Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Tempest Act 2 Scene 1.2

"My master name is ....Smith. He lies in the far wing. In here, we have three wings and four hundred rooms with libraries and halls. Its best you stay here till morning. Then I would take you to see my master." Ariel replied while reaching for the plate of doughnuts. He then continued.

"My master is eccentric. A recluse if I may said. He spent his time in the room. He's old." Ariel replied.

"I think I know who he is." Gonzales replied. "I heard of one millionaire who lived a life of hermit. He called himself the Hermit."

Gonzales looked to Alan before continuing.

"We shall not bother the good servant. If he had wanted to poison us, we would had all died from the first meal."

Alan laughed out and told the boys to eat up. It was then Ariel stepped forth to the two younger kins and offered them the bottle of brandy.

"Its the best in the house. Since you looked like nicer guys, I am offering it to you. Only the two of you." Ariel winked at Anthony. The later was taken aback and then took the bottle. He was jabbed by his cousin on the ribs.

"I think he thinks you are gay." Stanley chided the other. "Sure runs in the family."

The two laughed and retreated with their bottle of brandy. The others all shared the food on the push cart and like the dark shadows, Ariel sneaked out again. He smiled from behind the door.

"Little do they know the food I have just served are laced with sedatives. Sleep well, my guests." Ariel muttered to himself. His benefactor asked him to do so, as he feared they would wander the halls in the dark like just now. Ariel as he was told but he did like Anthony; he looked like a decent chap and extracted the benefactor's best bottle. But he made one mistake; he forgot to laced it with the drugs.

"Anthony, are you awake." Stanley was lying on the settee while Anthony was on the flooring. They had finished the whole bottle and were in state of drunk.

"Yes, I am. So shut up." Anthony replied but the other had sat up and pulled him up.

"Tony, this is our chance. The boys are asleep, and we could takeover the family." Stanley handed the violin case to Anthony.

"You are drunk and above all, insane." Anthony pushed the violin case off his lap. He was to get up but Stanley stopped him.

"Look at them, Tony." Stanley point to the sleeping men in the Hall. " All drunk and defenseless. We could take them anytime now. This is your opportunity."

Anthony looked to the men and shook his head.

"Don't you want the throne?" Stanley asked him. "Or wait for Freddy to croaked before you say yes."

"Its not that, Stanley." Anthony sighed to himself. "I have....I owed Uncles Nates much for my life. He's like a father to me."

"And yet he sees you as the alternative prodigal son." Stanley replied. "Wake up, Tony. He thinks highly of his faggot son. Not you who helped him with the schemes."

Stanley stood up and unlocked his violin case. He took out the sub-machinegun and then clipped in the ammo round case. Anthony reached out for his cousin hand.

"Don't force it, Stanley. It won't work." But Stanley pushed the hand off and stepped forward. He then heard the voice from Anthony.

"Wait! I am coming." Anthony stood up with his .45 in the hand. "We would do it together."

Unseen by the two, was Ariel who had slipped in by the hidden doorway. He shook up Gonzales by the shoulder before kicking the Alan Nates in the left leg. Both men woke up in a sudden and saw the two young men holding their guns.

"What's up, boys?" Gonzales moved his body to cover Alan. He sensed their intentions and protected the older man.

"Did you see anyone we need to shoot?" Gonzales asked as he nudged the next guy on the flooring. It was Blake and he reacted faster from the years of working with Alan. He reached for his gun in the shoulder holster.

"No, Gonzo. We heard the sound outside. It was like a hollow burst of bellowing." Anthony replied. "So I woke up Stanley to check."

"Bellowing?" Alan asked while he pushed the Attorney aside. "Like wild animals?"

"Yeah, like wild animals. Maybe wolves. The hills have wolves." Anthony replied when he saw more of the boys were waking up. "We were protecting all of you. You were asleep."

It was then Stanley moved to the window and fired off a short burst. It felt good to shoot the gun.

"Heck!" Alan stood up from the armchair. "Why did you do that for?"

"I wanted to scared the wolves." Stanley replied. "Telling them who's the real boss."

"You are one crazy son of a bitch." Alan replied. He then looked out and saw the coming dawn.

"Its almost dawn. The rain stopped." Alan shouted out. Gonzales looked out of the window and saw the emerging sunrise far in the horizon. He was to say something when Alan called out to his boys to resume the search for Freddy. The boys stood up and moved off like half asleep spirits.

"Gonzales, don't they care for Freddy?" Alan asked his Attorney when he saw the dispirited boys left the hall. "I had better boys when I was fighting the Digby."

Gonzales ignored the older man and walked out of the Hall, leaving the man all alone there muttering on his past. He heard the shot and ran back to the Hall. He saw Alan with the smoking gun.

"I thought I saw Paul." Alan replied. Gonzales was to reply but the others had arrived. They were all concerned for their boss. All except Stanley who arrived late.

"What the ...." Stanley spoke out but Anthony stopped him.

"Its nothing at all. He just shot at some wolves." Gonzales told the boys.

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