Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1 Part 1

Act 3, Scene 1 Part 1

At the break of dawn, Freddy was waken from his short rest. He was thrown in to the dark murky chamber with the high window. He was given some water and bread, but no padding for his sleep on the flooring.

"Wake up, impostor." Ariel kicked at the young man.

Freddy struggled to get up and realized his feet were shackled with chains. He looked at the impish guy.

"For your safety. We can't have you running the place. They are traps here." Ariel replied "My master have some tasks for you. You would carry the woods to the library."

"Why must I do it? I am not your slave?" Freddy replied in anger. He was beaten with the long rod held by Ariel behind his back.

"Impudent fool! Who called you a slave here? I did not addressed you as one. I only called you an impostor." Ariel took to anger with the term slave. He knew what slavery means; and detested the word for it would make him one given the fact he had 'slaved' for the benefactor all these years. He had never seen the outside of this place and knew no one other than those he had served here before.

"Are you addressing me as one?" Ariel glared at the young man. "I am not a slave. I am his personal aide. I assist him in many things which in his age would not be able to do."

"No,I did not say you are one. I said I..." Freddy defended himself but for that he was given a second blow of the rod. It was the same when his father confronted him on the rumors that he was a gay. He was not and never would be. He had fallen in love with a lady then; Alice was her name. They were in High School and wanted to invite her to the Prom. But Alice had another admirer' the football star; who was better looking than the lanky nerd who reads and writes almost daily. He paid his price in full when the other admirer had something to say to him.

Freddy was taken at the gym when he was changing his clothes. He was down to his brief when the sack came over his head. He struggled but they were stronger. They tied him up in the sack and carried him to the back shed. There he was released but held down by two others with their face masked. He saw the the main person in front of him also masked but he knew the body frame well.

"Harold, let me go." Freddy shouted out. For that remark, he was kicked in the balls. He keeled over in pain, but soon he felt another kick to his left ribs.

"Freddy, you are a nerd. Stay that way, and stay out of Alice way." Freddy was warned, but he was part of the Nates. They don't backed down easily.

"Harold.." Freddy struggled to speak although he was in pain. "I would have you reported to the cops."

The masked guy laughed at Freddy.

"Freddy, your family detest cops. You could tell you Daddy, but I have a surprise for him." It was then Freddy saw another person walked in. It was Colin Farnell, another senior but he was truly a nerd with a hidden secret. Colin likes to dressed like a lady and was claimed to have gay tendency. Freddy saw that Colin was bruised on the left side of his face.

"Colin, meet Fred. He likes you." Harold pushed the other towards Freddy. "Do it."

Colin hesitated buy when he saw the raised fist of the masked man, he rushed forth towards Freddy. He looked at Freddy in the eyes.

"I am sorry, but I had no ....choice." Colin leaned down to pull Freddy' brief. It was all captured on the camera held by the masked man.

It was all that Alan needed to throw the punch at his son when he saw the black and white on his morning mail. He had Freddy called to his library and exerted his anger on the young man.

"Of all the heinous acts, why did you become a faggot?" Alan Nates was very upset. He was shamed by his son although the other denied the acts. He said he was held against his will.

"Father, I was forced." Freddy shouted out. "I was ...raped."

"No, son. You were not. These ....tells you were the one raping ....him." Alan threw the black and white towards Freddy. "Look at it. You were standing behind him."

Freddy broke into tears on the accusations. He could explained it all, but he knew he was forced too. Like Colin.

"Who was him?" Alan asked. Freddy gave him the name before he was sent to his room for three weeks of quarantine. In that three weeks, he was not to know that his father had Colin killed with a garrote, Harold was shot; once in the head and the other up his arse. The other two boys had their knee caps blown off. Freddy was sent to London to complete his studies. It was needed as the streets were lined with the tales, but no black and white appeared. Five years later, Freddy came back to work for his father.

"Enough of your day dreams, impostor." Ariel shook the young man of his dream. "You got to pay for your hospitality."

Freddy took to his tasks led by Ariel by the hidden corridors, and there was no one to be seen by him. Every time he walked into the library, he saw the young lady with the long tresses of hair. She was combing them while she looked aimlessly to the window. With the sun reflection, her beauty was radiated by the sunlight and soon he found himself staring at her. It was Ariel who shook him out of his dream state to do his other menial tasks like the laundry and cleaning of the library.

"Ariel, who is that with you?" Miranda asked the imp when she felt the presence of other unknown to her. She heard the heavy breathing which brought to her the ordeal of another event. She was alone in the Library that late morning while her father sleeps in the next room. She was seated on the couch that she had lain on the night before.

"Its the new servant, my mistress. He fetches the woods and also the food." Ariel replied.

"Its I, my lady. Freddy..." Freddy was given the beat with the rod by Ariel. He dropped the rag he was holding to wipe the table.

"Stop that, Ariel." Miranda spoke out. She then turned to the general direction towards Freddy.

"Are you fine, dear Sir?" Miranda asked. It was Ariel who replied before Freddy could replied.

"He is fine, my mistress. They are a sturdy lot, these .....young servants." Ariel held back in his mouth the word slave although he was to used it then.

"He is a man?" Miranda reacted in fright. She was unsure if she was dressed properly or groomed to meet one. Mother always tell her to be well dressed when she meets a man.

"Ariel, come forth please." Miranda expressed her words in the tender tone. The imp stepped towards her while she leaned over to his ears.

"Am I dressed well?" Ariel asked. She recalled that she had no real dresses, but she did keep one or two for the occasions. She shuffled her feet in and straighten her back while trying to hold her best pose as told to her once by her mother.

"Yes, my lady." Ariel replied. He had seen her many times in her various stages of her growth, but he knew not how a beauty would be defined. He had seen the various shapes of the so named ladies, but they did come in varied shapes. Ariel used to play with Miranda when she first arrived, when she was his height and then she went up and out.

But you could say she was beautiful; she had the looks that pleased the eyes. When she was older, his benefactor refused to let him lay eyes on her when she was not fully clothed. He took heed to that command, but there were the few occasions he had intrude on her. It sent a thrill through his body but he never did pay heed to it. He was told by the others that it was the work of the devil in him when that happens.

Ariel shuddered when he thought of the time when Miranda screamed for help. It was the devil at work then, and he fought of the devil with his rod. None would harm his mistress. Not even the young man.

"My mistress, I would take the servant to do his tasks now." Ariel told Miranda but the later was to object.

"No, let me speak to him for a while." Miranda told Ariel."I just want to know who he is."

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