Monday, January 13, 2014

The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1 Part 1

Act 5, Scene 1 Part 1

In the dungeons, the quartet were frayed by the few days and nights that they were left there, with no sense of time. Even Gonzales had smashed his own watch claiming it tells him the wrong time. He had accused it of being late or too fast with its hands, and was disillusioned by the markings. The watch was given to him by his father on his graduation as an attorney.

"It would tell you time worth., my son.'" The old man told him then. "The longer they used your time, the more you get paid."

Well, Gonzales told himself that the watch was wrong. He was only fed once since they were locked in and that means he was here less than ten hours, but his watch then showed him as thirty hours. He was in rage and threw the metal piece against the wall.

"You lied." Gonzales shouted the discarded watch. "Just like my father. They all lied. They lied I would be a good attorney. I am no better than the one that scammed off with the millions. We cannot show our face in the public. We had to hide or be behind the line up of guards."

"They all lied." Gonzales shouted again and then saw Anthony. "You lied too. You lied that I would be fine. Look at me. I am now imprisoned with him."

"I did not imprisoned you. I am the one being imprisoned." Anthony spoke out in anger. Gonzales shook his head. He knew he saw Paul but then his sight had changed that person to Anthony.

"No, even my eyes lied to me." Gonzales reached to pulled at his eyes, but Anthony stopped him with a punch. That punch floored the Attorney who later got up to cry by the far corner. When Stanley saw Gonzales, it triggered something in him. He rushed over and started kicking the older man. Gonzales did not fight back but just cowered there. It was Anthony who rushed in to stop the beating.

"Stop it, Stanley." Anthony pulled the cousin away. He pushed the other to the corner. Stanley stood up and began muttering; "He gets nothing'.

"Yes, he gets nothing. So sit down." Anthony told the cousin. He looked to Gonzales who did not moved, but he could see the man was still breathing. That means he was still alive.

"Stay calm everyone." Anthony told them. He was trying to clear his head. He knew that he was in the dungeon but there must be a way to get out. He was the only one sane to find it. He looked to Stanley who had been staring at the window. He just kept on muttering; "He gets nothing'. Alan was by himself at the other corner, staring yet not looking at what he was staring. They had all expended their ammo on the walls and gates. They had even threw the guns at the windows, hoping to break it.

They were harmless then. Like the previous inmates.

Like the previous inmates, they were thinking. They had to as that what they liked to do. But what do they think about, no one asked them.

Like then, Anthony was trying to think. He was trying to think why he needed to think. Something was going to happen. But what?

Then it hit him.

"The music..." It was then the music came in. It was the same music being played every hour for thirty five minutes. The flipping music was played loud that he could not think. He could not sleep nor eat his food. He was being hammered by the music.

"Stop the music!" Anthony shouted out. "I do not want to hear it."

It was not his first and won't be his last request. He had to try to stopped the music. It was driving everyone there crazy. He ran to the gates and shook at the grill there. He was hoping it would break the monotony of the music and keep him sane.

Then the music stopped.

The figure of the imp appeared bearing food and drinks.

"Good morning, dear Sirs." The imp greeted them. "Quiet ain't we all?"

The imp pushed the tray of food near to the grill. He then stepped back and smiled.

"Its fresh coffee and doughnuts, and cakes. Please do eat."

All of them except Anthony ignored him. They were already in their own world by then. Anthony walked up the tray of food and looked at it.

"Why no eggs and bacons? I want them for my breakfast."

"I am afraid we ran out of those. We have mice muffins." Ariel offered to the man. "They are fresh. I made them myself."

Anthony shook his head. He knew the food and drinks were poisoned. It poisoned them that they looked insane when they are not insane. It was the food and drinks. He reached within himself to speak.

"Please....please tell your benefactor." Anthony struggled to find the words. "We are ...."

Anthony collapsed on the floor from exhaustion. 

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