Friday, January 31, 2014

The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1 Part 5

Act 5, Scene 1 Part 5

Christopher was shocked by the papers handed to him. Gonzales looked to Freddy.

"Its not yours to decide." Gonzales told him. "The Eastern boys are pushing into your turf, whether you signed or not. I had it worked out for Freddy. He would be the new boss."

"You played me out too. With those back stabbers." Christopher looked at the papers. "I was willing to give it to you. Why make me sign it.?"

"I am an attorney." Gonzales replied. "I liked it done proper."

Gonzales looked to the Library.

"Its big enough for all of you." Gonzales smiled. "It used to used to housed hundreds. But three would be more than adequate."

Christopher raised his sub-machinegun but the gun would not fire.

"I had the firing pin removed." Charlie spoke up. "I am sorry, Christopher. I needed the money for the treatment. It was killing me but the Eastern boys paid me more."

"I loved it. My Tempest blows and all you blew here for one good ending. Like Prospero, I was prepared to forgive you." He looked at Alan. "I just wanted to torment you. But when your son came into my hall, I thought of giving my daughter to him. I thought he was good for her with his manners but he was not you. He stole my trust and betrayed my daughter' love. He even conned you and then Christopher."

"Alan, I was going to forgive you which was why Ariel went to fetch you. But you were not there." Paul asked the man. "How did you escaped?"

"The gate was opened by someone. We did not know who." Alan replied. "I had planned to fake the lunacy until you or the imp come in and then jumped him. But we were let out. I pulled the boys out and had them sobered up. Then we made our way here. We were left a map."

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet." Paul muttered to himself. "A Nates would had shone like the Miller if you only had stayed. I would had asked your forgiveness and forget the issue. I had forgiven you for having Bernice killed but the wheel of fate are not ours to spin. And neither can I be Prospero anymore. "

Paul looked to Freddy.

"Maybe its my senile mind, I would had seen your ploy. I did called you an impostor, but I had failed to carry through my view." Paul looked to Miranda while holding her hand. "I am sorry, my darling."

She turned to face him and then leaned down to kissed his cheeks. In her move, she had placed the gun she was given to her father.

"Be my sight and be thy an executioner." Miranda told him. She stepped aside and Paul fired the gun at Freddy. Then he shot Gonzales. Both men fell to the flooring but they were not dead. He shot at them to hurt them. Charlie tried to shoot with his gun, but he keeled over. The devils took his soul before he could shoot; the ailing heart finally gave up.

"Alan, its finally back to me. Three wounded and one alive still. Do I be Prospero and end the Tempest or let the Tempest decide?" Paul smiled at the older partner. "Do you know when the Tempest comes, people die from its consequences. Its not the Tempest fault, its the nature of the storm. Like the game of chess, pieces on the board have to be sacrified to reached the King. You are all those pieces, whether its while or black."

"I cared not anymore." Alan looked to his wounded man on the flooring. "Shoot me or forgive me. I am not concerned. I would sign the papers. He can have it."

Alan picked up the pen and signed it. He then threw the papers to the wounded attorney.

"Gonzales, you would not die from that wound. Go and get the cars wherever they are." Alan told him. "If you can't find it, walked down the hill. Don't bleed here."

Alan then looked to Paul.

"Paul, all these that you had planned have gone awry. Some Tempest you created. Do you think you can out best the Bard? He is a master at it. You are a mobster. The difference is that one writes have his audience giving him an ovation but the other one had to bashed people's head to have them stand before him."

Paul sighed at the comparison. He really felt like he was one of Bard' character but then again, he may not be. He was his own. He had not lost but drew on the game.

"I guess this game have come to a draw." Paul then looked at the wounded Freddy. He was surprised the man did not reached for the gun to shoot at his father. "What about your son?"

"He is no more mine. He is your son in law." Alan replied. "I had signed the give away of my son. You can have him."

Freddy held onto his wound and looked at Paul. He pulled himself up and looked at Miranda.

"Miranda, I am sorry. I did not planned to have you drawn into the play. It was all a stage for me. A stage to removed the older folks." Freddy told the blind girl. "But since I known you, I think I am in love with you. Please forgive me."

Miranda stood there still with her back to him, but she heard all the words spoken in the Library. She looked to the rain and spoke.

"Mother once told me, we do not control fate. Fate control us. If we are to love the wrong man, then its the fault of fate that drew us together. I loved my father, and though he was evil as told to me now, I knew in him at one stage, my mother loved him very much. He also tried to change for her, but he was too tempted by the moves of his own mind. He was the King, and he moved his pieces to protect him. As his Queen, my mother assisted him too. In her mind, he was still her husband, and lover."

"In my fate, I found a love which I thought was fated, but I learned then he had used me to get to my father. Do I forget him, or do I hate him?" Miranda paused.

"Freddy, your previous words sounded hollow to me. I can't reached for it anymore. I may be blind, but I have a vision of my lover and husband. He does not speak love as if it was words. He speaks love as if he had the feelings to backed it up. You did not sound like that."

"Freddy Nates, I cannot be yours. Nor would you be mine." Miranda told him. Her father reached for her, but she pulled away. She walked to the window to feel the rain. She would bear the pain of the thunder than to be tormented by unrequited love.

"So then be it." Paul leveled his gun at Freddy. "Your dismissal by her had made you a pawn. I am going to sacrificed you before I made my next move."

Paul shot the young man once more but not fatal. It caused Alan to rushed over to hold up his son, who then had two wounds.

"Freddy, the second bullet was for the betrayal of Miranda. But because I knew you father, I choose not to kill you." Paul told him. "However, I owed Gonzales nothing but a quick death now."

Paul shot Gonzales.

"Alan, I got two more bullets." Paul told him. "I called them my mercy bullets. One for you and one for me."

The Tempest Prologue 21

Prologue 21

"Christopher." Freddy was surprised to find a familiar face here in London. The other was not alone; be brought along his daughter. The father was taking the daughter for a week long visit to London, but ended up with Freddy talking to Christopher most time while the daughter was doing shopping. It build up a bond that both men carried on for more frequent visits and after his graduation.

Alan Nates was not told of it; they met at the clubs or cafes. At the odd hours, when he was supposed to be dating the daughter. She was more into shopping than dating a boring Finance person.

"Freddy, you got the man in you. You should be head honcho." Western movies was in the circuit and Christopher loved them. He even offered to finance one of those but the actors he wanted declined the casting. It was the bait and then Freddy was hooked. Christopher shared his business with Freddy and the later felt more excited getting into the details.

"But you need to get out of your dad's business. He probably won't let you mixed in mine if you are still with his." Christopher sighed.

"I am not really involved in it. He hardly called me to discuss. Its just sign here and there." Freddy replied. Then he paused in his words.

"Damned! The biz was mine to begin with. Once he get buried, its all mine anyway." Freddy was hooked. The rest was easy.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Crusaders II Bets are places 7.2

1.          The cold land of Niflheim

Geraldine find herself standing in the cold snow of some forest area. The snow was almost up to her knees and the sun was hidden behind the clouds, or there was no sun there. The snow flakes on the tree branches are not freckles in the air but little ice pieces. All around her, including the tree trunks are coated in ice. Then she saw the giant approaching; a huge figure covered all in ice and holding what she was soon to learned the name; issgeisl, the preferred weapon of the Frost Giant.

She thought of running but the snow was too deep. She thought of her sai but reckon it was no use here. Then her thought came to the staff still held in her hand. She grabbed hold of the staff with both her hands and spread her legs to get ready for a fight.

"Aargh! Another Asgardian."The Frost Giant leaned down and looked closer at the young lady. "You lost yourself in battle or did you fall off a cliff?"

Her answer was a swinging staff into the giant's face. He did not see it coming nor did he expect the swing to hit him so hard. The giant was thrown against the nearest tree trunk by the blow and it rained ice sheets on his body.

"Who dares to hit Hval? I am the warrior of the Frost." The giant got up and took hold of his issgeisl; a long staff with  a length of two metres or more with a pointy blade, and cleaver like blade at the other end. The giant got up with ease on the snow covered surface and swing his long staff like a toothpick between the fingers.

Geraldine swung the staff hard down on the snow surface and a surprise registered on her face. The staff struck the ground and caused a vibration which shook the tree trunk making it drop more ice sheets.

"Aye! I am faced with a Valkyrie or are you Lady Sif?" Hval shook off the excessive ice off his back. "I fought both before but narry a bout I had been shown so much power."

"I am Geraldine Black of.... Earth. Who are you?" She held the staff upright at her side, and looked at the giant.

"Earth? Midgard?" Hval raised his hand to the forehead. "Lady, you are in the wrong This here's Niflheim. Much I regret to say it, although I am not dead. I was sent here by wizardly tricks. This here is the realm of Hela. We best be moving on. I know a safe place."

Hval' idea of a safe place was a icy den in the snow cliff. Its big enough to accommodate more than three person but one giant and one other. Hval crouched down and stepped in the far corner. He cleaned the area and suggested that Geraldine take refuge there.

"Its not so cold." Geraldine acknowledged and went in. "There are some left overs of the deer. Feel free to eat."

Geraldine declined and asked the giant of the land.

"This here's Niflheim; the last world among the nine world. We are the lowest on the Yggdrasil Tree. I was in my Clan Hall when the strong wind came. It was Hela herself and she asked for a warrior worthy to fight her champion, Kurse of the Dwarves. I took that challenged and fought with the dwarf for over three bouts with no results. Then I finally looked into his eyes; they are dead like the rest of Hela' entourage. It was then I lost my footing and Kurse had his blade at my head. I pleaded for my life and surrendered to him. Next thing I know I found myself here."
"Am I dead?" Hval asked Geraldine. "I don't think so. I did not die, so I must be alive. I been running since but I encountered no one. It looked like Niflheim is devoid of souls. I wondered where they gone to."

Suddenly Hval went silent and looked to the entrance of the den. He stayed unmoving but he kept staring outside. Geraldine move to speak to him but he motioned to her to keep still. They stopped and looked out of the den where the snow and ice are packing up at the entrance. Then a swift wind swept across the entrance and a dark figure was seen fleeting past. Both of them stayed down and breath in shallow pulls.

"It was Skoll; the wolf that ate the Sun. It roams this land to catch us. Its Hela' guard of the realm. She had allied herself with Fenrir to battle Odin. I heard of others but I have not seen them." Hval finally spoke up after the long silence.

"Hval, I need to see Odin." Geraldine asked of the Frost Giant. "Hela could be planning something bigger than what she can hold onto. Is he here in this land?"

Hval nodded and then asked; "Who are you? I mean the real you."

"I would tell you on the way to see Odin." Geraldine told him.  

Tweet tweetttttt.....Its coming to the holidays....Again???

For those of you who are celebrating Chinese New Year, "Gong Xi Fa Chai" ( literally translated as Happy And Prosperous New Year". Its the Cantonese version of the greeting.

Yes, I would be on leave, but I am not far away from the PC. ....or maybe for a day or two when I am caught up with friends and families; chatting and eating mandarin oranges, with the 'Texas' Hold'em Up' game in concentration.....haahahaha... I am the worse Poker player; I cannot hide my glee when I am winning. Or assumed I was.

Nevertheless, I shall be posting whenever I could.

For an update, Loki had progressed to 10,000 words and at page 18 now. He is learning his trade now, and would be the man soon to rival Thor. I shared with you an excerpts from it;

“My love, can we give him a name to be remember even in our death.” Farbauti reached out to his love. He knew that he would not have long to live, but still the newborn was part of his blood. Laufey smiled at those words, and then she looked hard at the baby. The newborn bear a lot of resemblance to her brothers, Loimian and Killan. They were brave warriors themselves, but they were also known as the trickster for the fun they played at the camp fire.

“Yes, he would be named. He would be given a name which I would provide.” Laufey replied. “I would name him …. Loki.”

With that whisper, the newborn smiled to his mother

“Laufey…” Farbauti whispered out but was given the glare by the other. Laufey was to place the baby to sleep.

“I wanted to say I like the name. Loki suits him well.” Farbauti replied.

“If Loki were to survive, then he would be a greater than any of us. He would be seen to be bigger than any of your warriors, and others including the Aesir would bow to his feet.” Laufey then told the baby. 

“If you cannot beat them, then trick them.” 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Dark Queen of White `1.9

The growing terms


Gareth never knew why he was asked to join the Princess at the castle for he was mostly on his own most times. She had not left the chamber for over a week then. He saw Michael was also missing; probably disappeared into the forest, and Alan had left with Lin. He approached the Princess but each time she refused to see him. He spends his time exploring the castle and never stopped at any location. King Bannion was always at the Main Hall, addressing his own personal entourage of Lords and guards. Of the former, it was dwindling in numbers since the last address done by the Princess.

"Gareth of Steinheim, you are requested to see Princess Clarity." The maid announced to the warrior who was standing by the palisades. He took to his heels and was soon at the door to the Princess chamber. He knocked on the door and was told to go in. The Princess was by the window and with the sun behind here, her body figure was seen through the gown she had on. The sight of her body beholds him then, and it was Helene who woke him up from his slumber.

"Gareth of Steinheim, you are needed over here." Gareth heard her call, and sheepishly walked over to the window.

"Gareth, if you recalled my conversation with you, I need you to tell me of the world of Man." The Princess looked at him while Helene put on a cloak over her gown. "I was raised from the world of Man, and had no friends besides those in the forest. You would teach me their ways."

Gareth nodded and then tried to talk the way out.

"My Queen, I may not be the person....." Gareth was cut off by the other.

"I told you then, and you said yes. So if you backed off now, I would have you executed." The Princess threatened him. "I did not select you on random. I did so on own my intuition and I am rarely wrong."

Helene had then walked over and held the Princess, but she shrugged her off.

"I am alright, Helene. I am alright..." The Princess smiled weakly at her caretaker.

"Clare," Helene calling her by the nickname. "You have not been yourself since we arrived here. You have not left the chamber since we were here..."

"Yes, I have not left the chamber, as I am here to know my mother." The Princess expressed herself. "I have done it. Now I need to experience the outside. But I need an escort. One that knew the world outside. One like him."

The Princess looked at Gareth who stood there feeling so helpless.

"Gareth of Steinheim would be my guide and guard." The Princess then moved to the closet and asked that Helene dressed her up for her excursion to the outside world. She removed her cloak and was raising the hem of her gown, when Helene chased the warrior out. He did however catch a sight of her nude body from behind.

Soon they were riding past the palisades, but the King had deployed a column of guards to tail them. The Princess had expressly given the command that they are to be kept a distance from her. Her ride to the village was filled with stares and then the bow at the waist when they knew who she was. But none dare to address her directly. She rode to the center of the village and then dismounted. She walked to the tavern in front of her and went in. The place was partially filled with patrons, but they all stood up from their seats.

"No, please remain seated. I am here for a drink." The Princess told them. She asked Gareth to get her a drink. He went over and got her a mug of milk. He took for himself a mug of the local fermented drink. It was then the other guards came in but the Princess shooed them off. She wanted to be alone with the villagers, although some had stood up to leave.

"Please remain seated." She told them, but they were reluctant. She then raised her voice and told them to sit. That was when they all sat down. She also took the drink meant for Gareth and drank it down.

"It tastes like .... Honey and yet bitter." She told him. He nodded and then after a few more mouthful, she was all talks and hardly listening to Gareth who was explaining the villages. That was how she ended up sleeping at the room on the upper level of the tavern with the owner's wife attending to her, until Helene arrived.

It was to continue on; her travels to more villages and settlements, including farm houses. Soon she was back at the place where she was raised. She invited Gareth in and had the King's guards sent off. She saw them leave and then asked Gareth to join her. They rode off into the forest. 

Soon they reached the secluded spot by the waterfall among the rocks in the hill. She dismounted and walked to the pool of water. She sat down by the banks and took off her riding boots. She placed her legs into the cooling water, and smiled.

"This was my inner sanctum; not even Helene knew it." The Princess told him. "Only the wolves know of it." 

"Michael?" The name came out of Gareth without him thinking of it.

"Yes, he knew." She replied. "He was the one who brought me here. He was my pet."

The Princess looked away from Gareth, and into the forest. She was expecting to see the wolves, but none appeared. Not even Michael. That was unusual for them. She looked towards him and then asked him to sit by her.

"Tell me of the world of Man. And about love."

Gareth looked at her, and then looks away.

"I am afraid that....I am not the person to teach you the world. You should get another one like Lin or Alan. I am too young." Gareth stuttered in his reply.

"No, you are the right one. I needed someone of my age. I hardly knew anyone. And in the last war, I was forced to grow up. I was forced to be an iron lady. I was forced to make decision that affected others. I seen many things in the last years that I ....I was not sure of."

She looked at Gareth.

"Do you understand it all? I grew up fast in the last three years. I am not ready to do that, but they forced me."

"Who forced you?" Gareth asked.

"My mother. She appeared before me nightly telling me what to do." 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Crusaders II Bets are places 7.1

Bets are placed

1.          The Cavern aka Camp Frontier

The Military discovered this gateway by mistake; it was supposed to be a shipment of arms to the enemies in 1945 when the Third Reich was retreating. The leader of the Third Reich was very keen on undertaking mystical approaches to turn the tide of war. He gave commands that anything that resemble close to what he wanted be sent to this facility in Munich for verification. The pillars was one of those sets but he could not power it up without blanketing out the city. So the boffins then, decided to put aside the item and tested on others. Soon the war was coming to his doorstep, he gave instruction to move the artifacts to the nearest ports to shipped out to South America but not this pillars. He wanted it sent to America instead. The cargo arrived but someone tipped off the authorities who confiscated the cargo. It turned out to be worthless haul and the whole cargo was kept in Warehouse for thirty five years.

A young scientist discovered the old research notes and got the connections to stirred up the Senate with the help of some Senators. The scientist dedicated ten years of his life studying the pillars and the notes. He soon found the answer and convinced the committee of his findings. The first four expedition went over and never came back. The fifth expedition went over in bigger numbers and established a beachhead. In the last five years, they have sent over an equivalent of a company and maintained a firebase.

Miles and Kruger stepped out to the cavern mouth and looked from behind the army stone wall filled with rotary cannons and mortars. The landscape looks like the Grand Canyon but this one have a number of mini volcanoes and streaming lava. The sky is red and the sun a bright orange up there. But what was more amazing was the excavation works below the cavern mouth; a series of digging and drilling into the ground before the materials are placed on the moving buckets escalator; the materials look like dull silver. They have also established another perimeter outside the mines.

"That's Uranium. We also found a few more rare metals here in abundance; Rhodium, and including Rhenium. Those metals are used for making bombs and aircraft. Maybe even space age weapons. We need them and the place to get it easily is here. Its a mining world, but we have a catch. Its not hospitable for human." Major Chapman sighed. "We are greedy for the metals, but we are losing men everyday for our effort."

"Gentlemen, this place is Hell, as we named it. Its the Biblical version of the Underworld." Major Chapman looked at the gentlemen. "The Boom gate is the entrance to Hell or the door to our Earthly dimension. Every time we opened it, we released a score of these devils to our dimension."

"I don't understand." Kruger asked the Major. "How can that be?"

"We have monitored the movement of the elements from the gates when its opened; magnetic resonance tracking, ultraviolet imaging, sound emission and also thermal aura imaging. Our equipment are very delicate and more advanced than the commercial ones. We have seen them filtering out when the gates are opened." Major Chapman looked at Kruger. "We could had released more than a thousand or more. We don't really know."

"Why didn't you stop it? You are a man of God. For heaven sake's, why not." Miles grabbed the Major. "Do you know the implications?"

"Yes, I do. But the greater of the Nation needs these." The Major point to the metals. "Its a military game; we would hunt them down."

"But you could not. That's why you had us called in. You contacted the Vatican to fight your war. The one you created." Kruger spoke out to the Major. "I read the files; the ones that was copied by the werewolves. When you allowed me to access your server when we en route to here, it was a cinch to get it. The Crusaders were brought in fight your war, but they died valiantly for your cause. The Vatican called us in as we had the unique skills.This is the production house, and we have to shut it down."

"Yes, you are right. The Prince of Darkness gets their army from here. If we shut down the gates, we can stop the recruitment. Then we would deal with the Prince of Darkness." Major Chapman explained.

"Then shut down the gate. Why keep it opening?" Miles asked the Major.

"Because they are more than one gate. Major Chapman discovered a new one. He wants us to assist him in removing that gate before they closed this one." Kruger explained it all. "They have tried and failed."

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1 Part 4

Act 5, Scene 1 Part 4

The rain had started again, but the Library Hall was large to accommodate the three groups; the inhabitants of Paul Miller with his daughter and servant, the other group was the Nates. The uncle sat with his two nephews. The last group was the new dominant ones now; Gonzales, Christopher, Freddy and one other named Charlie. They were all armed. The last had aged, silver hair and wider girth around then waist made him looked like a banker but he was there that night when Bernice died. 

"Hello, Paul. Or is it Mr Miller." Charlie laughed "It was Steven who rushed up when I shot your last guards. That one was one crazy man like Brady; I heard he got shot by your wife. He rushed in and got it. Brady then shot her. And Alan shot her. Then you disappeared."

"Wow! Never once was I ever involved in that kind of close fight." Charlie laughed and then coughed out loudly. He was the oldest among them. "My heart is killing me."

Paul was relived of his gun by Freddy, and then taking side with Christopher.

"Freddy, step over here." Alan told his son, but the later refused.

"Sorry, dad. I am with Christopher. He would made me more than you would. You only wanted me to run the business with Anthony but I wanted it all. Christopher offered me more. He was offering me his business too. He was not concerned me marrying Marie. She was leaving the family, but he needed me to run the family." Freddy spoke up. " A bigger family and a lot bigger than you ever could imagined."

"What?" Alan stood up. "You betray me for all of this when it was yours. And to think I was concerned on you being lost. I seen the boys to look for you. You are a bastard."

"I did not get lost. I made my own way to the front door in the dark. Gonzales told me the building plans. I pretended to be half dead and let the imp took me to see his master. I had it all planned too. The courtship and the innocence acts." Freddy told his father. "I studied playwright in London. You never seen me on the stage. I would had made a good actor."

"Freddy, I never wanted the family. It was yours. I would had been happy...." Anthony was shot by Freddy. Stanley reached for his cousin but the other was dying.

"Stanley, be the sane here. I could shoot you too." Freddy cautioned the crazy one.

"Enough of the dramatic. Can we get to the real killing?" Paul spoke up. "I am aging by the minute. My maker may had my number lined up. I am ready to go."

"So do we make up before you go?" Alan spoke to Paul. "Your frigging plan and now you are trapped in it. Checkmate."

Paul smiled at the old partner.

"You needed a shower and change of clothes. The game is still on. It may be a check but its not mate. Nobody leaves. The chess game is not over yet. We have now three players. Two on the board and one having to decide who to backed up." Paul smiled. "A tough choice."

"Well, given the treatment I was given, I would side with Christopher." Alan replied. He looked Christopher.

"I would support you. I would give it all to him anyway." Alan told Christopher as he tried to move over but he was stopped.

"Sad words but wrong choice, Alan." Christopher laughed. "I had no need of you. I have Freddy. More to it, you almost destroyed the young man life. What made you do that? Colin to make him looked like a gay. That's sick. Alan."

"No, that was not it. I did it to scared him. I noticed he was looking at the boys cocks during the swimming lessons. I arranged it so he would packed it. Sent him off. He came back changed. He even dated your daughter." Alan replied.

"But he won't fucked my daughter. I knew." Christopher replied. "He told me so. He cared for her. He likes her like his own sister. His mother used to bring him to see her when they were younger. Abigail was close to my wife. After Abigail died, you used to send Freddy over. We were like family."

Alan looked to his son. He had that look in his eyes. It was pleading to his son, but the other was upset. The son had the looks that the Nates were famous for. He shot Stanley in the face without a wink.

"Father, I had just shot your two sons. I am not your's." Freddy replied. He then looked to Gonzales.

"Give them the papers." Freddy told the attorney. Gonzales reached for his attache case and withdrew the papers. He gave them two old men each set.

"The papers once you signed it, the whole estate from the two of you, would go to him." Gonzales told the old men. "In return, the two of you would stay here and be served till your natural life expired."

Paul looked at the paper and signed it without hesitation. Alan looked at the old partner.

"You signed without any remorse. They stole your game. They turned the tables on you." Alan shouted at Paul.

"I forgive him. He would marry my Miranda and I am happy." Paul smiled at his daughter' in law.

"Fucked you. Bernice was right. You were getting soft. She asked me to force your hand to retire before you get ...." Alan told him.

"Bernice was not a name you can mentioned. She was my wife." Paul shouted back. He then paused and then continued.

"Yes, I wanted to get out. I told Bernice. I was to tell you but I needed to play it harder. I would had said yes, but your brother in law, Brady pulled the gun. The rest you knew. Your loose gun toting in law moved the event to where we are now."

Alan sat back. He was hit twice that day; one by his son and now by his old partner. If only Brady had more patience. He was always angry. While he was pondering, Gonzales passed the last set of papers to Christopher.

"Freddy want you to sign that too." Gonzales told him.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Dark Queen of White `1.8


Princess Clarity was invited by her twin brother, Bannion to the castle. He met her in the Main Hall, while seated on the throne chair. She had arrived in the reception with her personal guards and personal nanny. King Bannion was with his personal assembly of guards and other Lords still allied to him. They all looked grim seated on their assigned chairs lined in two columns on the side of the Main Hall, and still recalled their defeat to her army.

"Hello ...sister." King Bannion looked handsome in his regal suit and the overflowing cloak that gave him an image of a regal person. He was tall for his age, and his locks of hair were like his sister, long and dark to the waist. He carried with him on the right hand a specter lined with jewels, and precious stones. He had never seen his twin sister and during the war, they had never attempted to meet. It was Lord Falstof who was at the truce negotiation, and he agreed to all the conditions.

"I would have a seat prepared for you, but the masters told me that the seat is still in the making." King Bannion motioned to his left side, and smiled. "It would be ready soon."

Princess Clarity looked to the assembled there. She walked up the first person seated there and told him to get up.

"I want your chair. Move it up there next to the King." Princess Clarity told the person seated there. The person seated there was one Lord of Coven, and he refused to move. He frowned on his facial expression and looked to his King.

"Execute him and have his land annexed." Princess Clarity commanded the guards assembled behind but no one moved. It was then Michael stepped forth and thrust his sword into Lord of Coven. He then grabbed the dead Lord and moved him to the flooring. He then carried the chair and moved it next to the King. None of the assembled guards dared to move, and so were the Lords.

Princess Clarity moved to sit on the seat and then addressed the assembled Lords and guards.

"I am Princess Clarity. I would be ruling the land with my twin brother, King Bannion. None of you would act on any instruction unless it was heard by both of us. Anyone who refused to follow my orders would end up like Lord of Coven."

"Sister..." King Bannion was to speak but Princess Clarity stopped him with her hand raised. She was to speak when another assemble figure stood up.

"I am the Lord of Dune. I would not ..." His words were cut short by Michael whose dagger was embedded in the throat.

"None would interrupt when the Princess speaks." Michael spoke. All that time, Gareth was stunned by the ferocity of the action. His right hand was on the hilt of his sword, but he did not draw on it. Since he had joined the personal group of the Princess, he had seen more inhumane and fierce actions by the others. He was wondering if the people outside of the castle had ever seen the real Princess.

Later at the assigned chamber of the Princess, she had them all excused except for Helene, while she checked out her chamber. It was a large chamber with closets and the large four poles bedding in the side facing the window. On the window frame was the thick drapes. There was a three seater set there next to the bedding besides the dresser.

"Was this my mother's chamber?" The Princess asked.

"Yes, Clare." Helene addressed her by her nickname. "The only missing are the twin cribs. Your twin brother could have removed it." 

Clare did not reply her but looked at everything in the chamber. She then picked up the comb that was on the dresser. She handed it to Helene before she sat down by the bedding. Helene assisted her in combing the dark hair and humming the lullaby she had sung there.

O mor siriol gwena seren
Ar hyd y nos
I oleuoi'i chwaer ddaearen
Ar hyd y nos
Nos yw henaint pan ddaw cystudd
Ond i harddu dyn a'i hwyrddydd
Rhown ein golau gwan i'n gilydd
Ar hyd y nos

( Ancient Welsh lullaby. )

Clare asked Helene to stop and then asked her of her past.

"Tell me of my mother." Clare asked. Helene looked to her care and spoke of the past.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Tempest Prologue 20

Prologue 20

"Freddy, speak your lines with emotion." The play Director told him. "You are Antonio in the play. You had plotted against your own brother. There is no love from him. Show me your greed. Show me your murderous looks."

Freddy paused in his mind; he was not like Antonio. He was kind, loved the world and its people. But now this is a play. He had to draw on his anger. His hatred for the world. He then found the emotions.


"And look how well my clothes fit on me" Freddy spoke in his role as Antonio. He swept the coat he was wearing at the thigh. "More fitting than before. Once they were my brother's servants, and now they are mine."

Freddy looked to the empty seats which would housed the audience when they play it live. His eyes were hard as he stared into the void, remembering the faces that had glared at him for his playful act. They dare not utter a word to his face but they laughed behind his back.

"But for your conscience?" The other cast spoke out in line. The Director wanted to but in but he held his voice. He looked towards Freddy for the next cue.

"Aye, where lies that? If it..." Freddy slipped in his lines. He had pictured Colin on the knees with him inside the man. He knew not how but he was there. He remembered the drink he took at the cafe and then flirting images. He remembered being stripped and laid on the floor. He recalled the vivid details of arousals and then the act itself.

"Oh, God. It was true." Freddy realized that he had felt the enjoyment then.

"Stop! Stop!" The Play Director shouted out. "What is with you two? Micheal, you lost your line, and so did you, Freddy."

The Play Director stomped off the stage. Freddy later declined the part and went on to do his studies in Finance. He kept himself busy to avoid the stares of others. He was to be his own person. Freddy finally knew what he wanted to do with his life. He would be an actor for them, but in his own time, he would be his own. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.7


Gareth was summoned to the village, soon after the incident. He was to meet the Queen herself, and dressed up in his best tunic and leggings. His mother who was most concerned kept on asking him why would the Queen want to see him, but he claimed no knowledge of it. He soon rode to the village and was met by Alan who was to escort him in. He had never approached the village as it was heavily guarded, and sharpened stakes was laid out before the palisades that surround the village. Queen Clarity had no castle of her own and preferred to live in the campsites or village which is near to the battle field. It was one of the qualities of her which motivated the army to fight for her.

They rode past the palisades and then into the village itself. All the houses have been commanded over and converted into army units from supplies to homes for the knights. It was also rumored that she paid well in compensation and had none of the villagers harmed in any manner. Gareth saw the scores of guards; both armed and unarmed watching him as he rode to the central of the village. There was another set of palisades which surrounded the village head home, then commanded to be the Queen's home. There was a four warrior detail guarding the main entrance of the palisades. Both the riders dismounted, and Alan walked in past the guards. Gareth was to follow suit when the guards stopped him.

"Handover your weapons. Everything including the needle in the tunic, if any." The gruff looking guard told him. Gareth handed over his weapons and then was allowed in to the inner Courtyard as mentioned by the Guard. He was escorted by another guard, and made to wait there. Soon Queen Clarity arrived to meet him with the man whom he had saved. The other was dressed in a plain tunic and leather leggings with no signs of the injury.

"My Queen." Gareth bowed to her, but she wished him to be himself.

"Please be you, Gareth of Steinheim. I am ever grateful to you for saving ...Michael here." Queen Clarity point to the man standing by her side. "He had been a good friend and was careless to be shot."

"I hoped he is well, my Queen." Gareth looked to the man he had saved. Michael had no expression but that of a blank one.

"He does not speak much, Gareth." Queen Clarity defended her servant. "But he is loyal and fearless."

"Are you one, Gareth of Steinheim?" Queen Clarity asked of him. The question took Gareth back as his focus earlier was on the man named Michael. He had heard of the man wolves, but never did he ever stumble on any.

"Yes, my Queen. Only to you, my Queen." Gareth replied once he had regained his composure.

"Then kill him for me." Queen Clarity asked of him. He was momentarily stunned but Michael had leap on him. The jump push Gareth back to the ground, and he rolled over before the other fist could slam his face. Gareth got up on his knees and looked at the other man, who was changing into its other self.

"Michael, not here." Queen Clarity spoke up. Michael heeded the command of his mistress, and stood up. He then picked the dagger from the back of his waist. He faced Gareth who had stepped back to allow for more fighting space. He rushed at Gareth who side stepped and chopped his right hand on the extended arm of the other. The blow by Gareth was hard, but Michael hardly felt it, and swung the dagger back at Gareth.

Gareth had seen that attack and fell back on his own instinct. He pushed him back with his arms and crawl further back on his haunches. He hit an obstacle and looked at it. It was a piece of wood that was the length of a short sword. He grabbed it and swung it like a baton. Michael saw the new threat, and changed his fighting stance. He turned the dagger to face inward towards him, and was to attack when the Queen stopped him.

"Enough!" Queen Clarity gave the command. "This is not to my expectation."

"I was expecting him to fight more but he was defending himself. He lack...." Queen Clarity was interrupted by the arrival of Lin Denham.

"Ferocity of the wolves?" Lin added to the Queen' words. "No, he is more ...Man, and had a code of attack."

"Yes, I know." Queen Clarity replied. "I had seen that in the last three years. They fight so much unlike the ...others."

"Clare," Lin had learned to address her as that over the time they had been together. "They are not like Alan or Michael. Your ....guards are distinct, but I had lived my...younger years with them. They are the guards I knew."

Lin nodded to the Queen. He had learned that the Queen or then the Princess had lived a normal life as a peasant but with some unique protector. King Egan did not banished her as it was seen by the others, but placed her to live with his most trusted warrior besides Lin Denham. Helene Kelley was a werewolf who owed her life to the King. He had saved her from a mortal wound, inflicted by him in a hunt. He had her healed by the old wizard in the forest, and had secured her loyalty. When his Queen was with him, he had her protected by Helene, while he was away. He had many mortal and immortal enemies like wizards and witches, and needed one like Helene to assist him.

When his Queen was carrying the child in her, King Egan consulted the old wizard for advice.

"She would carry a twin. One would be a boy and the other a girl. One would be your savior of the lands. The other would destroy it."

"Which one? I had waited for years for them. Now you tell me, I am too cursed to choose one."

"The choice is yours. But heed my words, one would save the other." The old witch told him. King Egan nodded. He decided that he would do the needed then.

On the day of his wife births, he had decided. He then told Helene to take the girl and be away from the castle.

"Raise her and protect her." King Egan told the lady. "If Lin Denham comes over, heed his words."

Helene did as she was asked, and with the help of Alan Bates, she kept her promise for fourteen years then. But she could not protect the child with only one warrior; she called on the others to help her. They included the wolves from her pack, but she also imposed a condition; the child remains untouched by the Clan. That was also her King' wishes. None of the wolves were to get near to her. But it was not to work, as with her pet cub then, Clare liked to run in the forest. Soon she came to the contact with the Clan.

Helene learned of this, and confronted the Clan. It was Alan who consoled her.

"Helene, she cannot avoid her own journey. She would be part of the Clan if she was to stay here. More to that, they could protect her better if she was part of the Clan." Alan was telling the truth to Helene. He was not a werewolf but a follower of their Clan. He hunts the other creatures, and assists in protecting the Clan from other huntsmen at times. Helene consented to her care to join the Clan, but she was to hide it from the King.

That approach made her life in the forest, bearable with the wolves as her friends. But there were other predators that would harass her but soon she learned to protect herself. She learned fast on the ways of the forest, and soon settled into it.

The only threat she always faced was Man. They may come into the forest intentionally to hunt or passing through it, but it was still a threat for her. There were occasions where unknown to her, Alan had intercepted and chased them off. Or at times, removed them with more extreme means. He was lucky until that day he came rushing to the house and let Lin Denham in. 

"I came to see you today, Clare. The war is over. Lord Falstof had asked for a truce. He would receive our conditions for the truce." Lin Denham told the Queen. "You are the Queen now."

Queen Clarity looked to the warrior who had guided her from the house in the forest to this victory. She then spoke up.

"No, I would be Princess Clarity again. The King of this land would be still Bannion but he would rule with me at his side."

"As you command, my Princess." Lin Denham excused himself to meet the guards. The so named Princess Clarity looked to the two guards before her.

"Both of you would joined me with Alan and Helene, as my personal guards. You would be my mentor on how Man think and act." Princess Clarity told him.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...