the older lady and tossed her down the stairs. She followed on down and pull the level to close the cover.

The place below was all dark but the lady was not un-frazzle by the darkness. She keep on walking down until she came to the low ceiling gallery below. She had dragged the dead lady along with her by the hair smearing the flooring with the blood. The scavengers soon appeared from the hidden spots and took their shares. She then slipped in at one of the hidden spots and find herself in a long narrow corridor. She made her way walking sideways till she saw the next gallery. The galley was a square chamber with three statue facing it. The three statue bearing the image of Anubis came to motion on seeing the intruder, but they stepped back when she produced the amulet from her jeans. She walked to the statue on the left and went behind it. There was a hidden switch which activates the doorway behind the statue. She ended up in another descending stairs and onto another bigger chamber.

This chamber is a large one with rows and columns of statues standing upright there. Each of them bears a resemblance to the the Egyptian God, Seth. The intruder produced the same amulet and placed it over her chest. Then she chant the sacred words from the old scrolls. The army of Seth came alive once more. They bowed to their new mistress; Nephthys, once the wife of Seth before she betray him when he murdered Osiris.

"My new Army, I have works for you." Nephthys calls on her army. "Your Lord demands of your worth to battle his enemy."

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