Taisa followed the
indication by the farmer and noted that the river was swift in its current now,
with many more creatures in it. They were feeding on what was in the river.
"There were
Nihonzaru in the currents and that attracted the predators." Edo
explained. "We can't cross today. It would soon be dark and we need to
rest. What happened back there?"
Taisa explained
the fight and Bento added in the rest.
"I was there
upriver when I saw the Hibagon. There were eleven of them led by the One Eyed
one. At the river bank, they were greeted by ten more who may had stayed back
to guard their boats. As I was to make my way back, the Hibagon was set upon by
the Nihonzaru led by Keo. There were more than the Hibagon but the other fought
back. I tried to sneaked away and was discovered by the Nihonzaru. I shot two
of them and fled into the forest. The rest you heard from Taisa Mori."
"Now the two
battles each other and we are free to leave." Taisa Mori remarked.
"So be it. We would cross tonight."
"In the dark?
You must be crazy." Edo protested.
"We have to,
as those Nihonzaru are going to search here and we would be next like the
Hibagon." Taisa Mori explained. "Its best we leave tonight."
Taisa Mori looked
to the group and they all kept their silence on the issue. He then looked at
"If you want,
you can stay on." But the farmer shook his head.
That night they
attempted the crossing. They boarded the large raft and three of them took to
the oars; Taisa, Gunso and Edo. They hit out to the river and was swept by the
current towards downriver.
"Gunso, hold
the end." Taisa called out but the current was swift, and even Edo lost
his balance. He was held onto by Bento who grabbed his knees. Their efforts
were not working as the raft took to the middle and then moved with the
current. Some 'orichi' tried to climb on board, but the samurai repelled it. It
was the boarding of a young Ryu with it left limb mangled that shock all those
on board. It was Lady Ayuse who moved forth and thrust the katana into the
wounded creature in its neck. She then kicked the creature off the raft letting
it be fed by the other river predators. But what was amazing part of it was she
had called out during her effort. It was some time since she had uttered any
sound from her voice.
"Ayuse, you
shouted!" Lady Noki clasped her care in her arms but Ayuse shook her head.
She still would not speak or make any more noise despite the persuasion of the
older lady. Bento also joined in but Ayuse refused to try again. Her expression
showed fear.
"She needed
time, Lady Noki." Bento assured the older lady.
"Time is what
we don't have. Hear the sound ahead." Edo shouted out. "I feared we
need to get ashore or we would all die."
Gunso had heard of
that roaring sound before. Its was when he visited the Shōmyō Falls (
Shomyo-daki ) at Toyoma, Honshu. It was over 1,200 feet in height. He was there
as a young Hohei then, with his Lord, and it frighten him till now. The roar of
the water was loud like the roar of the Ryu, and its swiftness in the water
flow made him feared the drop.
"Work on the
oars and hard." Edo shouted as he pushed at the river bed with the oars to
moved the raft. Taisa sighted the far river banks and reckon if they would
concentrate on Edo side of the raft, they may swing the raft to the river bank.
He called out to Gunso to followed him. The three of them pushed hard on the
oars that reached down to the river bed, moving the raft against the sweeping
currents. Slowly, they made it and then the raft was caught on a side current
which flowed the raft towards the river bank.
Gunso shouted out in jubilation. The raft now with the new current and the
assistance of the oars, it was moving there. At last they made it until the raft
ran onto the solid land again. They rested there until it was sunrise again. It
was Gunso who alarmed the Taisa.
"Taisa, you
must see this."
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