Friday, November 22, 2013

The Tempest Prologue 7

Prologue 7

"Timothy, I am in need of some air." The lady beneath his body spoke up. He got up from her plump looking body and stepped aside. She reached out with her hands for him to pull her up. She was fucking obese but she had wads of money in her purse. She smoothen down the hem of her dancing dress and reached for his hands to stand up. She then looked away to her friend, Anne who was being humped at the other side of the pavilion by the other male. She looked back at Timothy and smiled.

"Nothing personal, darling. But I felt bored." She reached for her purse. She wanted to pay him but Timothy declined.

"Its okay, Mrs Baldwin. Its on my pleasure." Timothy replied as he hitched up his pants to buttoned them up. The lady looked at him and then leaned over to lay a kiss on his cheek.

"Perhaps next week then. Ta da." Mrs Baldwin walked off with her body swaying to the drugs that was still in her body. She passed by the other couple and pat the male on his butt.

"See you, Steven." The lady walked on while the male nurse was still into his humps. The lady beneath him was passed the moment of having any words to say except more moans and groans.

Timothy picked himself up and walked the opposite direction towards the garden separating the two blocks. He saw some nurses walking their cares, but he was not keen to intrude on any. He met Marge there, and asked how she was doing.

"Damned bitches are acting again. We had a fight today in the corridors. I had to stepped in and got this for my effort." Marge showed him the bite mark on her right arm. He leaned over and kiss it but she pulled away.

"You are not getting any from me today." Marge grabbed her things and walked off.

Damned! That was two ladies who had rejected him. It was then he saw her.

"What manner of work is this?" The one who spoke was a nurse of the East Block; a senior in her years, but she maintained her beauty on herself. Her name was Elaine Mage; once she ran the corridors of the West Block, sweeping her body against the rich older men, and swapping kisses with the doctors there, but her arrogant self was a boon to her relationship with the other staff. They plotted her downfall, conspired and reported her to the Management.

"Elaine is a bitch. She picked at the patients and gave them favors." The nurses complained to the Management. "She flirted with Mr. Eddie and caused his heart to spike."

"And how did she do that?" The Management asked.

"She bared her bosom to him or bend over in front of him." The nurses chorused back in unison. So were the ones who later shared the management that evening in their bed.

"That's deplorable."The Management all replied. One rule in the place was discretion. And that also covered not allowing others to know of your vile activities. But the final nail to the closure was when the inmates complained.

"She grabbed my booties" Mrs Wilson told the Management although she did not had any in the first place. She claimed Elaine grabbed her during her bath time. The real event was the reversed and Elaine told the other off.

"Get your own, and stopped grabbing mine." Well, nobody tells Mrs Wilson that. Not even Mr Wilson who comes over to visit her there. It was he complained to the Management. They agreed to his words. They had to; he paid in advance for his wife stay.

Then the verdict was made by the Management.

"Obviously, Ms Mage failed to display any discretion towards her antics." They all agreed to sent her to the crazies end. Elaine Mage could no defend herself for she was a righteous person, strong in her faith and refused to be used as a plaything by those nurses or inmates. She could not be dismissed as she had many years of work there and would had cost a lot to compensate her.

Elain Mage became the Florence Nightmare of the East Block. She dressed up in her white nursing frock that covered her legs and arms with the buttons to her neckline, while she carried a rod in her right hand. She was the tyrant and bane to all who came to her attention. She once had an inmate lashed to the bedding for wetting himself; she had him there for a week with no change of clothes. The doctors did not intervened as that was the East Block.

It was Timothy who told Paul Miller. He was annoyed at her arrogance, and absolute power over the place. Paul was convinced that this lady needed to taught a lesson. He got in also Steven.

"Aye, let us teach the bitch a lesson." It was Timothy who was the one with the vile treatment for the inmates. He once spiked the food of one nurse who thought she saw the savior on the roof. She fell and died that evening when she tried to scale the roof.

"Lets rape her." Steven shouted out. He was the sadistic one with the sexual antics. "I am sure she is a maiden inside her."

Elaine Mage was not not much of a beauty, with her hair tied up in a bun, and her body was rather plain on the plumier side. But she was a woman. So they agreed. Steven lured her to the dungeon and the two joined him to take turns on her. She was a fighter which made Paul upset, that he rammed her head against the walls several times. He was not to know but he actually caused her brain damage. She was kept there for several days by Timothy when she could had been cured if she was allowed to see the doctor. All of that added up her joining the rest in the same block. Elaine Mage never recovered. She went into a series of mental breakdown and then total remission on her sanity. It was not her who suffered but by her child was born prematurely and the midwife took their displeasure on the kid.

The kid name was Kabib, named by the doctor then.

Why Kabib?

"It sounded like a name and its unique. He is unique to be alive." The doctor replied.

So he was named Kabib.

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