Monday, November 25, 2013

The Tempest Act 2 Scene 2 Part 2

Act 2, Scene 2 Part 2

Unknown by the two, there was the arrival of one other.

"I be damned." His name was Stephen Craig. He was a butler then in the luxury block. He would pampered the rich clients, served their needs by smuggling in the whores or bimbos, or lowered his pants several times for the ladies. But he drew the line on being shafted although he did it to them. He cared not any for them, but their money lined his pocket deep. He had his other avenue to dispel his frustration; he drinks to sleep and to wake up. The later was the dark strong coffee that covered his alcohol breath.

Since the closure, he asked the new owners to take him on any roles. He would do anything as long as he does not leave the place. The new owners agreed but there were conditions. He was told to stick to certain areas. He amended the conditions for him to adhered to those conditions. They supplied him a crate of liquor every week. His last crate finished earlier. He came looking for his next week's supply. It was Kabib who brought it weekly.

He had found Kabib.

Or was it some foul creatures. He had seen them on the grounds. They run on two; no it was four legged. They have these large heads with the crooked back. They are foul creatures. They run around the place, causing havoc and also fornicate in public.

But they liked a good drink. Steven feed them his share of liquor.

"This one needed a drink." Steven muttered to himself. He then remembered that he had a quarter in his bottle. He crouched down to pour the drink for the foul creatures.

"Do not torment me, prithee" Kabib pushed the bottle away. He would not drink that stuff. He knew of the contents and seen the effect it had on the people who drink it. He rolled away and got up.

"Do not torment me, prithee" Kabib replied again. When he was scared, he recite the play passages. Steven was not letting the young hunchback away, he rushed over on his drunken legs to jammed the hunchback there against the wall. Steven forced the bottle to the hunchback lips.

Kabib felt the liquor on his lips. He pushed hard against the man, before he jumped up. He ran past the stacks of woods and then stop. He picked up a piece and held it in front of him.

"Come no closer, spirits of the devils."

But no one paid him any attention. The one on the flooring stood up. He adjusted his pants and broke up into a smile.

"Steven, its me. Timothy." Trinity was Timothy. Steven who was startled by the other standing up but became more sober when he saw his old friend. They were a pair then, scamming the rich for the favors.

"Tim, I thought you left." Steven spoke to his friend. "Marge left and so did Alice. I thought you went too. They all did."

"No, I stayed back. The new owners allowed me to stay as a servant. Like Kabib here." Timothy aka Trinity replied. "They never told me anyone else stayed back but I knew Kabib was here to serve me. "

"Yes, he bring me food and drinks. What about yours?" Timothy asked.

"Same for me, but I added in the crate of whiskey."

"We all our survival to this freak. Without him, we would be dead or worse, scavengers." They both laughed. Steven offered Timothy the bottle. The later took a drink and passed to Kabib.

"Here, Kabib. You should drink it too. Its the essence from the Garden of Eden." Steven offered again to Kabib. The other still declined. It was then Timothy grabbed Steven and danced like they did then with the rich ladies. They were always called on to dance with them as they were the best.

"Can you hear it?" Steven was listening to the Mozart in the mind. He listened to it daily when the place was packed with those socialites. They wanted to be needed. The best avenue of doing it was playing the music. Mozart was one favorite of many. The best dancers were Steven and Timothy, and down the line was Alice and Marge.

When Timothy saw the extended hands from Steven, he stepped up to approached the other. He danced with Steven while humming the tune of the Mozart number. Kabib stood there and was enjoying the dance. He used to see them do it when he was young. It was fun then. He wanted to join in but they denied him then. He was too young.

Kabib was not young anymore.

Kabib walked to join the duo.

Kabib danced with them.

Kabib enjoyed his dance.

Kabib also had his first drink.

It was Kabib first liquor drink.

He drank and then he ran off.

He came back with the next bottle.

He drank it all.

In all, he ran several times.

At the end of the dances. Kabib kneel in front of Steven.

"I'll kiss thy foot. I'll swear myself thy subject."

Steven looked at Kabib. He was drunk too. He then saw the morning sun.

"You would be mine. Just like all the wonders of this land." Steven was drunk and wanted to dance through the lawn. He led the other two to dance in the lawns. It was like then.

All was fine again at the place. Him with the rich clients then. 

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