Sunday, November 24, 2013

4. Preys & Predators; The Betrayal Part 1 Rating Mature

The Betrayal


The Detective

I hate the early morning calls. I had just two hours of sleep when the portable rang, and then the darned door was knocked. They sent the uniformed to fetch me. I had not changed from my previous day clothes, grabbed my leather pouch and badge before taking the ride. The uniformed me there was a case in downtown and they were asked to fetch there asap. It was not the Precinct but a house in the suburbs with five patrol cars there then, and one irate Commissioner.

"Commissioner, I got here as fast as I could. I thought Simon was on the right roll." I looked over his shoulder to the house. I knew that house. I realized who lived in it. I pushed him aside and rushed in. The uniformed ladies grabbed me and held me down. They were there for a reason.

"No, it can't be." I cried out. I saw the Commissioner approached me. He leaned down on his cheap suit and spoke to me.

"Morales, you are under arrest. Anything you said could be ....." I was past listening to him then. My only focus was o the house. It was my mother's house. She lived there alone. She was seventy eight last summer. She was all I had.

The Attorney

The call came to me at dawn. I was already awake then, with an hour of breakfast while watching the sun staked it claim on the horizon. I would had ignored the portable, but it had a distinct ring. One that I assigned to special friends. I picked it up and soon the left the hills for the city.

I never let a friend down; not when its the one whom I had given my personal number. I did not bother to change into my alter ego but rode to the station. I stopped the bike and mounted the steps. I was in the room to talk to her within minutes. Everyone knew me and those who don't wished they had not.

"Jenny, what happened?" I looked at her. She was sitting there in the bleak room with the double chair and table; all anchored to the floor. She was cuffed on her hands but that was it. She was one of them and there was a mutual trust among them.

There was the mirror which was two way for the others to listened in. I had given instruction to have it switched off the camera and mike. I need my time alone with my client. I even turned off my portable to place it into my jacket.

Special Agent

I closed the file on the killer at large. They called it the Wolf, but I knew better that there are no such thing as Werewolves. Those myths are meant to scared the children and sell novels, but in the real life, they are all human in disguise. My portable rang on the table.

"Clarice here." I took the call. It took me five minutes to packed and left the office in Seattle. I had the office booked me a flight for the next hour and another car to be left for me at the airport. I carried in my bag the file on the killer. I would get to the bottom of the case and proved to them that there are no werewolves in reality. On the way to the airport, I looked at the portable.

Should I called him? I asked myself.

I decided not to. He would be there for sure. He would not let a friend down.


The Detective

All I could recalled was I went home and slept then. I did not go near the house or even call her. The witnesses saw me running out after the screaming. They said I threw the gloves with the claws into the bushes. From the forensic team, they found my prints on it. Only mine was found, and with my mother's blood.

"No, Jimmy. I was not on any medication." I shouted at my attorney. "I had some drinks after work and then it was home. I was tired and slept right away."

"Jenny, your prints are on the assumed murder weapon. More to it, they think that was the murder weapon for the other kills. Marlene included." My counselor at law, Jimmy Landon was bursting in his arteries to get the truth out of me.

I looked at him. I could not recalled. There were spells of these during the full moon, but I was careful. I would cuff myself to the rails in the basement and lived through it. There was no full moon last night. So it can't be me but how do you tell him that.

"Jenny, I want you remain in custody. I won't asked for your bail. Its safer here. The boys loved you. They would protect you." I heard him but I can't stay here. If I am find the truth, I must be out there. With the others, the tribe would know.

"No, Jimmy. Get me out. I need to be out of here. I am not the fucking murderer." I pleaded with him. "They can hold my badge, my gun but let me out. I am no fucking criminal."

It was then I did the unthinkable. I punched him in the face; the straight one into his jaw. He went over to the back with me jumping over to give him a few more punches. He was out when I removed his jacket. I wore it and opened the door. I know the place well. I ran to the rear. I went past Randolph; he was on his way out to the desk with the magazine tucked into his rear pocket. I grabbed him by the waist belt and slammed him to the wall. I ran over him and down the short stairs to the rear door. It was locked but we kept the spare key behind the extinguisher. I had it to open the door and was out. There was Jimmy' bike. His keys was there. I mounted and rode with one hand on the handle playing the throttle.

The Attorney

Darned! She had a punch with her to matched my army trainer then. I pulled myself up and that was when the Commissioner rushed in.

"What happened, Jim?" I saw from behind him, officers were rushing to pursue the escaped felony. I told him she surprised me. My nose was bleeding and that stopped the questioning. The medic staff attended to me before the ambulance took me to ER. I was treated for a sprained nose and bruised elbows.

Heidi called me which I told her I was alive and won't lose the million dollar case I was working on.

I was asked to stayed back for observation but soon I was discharged on professional request. She had arrived and taken me into her custody. We took the car to the hotel; she was insistent that she stayed at the hotel.

"Its not often I get to fucked on company expenses." Somehow we did but I lacked the imagination to go on after the first round. She looked at me while laying on her side.

"Your mind on Morales?" I was lying face up and nodded to her query. She flicked her left leg over mine and rubbed it ever gently. I was aroused but my mind kept on thinking of Morales.

"I guessed your mind is on the X-Factor than my Y-Factor." She turned over and got up from the bed. She walked to the window and looked out to the noon skyline. We were on the fortieths floor and I doubt anyone peeks at that level. If there was, then they can wank their own. I joined her there with a neck nibble, but she pulled away. She walked to the bar and grabbed a small bottle of scotch. She uncapped it and gulped it straight down. I had then move to the shower room and doused myself with the cold water. She took over while I dressed. I saw her service gun; Glock Nine next to her portable. Its an old model; I must remember to buy her a new one. 

"You have yours and I had mine." She read my mind. "Mine vibrate hard and long."

I laughed with her humor. She saw me looking at the gun. She knew I disliked guns. The last time, we did it, the gun was in the drawer but then it was on the bedside. She took it and placed it under the pillow.

"Have you shot anyone?" I asked while I put on my riding jacket.

"You would not want to know." She had slipped into her pants and was reaching for her blouse. "I dislike bra. If these are meant to sag, then let it be."

I was not into the argument as even the drooping fruits have their distinct taste. We stepped down to the cafe for our discussion; we never mixed pleasure with business. I told her everything I knew from Morales; nothing new to add on as I was the professional at work then.

"Mr.Landon," formality in place. "I was told that the scenes were similar to our so named Wolf killer. However that killer last kill was before your Malone' case."

"Darcy Malone was a witness. It was Debbie Stand case." I corrected her as technical reference must be in their place. "More to it, the Wolf had six murders attributed to his name. In this state alone, he had done two already. This could be his seventh."

"Yes, I am on the trail but no clues until we saw your client evidence." Clarice passed me the photos. "This was taken by the camera at the junction. There may not had been a seventh yet."

It was fuzzy but the person looked like Morales.

'If you know where she is, please let me know." I looked at the Special Agent. She was not asking, she was telling me to cooperate. I nodded and then told her.

"I don't know."

Special Agent

I watched the man strolled off from the table. He had firm buttocks which probably augur for his performance. I took the cup and noticed the coffee level was low. I signaled the waiter to refilled it while I peruse the room. There was three tables occupied; two by business associates and one by a solitary man in a tweed suit. I told the waiter I would have my coffee at the other table.

"Can I join you?" I had sat down and looked at the man in the tweeds. He was bespectacled with a horrendous hair piece over his balding head.

"I was leaving. You may have the table." The man got up but he stopped when he saw the badge. He sat down and looked at me.

"I would prefer to look at your ID. I don't normally speak to strangers." I had my left hand out while my right was on the hilt of the Glock at my waist.

"Arthur Selby, Journalist for the Scope." The man was a poor imitation of Clark Kent then looked at me. "I had you followed from the station. Mr Landon was noticeable."

"The photos, Mr Selby." I had given him my best smile. He reluctantly took up the mini camera which I grabbed over.

"I do have my right, Agent...." The man protested but I shut him off.

"Its double zero with the license to maim or kill you." I got up and told him to picked up the tab. The champagne sent earlier up had busted my daily allowance. I left the journalist to his grumblings while I took to the street. If I was Morales, where would I go.

Some place I would called sanctuary.

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