Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Tempest Act 2 Scene 2 Part 1 b

The benefactor had filled the halls with servants of Hell. They still come to him and torment him whenever he is late or failed to do his task.

"Be away, you servants of the devils." Kabib called out.

"They will be. If they are truly the servants of the devils." The voice from the doorway of the shed replied. "But I am no servants of the devil. I am the Devil himself."

The voice laughed out loud. Kabib dare not looked to the voice at the doorway. He think they are like the spirits that roamed the corridors of the Halls. But the spirits does not hurt you physically.

"Kabib, looked to me. I am Trinity. The sign of father, son and the holy ghost." The physical form of the voice from the doorway walked in and hit Kabib on his back. "Hey, I am talking to you."

"Go away. I would not be led to the dark side. I am the holy one here." Kabib called out. "Go away."

"I have come to seek you for the shelter key. Why did you locked the door?" The newly arrived asked Kabib. "Do you know that is the only place I could hide from the sound?"

"I hear not you." Kabib spoke to himself. "You are a spirit of the devil. I hear not you. You are one of his."

Kabib in that state, thinks that the benefactor send the spirit to checked on him. For that, Kabib was given another kick in the back.

"Look at me. I am Trinity." The figure shouted once again. He was dressed in white once well pressed but then at the shed, it was brown and torn in the seams.

"Get up, Kabib. I command you. I am your father." The figure laughed at the mock before he pulled Kabib up.

"No, you are not. My father is a good man. He would not kick me." Kabib curled up tighter. "My father is dead. So is my mother."

Trinity stepped back and started laughing. He was a male nurse who served here for fifty years. He was seen all the horrors then, and had partake in some. Like the rape of the woman who birth the abnormally there. He was there later at the birth and a hand on the kid growing up years. He was the one who chased the hunchback through the corridors while the mother, an inmate of the dense block with her mind more than dense with too many thoughts. She was a schizophrenia sufferer, according to the doctors. But Timothy took guardian of the child, he was there for the child's growth and laughed at every turn of his life.

Yes, the child served my needs. But once he was tempted to sell the kid.

"The kid should be in a freak show. He is one already." Trinity once told his mates. But the other patrons of the kid said no. They liked Kabib very much. They liked having him around. One patron put the words very well.

"We need our own freak. One that we could control."

So it was, how Kabib became the freak among the freaks. He was their other image that they could not bear. They inflicted their pain on him.

Then the second loud noise was heard. It prompted Trinity to jumped up. Like many other inmates, he also disliked loud noises. It scared him. He could not stand the noise. He saw Kabib still on the flooring. He went down and held the other like before. He clasped his arms around the other. He needed to be distracted.

Trinity needed some distraction.

Trinity reached for his pants.

Trinity lowered his pants.

Trinity began the dry humping.

That way, Trinity would be distracted.

"Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows!" Trinity heard the voice. He stopped his humping. He knew the voice.

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