Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Tempest Prologue 5

Prologue 5

"Freddy Nates, come here and apologies to Miranda now." Freddy heard her mother but he remained at the treehouse. He knew his mother is down there with the little sweet Miranda clinging onto her skirt and the thumb inside her mouth.

"Freddy Nates, come down now!" "That was his father calling. He knew that tone well.

"Come down and be a man." Alan Nates shouted again. That tone he taken meant that Freddy was due to get a spank. He climbed down and stood before his parents with the little back stabbing thieving girl there holding onto his mother's skirt.

"Freddy Nates, say you are sorry. You did not meant to pulled her pony tails." Abigail Nates spoke to him while she held onto her husband' right hand. She knew he would hit the kid if she does not restraint him back.

"I am sorry..." Freddy mumbled his reply. Alan Nates reached out with his left hand but the arrival of Bernice Miller prevented him.

"Its okay, Alan." Bernice told the boy's father. "Boys would be boys."

Bernice laughed at the situation to defuse it. She then called Freddy to her side. He looked at his father and then at his mother. He was afraid to move, but Bernice came over.

"Miranda Miller, shake hands now and let the bygones be bygones." Bernice told her daughter. "You don't want me bringing you father here."

Miranda looked back to the party at their house lawn, where her father was busy talking to some people. He does not liked to be disturb then. She walled over to her mother and held out her hand.

Freddy looked to his mother who nodded. He reluctantly shook it and then asked if he could go back to the party.

"Yes, my dear." Bernice replied. Freddy took off with Miranda following behind him. Alan then followed them back to the party leaving the two mothers standing under the tree house.

"You spoil him very much, Bernice." Abigail told her. She replied back that Abigail was doing the same to Miranda.

"I guess its because I do not have a girl like her. Nor you of a son." Abigail was never one to mince her words. She was that direct that even the men talked, she would sometimes butt in without permission. Unlike Bernice, Abigail was the power player.

"I know. Abigail. But soon one day, they would be married ...." Bernice spoke out.

"To each other? Oh my goodness." Abigail replied. "Bernice, you really like that idea."

Bernice smiled. She does as she think that would help Paul in his business with his partner Alan, and on their retirement, the business remained in the family. She really like Freddy, he was unlike his father.

"My boy would be proud to marry your daughter." Abigail replied. "If only he stopped playing the dolls."

"Maybe he likes them like he would like girls." Bernice replied. They laughed like young mothers concerned on their children.

Little do they know then, that Freddy had ran off to his room. He took out all his soldiers toys and placed them in rows. It was then Miranda walked in. She sat down in front of him. He ignored her and played with his toys. She reached to put a fallen soldier toy but he shouted at her.

"Do not touch my toys. They are boys and not girls."

Miranda looked at him. She was going to cry but when Freddy said next, she stopped.

"These are boy's toys. They are not for girls."

"Why not?" Miranda asked.

"Because I am a boy. I don't like girls." With that Freddy left the girl there staring at his toys. He just walked out and looked for the boys. It would had been a typical reaction of any boy his age, but he hardly grew out of that. He really disliked girls as they were always troublesome to him. 

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