Wednesday, November 27, 2013

8. Preys and Predators; The Betrayal Part 5 Rating Mature


The Detective

I opened my eyes to look at my surrounding. It was a warehouse with the palettes of crates all stacked up four levels high in rows. There was the high wall windows that allowed the moon light in. I then saw Cindy with her love in her hands, cuddling the unconscious man while she had the terrified looks.

"Good evening, Morales." There was the man whose daughter sat on the flooring. He was dressed in a casuals; white shirt with dark pants while the dark shades was on his forehead. "You took your time to wake up, Morales. I have been speaking to my daughter before that."

The five ex-guards of Hasin stood behind Golan then; they had been given their new set of clothes. The new leader walked over to his daughter.

"Cinderella, how can I assured you that I meant well for you." Golan stood over the lady. "Whatever Hasin told you are all lies. We were not of one tribe. Neither did we experimented with your mother. She was my love. She birth you. You are our child...."

"Enough! I ......had heard enough." Cindy shouted to the man. "I seen your works. You killed my friends. I did not believe it because I believed in you. You told me they taken the wrong turn. It was a turn you created.'

"I knew," Cindy looked to man and then to Jacobs. "He gave me the stuff you fed to my friends. They died, but I could not. I became a monster. Your creation."

"No, Cinderella. You are not a monster. You had become what may be my dream. A hybrid; one of Lycan and the other of her's." Golan stepped back to his guards. "You are my dream warrior to fight the blood suckers and also the Lycan."

"From you, I would create the new tribe, the aukščiausias ( in lithuanian it mean supreme. ). My genes to stay dominant over yours, so that we remain supreme." Golan looked to his daughter. "We won't fail you. There are six of us."

"You are mad!" I shouted out. I pushed myself up. I found myself dizzy before sitting down again. It must had been the tranquilizer that they shot me with.

"Down, Hantok bitch!" Golan glared at me. "Who are you to tell me what is right and wrong? Your tribe are few in numbers, and so are the rest. Do you think we would ever grow to ancient size? We would but not yours. We would also removed the blood sucking ones too. Then we would ruled the world like before. Before even the dawn of man."

"You are a crazy bastard." I shouted. "With the few of us, we should be preserving the tribe. The blood suckers are still out there but they have kept their distance. Peace reigned over both and it should be preserved."

"Enough of your ramblings. Kill her." Golan gave the command. I spoke out fast.

"No, wait." I went on my knees. "Tell me why did you had my mother killed."

Golan looked to me.

'"It was a trade off for information on Hasin. I did it for that fee. He told where to find you and who to do it." Golan replied to me. "I told lover boy the price for my daughter. He took it like a fool. I had his hand cut off as a punishment. He was left to suffer but he escaped. I did not expect him to seek out Hasin. I should had killed him."

"Who gave you the trade off?" I shouted.

"Your Ancient did. He wants you dead. Not by the tribal rule but by man. He feared you and wanted you dead." Golan shouted out. "Now I want you dead. You caused me trouble."

"We want you dead." The voice was from above; high up on the beams were seven wall hugging blood suckers. "Golan of Goeld. I am calling you from the grave. Its me Lichfield from your old state in the woods of Lithuania. Do you remember me now, Golan? Or was it Gelim?"

The figure descended down with his arms spread wide and the legs closed together like a descending angel. He was dressed in a dark shirt and jeans. He had the youthful look on him.

"I hate to intrude but does anyone even knew we exist?" Lichfield asked. "He may but he was keen to see us all vanish."

"Lichfield, I thought you died then in the woods." Golan or Gelim replied. " I killed you then. You lying bastard."

"Yes, I almost died. But I lived and waited for today. The stake you planted in my heart was pulled out in time, by an innocent person. I had that person to provide me the nutrients to crawl to safety. Ten centuries it took me to recuperate and restore myself. I had to bid my time on you." Lichfield stepped out to the moon light. He was seen to be a tall man with a slim build.

"The moonlight, I loved the full moon." Lichfield looked to Golan. "Bring on your animal ego. I loved to see that once more."

Golan in his rage, transformed to his alter ego as the Werewolf. He stood seven head's height while his own guards also transformed to their wolf ego. Golan stepped forth to faced the blood sucker.

"Must we, Golan?" Lichfield hovered up above to half the body height of Golan. "Then it would be your wish."

Six more bloodsuckers swooped down and charged into the guards. The bodies clashed and created their own arena of fights. Lichfield meanwhile had just hovered there in front of Golan.

"Like old times, huh?" Golan snarled in the howls of the ancient sound before he charged at the hovering figure. They both crashed to the wall. It was Lichfield who recovered faster with his body twisting free from the Lycan, he swooped up and then down with both his legs aimed at the Lycan chest. The descending blow knocked the Lycan into the flooring and below to the soil. Still on the body of the Lycan, the blood sucker twisted his legs before kicking the Lycan to the far corner.

Golan pulled his body up upright and shook the dirt off the furs. There were parts of his body covered with blood and furs but the Lycan was ready for another round. He was next to me while I was still chained. He reached down and pulled at the chain. It came off after a few tugs, and then snarled at me.

"He is our enemy. Put aside the differences." Golan told me. He need not tell me more. I basked myself in the moonlight and transformed. My body frame expanded and the head went forth with the muzzle growing.

"Pagrindinis Vilkas ( In Lithuanian mean Prime Wolf. )" Litchfield spoke up on seeing my transformation. That won't help him as I rushed to him, with my enhanced strength, the remaining chain came loose easily. I swung out both my arms still attached to the yard long chain. The end of the chains hit the blood sucker on the body causing it to hover backwards, but I was relentless with my attack. I swung at him until he crashed to the wall. I jumped onto him and thrust my claws into his face and neck. I held fast on the bones there and jerked it off him. I fell back with part of his low jaws and shoulder blades.

"Aargh!" The blood sucker tried to screamed but there was not much to bring it out. It turned its back but I charged in this time with the right chain held taut on my left hand. I shaft the chain into the open wound of the bloodsucker and pushed it in to his heart. There I pierced it hard there and tore away at the arteries. It tried to struggle against me but it had never fought a prime Wolf like me. I was to struck it when Golan rushed from behind me to sink his claws into the blood sucker chest to ripped the heart out. It took the heart and sank his fangs into it.

The other blood suckers came to their leader plight but on seeing the dead leader, they all flew up and crashed through the upper windows. I stood there to looked at the remaining werewolves; besides Golan, there was three of the guards, bloodied but still alive.

The Attorney

I shouted in joy when the officer announced that they picked up the signal. It was moving and Clarice had called on the action to rolled. I counted six SUV with four officers each vehicle. We were heading to the pier and then diverted to the warehouses. I prayed hard that it was Morales on the other end. She could had taken my portable with the jacket. I turned off the unit during the discussion and she must had turned it on. The Bureau had the technology to do such tracks by beaming off the transmission towers and triangulating the position.

"She had stopped moving. Its there." The officer pointed to the coordinates.

"All units on standby for action." Clarice had taken over the situation. She looked at me and then passed me the kelvar vest. "Put that on. It might helped you in case you get shot."

I looked at the vest and then slipped it on. I was scared and part of me said I had to go in. Morales may need me. I was tapped on the left thigh.

"Hold onto this." She handed me a small gun. I looked at her. She knew that I disliked guns. I shook my head.

"Then stayed behind." She gave me an order. I nodded. Soon we reached the spot. It was a massive warehouse with four large sliding doors. The officers were split into two teams; the assault team of the heavily armed personnels and there was the agents like Clarice. We have no power in the warehouse but there was the moonlight.

Clarice heard the windows crashing and gave the go ahead. The twelve men assault team in with their rifles leveled and the torches shining. It was like a scene from the movie; armed men rushing in with the constant assuring call of 'clear' as they round the corners.

Then all hell broke loose.

Special Agent

I heard the radio calls and gunshots. Whoever was there was fast and could not be make of with the limited light.

"I think I got the bastard".

"Aargh! Someone cut me." These officers were wearing armored kelvar vest, and yet it was torn with ease.

"I...." Damned, I lost one officer. The second call came in confirming that he was dead.

"Group and move in cautiously." I told the section leader. I looked my officers; they are all huddled close with their Remington and Glock drawn. I hate situation like this. It spoke of panic and uncertainty. I had called for reinforcement. Their arrival was ten minutes.

"Stand down'."I told the assault team. " We would stand down."

I had over reacted. I had failed to take cautions. 

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