Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Tempest Act 1, Scene 2 Part 3.2

"Kabib, I am tired and cold. Fetch me wood now." Paul told him. "My daughter need the warmth of the fire."

Paul would had asked Ariel but the other was busy watching the guests. Kabib looked to the sleeping form. He remembered her well, although his sight of her were rare with the presence of the ever protective father. Miranda used to play with him when she first arrived; she did with all the servants. With her blindness, she was clumsy but lovable. For once then, Kabib did not feel fear when he was playing then. With the others, they do not play with him for he was the plaything they played on.

But that one day, Kabib made a mistake. He tried to make her his plaything. He took her on the runs in the dark corridors, and left her there. She called for him but he refused to come out. He made her weep before he steps out. She ran towards him and held tight. He laughed at silly notions.

"How could darkness scared you when you see nothing in the eyes?" He told Miranda. With that statement, she was upset at him.

"I do not want to play with you anymore. You are a foul creature. A brute. I shall not teach you any more songs." Miranda walked away feeling her way on the corridor walls. Her words hurt him badly; he was always tormented and abused while they are the ones who got away. Not that time, he told himself.

Kabib rushed and pushed her to the ground. He bang her head against the flooring and tore at her dress.

"I am not a brute. I am Kabib." He shouted out. "I shall punished you like how they did to me."

He turned her over, and pulled at her torn dress. She screamed while he sat astride her body. He slapped her for making so much noise. She stopped her screaming while he got up. He pulled down his pants and looked at the naked form of the developing girl. He reached down to raised her legs when the blow came. He was knocked over to the side.

"How dare you do this to her?" It was the benefactor. He was in rage. He grabbed the hunchback by the arms and flung him down the corridor. He rushed over and kicked Kabib in the chest. He repeatedly kicked at the hunchback while the one named Ariel comfort the girl. Kabib tried to speak but he was not able to with the pain. Later he was sent to the dungeon and given daily beating. It was only after sometime, he was released to do the tasks, but never was he to come near her.

Paul saw Kabib looking at this daughter. He still recalled the event that made him wary of Kabib. She had told him everything. None would ravish his daughter not when he holds the position as the benefactor.

"Touch her again and I would have your hide tanned for my overcoat." Paul told the hunchback. He once tried to molest his daughter but she escaped from his vile ways. Kabib feared the other's anger and left for the hidden corridors.

Paul had taken his seat on the armchair to await the reports. He was so engrossed with own thoughts that he did not see the arrival of Ariel. The imp was not alone, but with a young man.

"Why did you bring this person here?" Paul was upset while he covered his daughter. "Who is he?"

"He was one with them but he got lost and ended up on the main lobby. He was unwell and I know not what to do with him. I brought him here to asked you." Ariel replied in hasty speed lest he be blamed for his stupidity.

"Well, send him back." Paul told the imp. Then he saw the imp tried to stand the young man who was not feeling well. It was then he remembered that the man was not anyone but someone close to him.

"Your name, young man." Paul asked.

"Fre...Ferdinand Thomas Nates." The young man muttered out but his body needed the help of the imp to stand.

On the mentioned of the name, Paul asked Ariel to laid the weak man on the flooring. He assisted the imp to make the young man comfortable. Paul then sat down back in his armchair. He knew the young man when he was younger, and more so the mother. Abigail Nates was a good woman; the lady was a strong one. She held the family together with her firm hands. She was nicknamed as the Matriarch. She was not like Bernice; she joined in the boys discussions. She was a good one at the strategy. It was just sad that she had to die violently in a gunfight between them and the cops. She was caught in the cross fire.

"Who is here with us, Father?" Miranda had woken up from her sleep. The sleep was short so the drug must be defective. She had not seen but she smell his presence. She was still groggy from her drug induced sleep, and in her ears were sounds of the waves and birds preening their vocal strengths.

Paul got up from his seat to walked over to his daughter. He held her hands and leaned over to kissed her cheeks.

"There is nobody with us, except Ariel." Paul denied his daughter of her concern. "Sleep on, my child"

Paul gave his daughter another dose of the drug. He needed her silent. He stared at his daughter' sleeping form. She was like her mother; serene on the looks when asleep. He used to sit there by the bed and watched her sleep. And then when the child came, she slept next to her mother. It was a sight for he always treasured. The other was he once told Bernice that he would marry Miranda to Ferdinand.

"You are one crazy man, Paul Miller." Bernice told him while she was breast feeding the child. "Your daughter would decide her marriage. Unlike mine."

Bernice was married by her father to Paul when he was indebted to the later. It was gambling debts, fixed with the help of Digby then with the bookies. She regretted her marriage and soon regretted her denial. She found herself soon in love with the man.

"Who are you?" Freddy who had opened his eyes and stared at the man who was seated there. He remembered not much of his ordeal, walking in the dark woods, looking for the shelter, and then ended up lost by his own. He shouted out but the wind carried his voice away. He had no gun and nor of food. He stumbled on and then recalled falling down on something solid on the flooring. That was all he could remembered.

Freddy looked around and then he saw the lady sleeping on the couch. What lady would sleep here unless....

Yes, the lady was abducted like himself. He would challenge the older man.

"Who is she?" Freddy asked.

"And to what manner are you asked me that?" Paul asked the weak young man.

"I knew not her but in the situation now, I have to know too if she is safe with you." Freddy struggled with his words. "You took me here and I also not of who you are."

"More so, what you are." Freddy had seen many bad things done on young ladies, and in his confused state, he was having concern for the lady.

"Who I am? My God! I am ..... Your nightmare." Paul laid it out in plain tone. He then turned to Ariel.

"You were a fool to bring him here." Paul then looked at the young man. He had seen more than he should had. He must not tell the others.

"You are not who you are." Paul interjected his words towards the man. " I knew the one named Ferdinand Thomas Nates. He was a good boy. You are not him. But you would be the pawn in the game. A piece that can be easily removed."

Paul looked to the imp.

"Ariel, imprison the young impostor to the dungeons. Shackle him on his legs."

Freddy tried to struggle but the imp was strong.

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