Wednesday, November 27, 2013

7. Preys and Predators; The Betrayal Part 4 Rating Mature


The Detective

I took to the trails that led the man I wanted to asked. Hasin considered himself a Lord over the city, therefore he stayed in a large mansion on the hill overlooking the city. His was a a hundred acres of woods with one road to his mansion. He had ten guards on permanent duty there, and five of his own when he comes home. Hasin true to his name, kept a harem of his own, whom he changed every year. It was from one of the disgruntled that the law officers came to visit it.

"I paid them whores, five grand a month. All they need to do was open their legs and mouth." Hasin then was in his bath robe with the legs spread out when I interviewed him at the pool. "I don't hit them, or even hurt them in their feelings. I only wanted sex.'

"Mr Hasin, we had complaints that you kept them against their will. I am just acting on the complaints." I looked to the five ladies in the jacuzzi pool. They looked bored or were pumped full with drugs.

"Well, fucked your complaints. Do your investigation, Officer Morales. I am going for a fuck now." The man stripped his robe off and walked to the pool. It was then I left him to his antics, but the complainant went missing before ended up dead in cheap motel. The case was dropped for lack of evidence.

I was back that evening with Cindy. She had told me that Hasin had a hand in my mother's killing. The evidence was in the house. I had acquired two guns but Cindy declined my offer. She said she could managed it. I don't know I believed her, but in my anger, I would believed anyone who said they knew my mother's murderer. The way into he mansion was through the large garden and into the library glass door. It was hardly lock when Hasin was in. There was one guard in that section. All of this I knew from survelliance and informers. There were still the dogs; Hasin kept twelve of them in the garden.

We climbed over the short wall and dropped into the garden. I told Cindy to wait there while I tackled the dogs. Based on the instinct and scent, three dobermans came charging. I raised up my right hand and snarled at them. The dogs stopped in their tracks and started whimpering. One thing about the Lycan, was respect by the canines. I made my way to the library door and saw the guard. He was standing next to the library steps looking bored while taking a smoke. I looked to my right hand and watched it evolved into the claws of the wolf. I stepped up the man's back and removed his spinal cartilage and then severed the heart while my left hand clasped his throat. I lowered the man down before thrusting my right claw into his chest to removed the innards. I left it for the dogs.

"I saw that....You are a ..." I looked to Cindy and snarled. In my half transformation, I still retained the look of my human side.

"No more than your preference for blood." I told her before I stepped up to the library door. I tried it and found it unlocked. I pulled it open to step in with Cindy close behind. Our target was the basement, three doors from the library inner doorway. I peeked out and caught the scent. Two of the guards are in the kitchen which was five doors away. It was a challenge to do the distance to get to the basement door. We took it and soon opened the basement door. We went down and with my half transformation, I could see through the dark area. There were rooms build there with the stairs leading to the corridor.

"Follow me." I told her and surprisingly., she managed well with my pace. We looked at the rooms, checked them out before moving on. Each room contained supplies and unwanted stuffs, but the last door opened to a lower level. There the room was lighted. I saw the chains and iron brackets on the walls, with torture tools. Then I saw the sight I was most appalled by it. It was a man with his right wrist removed. He was tortured from the looks on his body.

I remembered his name.

It was Jacob of the clan. He was of the Goeld tribe, a distance one but their members are here in the city. They were from Lithuania. Cindy ran up to him and tried to wake him. I could tell from the scent that he was dying. Cindy did the unthinkable; she exposed her wrist and cut it. She placed it over his mouth and pushed the head back.

I seen such acts before. It was the practice of the vampires to revive their dying ones.

"Bravo, I am touched." I turned to look at the man who said those words. It was Hasin with his five guards. They were all armed with rifles.

"Officer Morales, I presumed. I knew then you were with them." Hasin looked to the other lady who was still dripping her blood to her friend. "Ms.Golan, pardon my lack of hospitality. Jacob was drained for his safety. He asked me to do it. We are the same tribe. All of us here."

The guards threw aside their weapons and began the transformation. Their clothes ripped and then their muscles bulged to the new frame. I by then had also transformed fully into my other self. Hasin smiled at me.

"A fine body, Morales. Such a pity that Ms.Golan would not transformed." Hasin raised up his right hand to show the exposed wrist. "Perhaps you needed my blood. Your father had made you his first hybrid."

Hybrid? I looked to the two of them.

"Yes, Morales. Golan belong to the tribe too. With myself, years ago, we managed to control our transformation. We also developed the glands to hide our scent. You did not know as you could not had detected it. We were the renegade wolves; the one who hunts their own."

I heard of it; they were the Seekers. The council had them banished and with that they hunt us for the game. They were hunted by the tribes and deemed extinct.

"Golan and myself were the last." Hasin sighed. "We could not mate, but we did an experiment. We took on the blood suckers. It failed too, but we experimented with the genes. We managed to developed one that we soon impregnated with the new genes. She was the first of the new breed; a combination of the wolves with the bloodsuckers. Of course ours was the dominant genes. Her mother died on birth, and Golan took her away before I could experiment more."

"He left Europe to come here. He rebuilt his empire. I came and he went into hiding. I searched him out. I challenged him and we fought.. He won over me. I asked him for mercy, and he did. For twenty years, I avoided him. It was only recently, I took on the new challenge; a duel of legality, a duel of words. I lost that too, but he also lost his daughter. He told her of us,and her legacy."

"Yes, he did. He wanted me to birth his child. I won't it. I am his daughter..." Cindy cried. "I am in love with Jacob."

"No, Cindy. You are not his daughter. It was myself who impregnate your mother. He had tried but I did it. He is not your father. I am your rightful father." Hasin told her. "Like your name, you had to lived your childhood in pain. A false life till you are ready."

"No, Papa treated me well until....he changed. He gave me everything I needed...." Cindy cried out and then whimpered. "He would not let me love Jacob. He had Jacob removed. He told Jacob to kill her. It was a setup. He wanted to frame him and .....her."

I looked at Cindy who pointed her finger at me. Why me? I don't even know them.

"Cindy, let me make it up to you. I would restore Jacob and then you may wed him." Hasin told the lady. "I give you my oath as your father."

She never seen it coming. Neither did he.

The Attorney

I did some checks of my own. Cinderella Golan was the only daughter of the man whose wife died in childbirth. That was on the records. She had everything and nothing as Golan was never with her. She lived with her nanny, schooled in boarding schools, and even did her Uni with friends. Then I checked on Golan.

The man was a mystery itself, came over after the 70's war, and slowly build an empire named the Golan Corporate Enterprise. There were cases of litigation of frauds, but no conviction. However he was successful in acquiring others at bargain offers. They nicknamed him Shylock the Merchant. He was charitable and did many fund raisers for the unfortunate and animals protection. He sponsored the zoo of their pack of wolves, and vultures. Of the later, his famous quip was feed them before they feed you. He approached me when Hasin took him to court for misrepresentation on some trade they were involved in. I won the case on the reversing the misrepresentations to mis-read terms by the concerned parties. In the end, the case was thrown out as misdemeanor of understanding ala intentions to cheat by both parties that squared out the impact.

I looked to the Hasin file; I did an extensive research into the man. He was another mystery; also appeared before the turn of the century, and established an empire by removing some figureheads of ill repute. Hasin once said, there are no business like hostile takeovers. There were concerns by the legal fraternity that he could be a hoodlum in disguise but his funds were legal. The administration did a check on him and ruled out foul play, but there was words that he intimidate his opponents very harsh with a strong appreciation of society needs. His company contributed millions to the city well being. So we have two high achievers but no clues to how they did it. Both are unmarried but the former had a daughter whom he patronize when he wanted to. They are tyrants in the business field, but angels in the social scene.

"So Cinderella Golan, whey do you hide?" That questioned puzzled me. I looked at her photo and then back to the mug shots of the two men. She looked more like Hasin.

I may had the possible opening to a new submission. I called Clarice with my new phone. I knew it was late in the night but she ought to be awake. The Wolf was seen in the city.

Special Agent

I looked at the dead body of the man. It never easy to see a dead body even though you been at the job for years. I still cringe at the sight of the spilled out innards or missing cavities. Once we had a case where the victim innards was plastered to the canvas like an art piece. An avant garde of the new art form.

"We found him and ten others dead like this. We also found the hidden dungeon of Mr Hasin." The local detective advised me while my team was on route from DC. "If it was the Wolf, then he had become Super Wolf."

The dry humor of the detective did not rubbed on me. My subject did not do mass kills in one scene, it does single deaths. This was a mass murder scene.

Could it be the Wolf had formed a pack? I was to explored more when the portable rang.

"I am in the middle of a case." I told him. "Hasin died an hour ago. Don't get your pants down just yet. We may not be fucking for some nights."

He was muttering on the line and I decided to hang up. The detective walked up to me and showed me two guns.

"This was in the dungeon. It was fired and looked like prints. I would run it and advised you." The detective then showed her the new evidence he collected.

I found these furs on the flooring. They are stained with blood.'

Clarice looked at it. Her expression went from bland to concern. She picked up the phone.

"I think we know where Morales was last seen."i then looked at the number. 'New line, huh? Are you giving me the number?"

Number? Phone? She knew then there was a silver lining in the sky.

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