Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.5

The rebellion


The rolling hills were the first scenes when I rode into that land, with the long stretch of coastal path that held back the sea to the inner farmlands. When I took the ride along that high cliff coastal path, you would be swarmed by the sound of the breaking waves as it hit the rocks below, with the strong breeze that it carried from the sea. The path along the coastal cliff may be deemed dangerous for it was near to the edge at some stretches but the local bred horses are used to the rough terrain and rode with ease when it was allowed to traversed its own pace. On that glory morning, a young peasant was riding the path with his farm horse towards the village in the next valley. He was with his only treasure; the working horse of his, named Baron by his father when he purchased the foal then. The family of the peasant had worked these lands for generations, but the last war had forced them out from their homes. It also forced them to give up most of the families’ male descent to the chores of the foot soldiers where the Lords fought their battles from the safe distance.

"Gareth, hold the reins tight. Our only wares are on its back." The young lad turning nineteen was saved from the forced recruitment, when he had remained hidden in the forest with his mother and sister. His father and elder brother were caught at the farm house of theirs and taken off to fight the wars. Since then, they had rescued whatever wares of value and took to join the exodus of people to seek the Queen for her refuge.

The Queen? Funny to be named as such, when the last Queen was heard of eons ago. The war had been raged between the King and this Queen whose claims to the throne of King Egan was disputed. Gareth was a farm boy, with hardly any news of the outside world except for the news he may had picked from the marketplace of the village near his farm. But the last year was s journey of long treks on the path to seek refuge since the burned down the village and all the farms on the land. He was younger then, and with an obligation to protect his mother and sister, he took to armed himself with the bow and quiver of arrows that once belonged to his father. He had his own long staff with the sharpened stone head that he once used to hunt at the forest. He had fought off vagrants and unworthy travelers to his campfire, and during the last season, he had traveled with another three families, making their numbers to be safe on the journey.

"Aye, its beyond that hill, would be the village we seek." Jacobs of Steinheim was the leader of the group. He was an old man with his younger times earning his coins as a pike man. He once served King Egan, and then with his age and need to be close to his family, he quit the fighting and became a farmer. Many a times at the fireplace, he would tell Gareth of his fighting during the battles, but he regretted that the new King would wage war on the one which was said to be his sister.

"Aye, we would join the Queen and be under her protection." Jacob told the young lad. "The Queen would reclaim out farms back."

King Bannion had removed them from their farms and given the tract of lands to his Lords and guards. Some had said he had moved families from the other lands there, making them the local peasants’ serf to the new land owners. The war had waged for over three years then, and the Queen was seen to be winning. Gareth smiled at the older man; he knew not who was in the wrong but all he wanted back was his farm. His thoughts were then disrupted by the sight of a group of riders. Immediately then, Jacobs called on the men in the group of three families to armed themselves and prepare for a fight. It was their concerned as any strangers more so on horses are considered as hostiles.

"Hail, travelers." The riders came to a stop before the group of three families. The one who spoke was their leader, and was dressed in armor with his sword in the scabbard on the waist belt. He dismounted to approach Jacobs when he saw the older man stepped up. He extended out a hand to the older man.

"I am Alan Bates, of the Huntsman. Welcome to the Queen' village." The leader of the riders shook Jacobs' hand. He looked older with his helm taken off. His hair was partially gray and limped on his left leg.

"Jacobs Land of Steinheim. I was formerly a pike man with King Egan. I had left his services to be a farmer." Jacobs introduced himself.

"Another King Egan' man. I am impressed. I was with him at Cecil before last. And also at Wentworth." Alan replied. He was proud to see many of the King's men are joining the Queen's army.

"I was there, and we won well." Jacobs replied. He turned to introduce the others and stopped at Gareth.

"This is the son of Gear son of Marcus. His name is Gareth." Jacobs told Alan. The later smiled. He knew Gear, a fellow huntsman and good friend before he retired to become a farmer.

"I see not your father, lad." Alan asked. "I shall not ask more for I think I knew of his fate."

"My tad," Father in Welsh, "He had been taken prisoner by the King's men. Of his fate, I know not any. I come to bring my ma'er and chwaer to safety with the Queen."

"Of which you would be given, my lad." Alan replied. "Ride on beyond that hill, and you would see us all."
I would ride on and check for others now."

With that Alan mounted his horse and rode off with the other riders. Gareth led his horse and family towards the safety of the village, but he could not deny the need to look at the riders. His ma'er saw his look and smiled.

"Ei, His mother addressed him as the son.”You may ride with them once we are in the village. Do your tad proud, and fight well. I had lost one Ei, and even if you are gone, I would be proud to say that I had good Ei that protect the lands."

Gareth smiled at the words of his ma'er. He pulled hard at the reins to speed up the horse and soon he would ride like those riders.

Gareth first sight of the village was overwhelming with the scores of people placing their tents and caravans on the valley ground surrounding the village. He counted no less than a few hundred tents and caravans, with people of all ages that stayed there. He then saw the ring of palisades that demarked the army compound or boundaries of a section, which were constantly expanding to accommodate the new comers to the village. The army had placed sentries at the perimeter with the officials directing the new arrivals.

"Ei, find us a familiar face." His ma'er asked of him. He walked up to the nearest official and inquires of the whereabouts of the people of his land.

"Steinheim, huh?" The official looked at him. He stood staring at the young lad, and it was then Jacobs stepped forth. The older man handed over a silver coin and smiled at the official. The later smiled back and directed him to the south west side, facing the sea cliffs.

"Why did you give him a coin, Jacobs?" Gareth asked when they were making their way to the direction given.

"There are times; a coin may help you in your quest." Jacobs replied. True to the direction given, they were met by neighbors of their land, and then of their home village. Soon Gareth had his mother settled in with some lost neighbors. His sister soon discovered an old friend and they were all safe together.

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