Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Crusaders II Bets are places 7.1

Bets are placed

1.          The Cavern aka Camp Frontier

The Military discovered this gateway by mistake; it was supposed to be a shipment of arms to the enemies in 1945 when the Third Reich was retreating. The leader of the Third Reich was very keen on undertaking mystical approaches to turn the tide of war. He gave commands that anything that resemble close to what he wanted be sent to this facility in Munich for verification. The pillars was one of those sets but he could not power it up without blanketing out the city. So the boffins then, decided to put aside the item and tested on others. Soon the war was coming to his doorstep, he gave instruction to move the artifacts to the nearest ports to shipped out to South America but not this pillars. He wanted it sent to America instead. The cargo arrived but someone tipped off the authorities who confiscated the cargo. It turned out to be worthless haul and the whole cargo was kept in Warehouse for thirty five years.

A young scientist discovered the old research notes and got the connections to stirred up the Senate with the help of some Senators. The scientist dedicated ten years of his life studying the pillars and the notes. He soon found the answer and convinced the committee of his findings. The first four expedition went over and never came back. The fifth expedition went over in bigger numbers and established a beachhead. In the last five years, they have sent over an equivalent of a company and maintained a firebase.

Miles and Kruger stepped out to the cavern mouth and looked from behind the army stone wall filled with rotary cannons and mortars. The landscape looks like the Grand Canyon but this one have a number of mini volcanoes and streaming lava. The sky is red and the sun a bright orange up there. But what was more amazing was the excavation works below the cavern mouth; a series of digging and drilling into the ground before the materials are placed on the moving buckets escalator; the materials look like dull silver. They have also established another perimeter outside the mines.

"That's Uranium. We also found a few more rare metals here in abundance; Rhodium, and including Rhenium. Those metals are used for making bombs and aircraft. Maybe even space age weapons. We need them and the place to get it easily is here. Its a mining world, but we have a catch. Its not hospitable for human." Major Chapman sighed. "We are greedy for the metals, but we are losing men everyday for our effort."

"Gentlemen, this place is Hell, as we named it. Its the Biblical version of the Underworld." Major Chapman looked at the gentlemen. "The Boom gate is the entrance to Hell or the door to our Earthly dimension. Every time we opened it, we released a score of these devils to our dimension."

"I don't understand." Kruger asked the Major. "How can that be?"

"We have monitored the movement of the elements from the gates when its opened; magnetic resonance tracking, ultraviolet imaging, sound emission and also thermal aura imaging. Our equipment are very delicate and more advanced than the commercial ones. We have seen them filtering out when the gates are opened." Major Chapman looked at Kruger. "We could had released more than a thousand or more. We don't really know."

"Why didn't you stop it? You are a man of God. For heaven sake's, why not." Miles grabbed the Major. "Do you know the implications?"

"Yes, I do. But the greater of the Nation needs these." The Major point to the metals. "Its a military game; we would hunt them down."

"But you could not. That's why you had us called in. You contacted the Vatican to fight your war. The one you created." Kruger spoke out to the Major. "I read the files; the ones that was copied by the werewolves. When you allowed me to access your server when we en route to here, it was a cinch to get it. The Crusaders were brought in fight your war, but they died valiantly for your cause. The Vatican called us in as we had the unique skills.This is the production house, and we have to shut it down."

"Yes, you are right. The Prince of Darkness gets their army from here. If we shut down the gates, we can stop the recruitment. Then we would deal with the Prince of Darkness." Major Chapman explained.

"Then shut down the gate. Why keep it opening?" Miles asked the Major.

"Because they are more than one gate. Major Chapman discovered a new one. He wants us to assist him in removing that gate before they closed this one." Kruger explained it all. "They have tried and failed."

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