Monday, January 27, 2014

The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1 Part 4

Act 5, Scene 1 Part 4

The rain had started again, but the Library Hall was large to accommodate the three groups; the inhabitants of Paul Miller with his daughter and servant, the other group was the Nates. The uncle sat with his two nephews. The last group was the new dominant ones now; Gonzales, Christopher, Freddy and one other named Charlie. They were all armed. The last had aged, silver hair and wider girth around then waist made him looked like a banker but he was there that night when Bernice died. 

"Hello, Paul. Or is it Mr Miller." Charlie laughed "It was Steven who rushed up when I shot your last guards. That one was one crazy man like Brady; I heard he got shot by your wife. He rushed in and got it. Brady then shot her. And Alan shot her. Then you disappeared."

"Wow! Never once was I ever involved in that kind of close fight." Charlie laughed and then coughed out loudly. He was the oldest among them. "My heart is killing me."

Paul was relived of his gun by Freddy, and then taking side with Christopher.

"Freddy, step over here." Alan told his son, but the later refused.

"Sorry, dad. I am with Christopher. He would made me more than you would. You only wanted me to run the business with Anthony but I wanted it all. Christopher offered me more. He was offering me his business too. He was not concerned me marrying Marie. She was leaving the family, but he needed me to run the family." Freddy spoke up. " A bigger family and a lot bigger than you ever could imagined."

"What?" Alan stood up. "You betray me for all of this when it was yours. And to think I was concerned on you being lost. I seen the boys to look for you. You are a bastard."

"I did not get lost. I made my own way to the front door in the dark. Gonzales told me the building plans. I pretended to be half dead and let the imp took me to see his master. I had it all planned too. The courtship and the innocence acts." Freddy told his father. "I studied playwright in London. You never seen me on the stage. I would had made a good actor."

"Freddy, I never wanted the family. It was yours. I would had been happy...." Anthony was shot by Freddy. Stanley reached for his cousin but the other was dying.

"Stanley, be the sane here. I could shoot you too." Freddy cautioned the crazy one.

"Enough of the dramatic. Can we get to the real killing?" Paul spoke up. "I am aging by the minute. My maker may had my number lined up. I am ready to go."

"So do we make up before you go?" Alan spoke to Paul. "Your frigging plan and now you are trapped in it. Checkmate."

Paul smiled at the old partner.

"You needed a shower and change of clothes. The game is still on. It may be a check but its not mate. Nobody leaves. The chess game is not over yet. We have now three players. Two on the board and one having to decide who to backed up." Paul smiled. "A tough choice."

"Well, given the treatment I was given, I would side with Christopher." Alan replied. He looked Christopher.

"I would support you. I would give it all to him anyway." Alan told Christopher as he tried to move over but he was stopped.

"Sad words but wrong choice, Alan." Christopher laughed. "I had no need of you. I have Freddy. More to it, you almost destroyed the young man life. What made you do that? Colin to make him looked like a gay. That's sick. Alan."

"No, that was not it. I did it to scared him. I noticed he was looking at the boys cocks during the swimming lessons. I arranged it so he would packed it. Sent him off. He came back changed. He even dated your daughter." Alan replied.

"But he won't fucked my daughter. I knew." Christopher replied. "He told me so. He cared for her. He likes her like his own sister. His mother used to bring him to see her when they were younger. Abigail was close to my wife. After Abigail died, you used to send Freddy over. We were like family."

Alan looked to his son. He had that look in his eyes. It was pleading to his son, but the other was upset. The son had the looks that the Nates were famous for. He shot Stanley in the face without a wink.

"Father, I had just shot your two sons. I am not your's." Freddy replied. He then looked to Gonzales.

"Give them the papers." Freddy told the attorney. Gonzales reached for his attache case and withdrew the papers. He gave them two old men each set.

"The papers once you signed it, the whole estate from the two of you, would go to him." Gonzales told the old men. "In return, the two of you would stay here and be served till your natural life expired."

Paul looked at the paper and signed it without hesitation. Alan looked at the old partner.

"You signed without any remorse. They stole your game. They turned the tables on you." Alan shouted at Paul.

"I forgive him. He would marry my Miranda and I am happy." Paul smiled at his daughter' in law.

"Fucked you. Bernice was right. You were getting soft. She asked me to force your hand to retire before you get ...." Alan told him.

"Bernice was not a name you can mentioned. She was my wife." Paul shouted back. He then paused and then continued.

"Yes, I wanted to get out. I told Bernice. I was to tell you but I needed to play it harder. I would had said yes, but your brother in law, Brady pulled the gun. The rest you knew. Your loose gun toting in law moved the event to where we are now."

Alan sat back. He was hit twice that day; one by his son and now by his old partner. If only Brady had more patience. He was always angry. While he was pondering, Gonzales passed the last set of papers to Christopher.

"Freddy want you to sign that too." Gonzales told him.

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