Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1 Part 2

Act 3, Scene 1 Part 2

"Freddy, that's my name." The young man walked up but he was stopped by Ariel in his path. "Ferdinand Thomas Nates. I...."

Ariel slapped the rod against the young man's back. He called out in pain.

"Stop that, Ariel." Miranda commanded the imp. "Do not hit him anymore."

Ariel was to defile the command when he saw his benefactor standing by the doorway of the other room. His benefactor signaled to him to come forth thus leaving the two alone. Ariel reluctantly walked over and his benefactor took him to the next room. There was a mirror there where he could see the library.

"Sit down, Ariel. We have a show to view." Paul offered Ariel a seat next to him. Meanwhile across in the Library, Miranda spoke out to the young man.

"Please take a chair and sit by me." Miranda asked of him. Freddy took the offer and pulled a chair up. It was then he saw that the lady was blind.

"You are..." Freddy uttered out in surprise.

"Yes. I am blind." Miranda replied. She looked down to her hands on her lap. Freddy immediately replied his apologies.

"I am sorry. I was not to know..." Freddy then looked at her. He saw then was more than beauty in her eyes, she was like his mother. She was sweet looking and the lips of her's was made to be kissed. He felt like when he first set eyes on Alice.

Alice? That shook him off his thoughts.

"I am sorry. I was rude to had ..." Freddy tried to made amends. He was to get up when she spoke.

"None was taken, Freddy." Miranda replied. "Funny, I once knew a boy named Freddy. He was older than me and had some nice manners. If he was not reading his books."

Freddy laughed to her words. He heard them all but he had not listened not one of it, but the voice of hers was like melody to his ears. He then asked how long was she with that handicapped.

"I do not want to talk about that." Miranda looked away, and Freddy saw the tears welling in her eyes. He took to change the subject by offering to tell her a tale.

"Do you read too?" Miranda asked. She knew that Ariel reads but she could not do much with her ailment. So she have her father read to her.

"Yes, I do." Freddy replied to her and saw the smile. He was taken in by her and offered to read any book she wanted to hear.

"Any one would do?" Miranda replied. In her mind then, all she could visualize was the man before her was her Prince. And he was to take her away to a new life. She await eagerly for his proposal.

"Let me tell you the story of Cinderella." Freddy replied. Then he began to tell her the tale while his eyes roved over her beauty. He told her of the Prince who came courting for his wife and had only a shoe to identify her. It was then he saw Miranda shuffled her feet under the couch for she was not wearing any shoes. She was barefooted.

"If I may, my dear Princess. May I cleaned your feet and placed them in a pair of slippers?" Freddy asked of her. She was taken aback by his request and then nodded. Freddy got up and looked for any material to make the slippers. He recalled seeing one in the other room down by the hidden corridor, and he rushed out for it. He also found a bucket which he filled with water to bring back with him.

"If I may, my dear Princess." Freddy asked again. Miranda nodded, and he gently took her left feet to placed it on his knees. He had the earlier rag that he used to wipe the table to cleaned Miranda' feet. She giggled when he wipe under her soles but he was ever gentle about it. He recalled when he was young, he used to play with his mother's friend's daughter. He could not recalled her name, but he did like to play house with her as his wife then. He was the wonderful husband who comes home for dinner. He tried to recall her name but the memory evades him.

"And to what are you doing, impostor?" Freddy heard the voice behind him when the rod hit his back. He rolled away but the imp was consistent with the blows.

"Are you okay, my darling?" Paul saw down next to his daughter and held her hands. She was upset that Ariel was beating her friend.

"Ariel, stop the beating. I tell you to stop." Miranda pleaded with her eyes flowing tears. Paul stopped his servant, while Freddy was curled up like a baby on the flooring.

"Take him away." Paul told Ariel. The later did so and Paul soothe down his daughter. But Miranda insist on seeing Freddy.

"I must see to him. If he is fine and not let Ariel hit him." Miranda told her father. "He is a good man. I..."

Miranda could not bring herself to speak it. But she did in in the next line.

"I think I loved him." Miranda spoke up.

"Preposterous! You hardly know him. All he did was wash your feet like any servant would had done." Paul replied in anger. "If I had not come in here on time, he may had done you worse...."

"Father, speak not of then. I still hold the nightmare of it." Miranda held her head on his chest. "Please let me see him.."

Paul agreed but he expressed his intentions was she must not get too near to him.

She agreed. 

8. Preys and Predators; The Betrayal Part 5 Rating Mature


The Detective

I opened my eyes to look at my surrounding. It was a warehouse with the palettes of crates all stacked up four levels high in rows. There was the high wall windows that allowed the moon light in. I then saw Cindy with her love in her hands, cuddling the unconscious man while she had the terrified looks.

"Good evening, Morales." There was the man whose daughter sat on the flooring. He was dressed in a casuals; white shirt with dark pants while the dark shades was on his forehead. "You took your time to wake up, Morales. I have been speaking to my daughter before that."

The five ex-guards of Hasin stood behind Golan then; they had been given their new set of clothes. The new leader walked over to his daughter.

"Cinderella, how can I assured you that I meant well for you." Golan stood over the lady. "Whatever Hasin told you are all lies. We were not of one tribe. Neither did we experimented with your mother. She was my love. She birth you. You are our child...."

"Enough! I ......had heard enough." Cindy shouted to the man. "I seen your works. You killed my friends. I did not believe it because I believed in you. You told me they taken the wrong turn. It was a turn you created.'

"I knew," Cindy looked to man and then to Jacobs. "He gave me the stuff you fed to my friends. They died, but I could not. I became a monster. Your creation."

"No, Cinderella. You are not a monster. You had become what may be my dream. A hybrid; one of Lycan and the other of her's." Golan stepped back to his guards. "You are my dream warrior to fight the blood suckers and also the Lycan."

"From you, I would create the new tribe, the aukščiausias ( in lithuanian it mean supreme. ). My genes to stay dominant over yours, so that we remain supreme." Golan looked to his daughter. "We won't fail you. There are six of us."

"You are mad!" I shouted out. I pushed myself up. I found myself dizzy before sitting down again. It must had been the tranquilizer that they shot me with.

"Down, Hantok bitch!" Golan glared at me. "Who are you to tell me what is right and wrong? Your tribe are few in numbers, and so are the rest. Do you think we would ever grow to ancient size? We would but not yours. We would also removed the blood sucking ones too. Then we would ruled the world like before. Before even the dawn of man."

"You are a crazy bastard." I shouted. "With the few of us, we should be preserving the tribe. The blood suckers are still out there but they have kept their distance. Peace reigned over both and it should be preserved."

"Enough of your ramblings. Kill her." Golan gave the command. I spoke out fast.

"No, wait." I went on my knees. "Tell me why did you had my mother killed."

Golan looked to me.

'"It was a trade off for information on Hasin. I did it for that fee. He told where to find you and who to do it." Golan replied to me. "I told lover boy the price for my daughter. He took it like a fool. I had his hand cut off as a punishment. He was left to suffer but he escaped. I did not expect him to seek out Hasin. I should had killed him."

"Who gave you the trade off?" I shouted.

"Your Ancient did. He wants you dead. Not by the tribal rule but by man. He feared you and wanted you dead." Golan shouted out. "Now I want you dead. You caused me trouble."

"We want you dead." The voice was from above; high up on the beams were seven wall hugging blood suckers. "Golan of Goeld. I am calling you from the grave. Its me Lichfield from your old state in the woods of Lithuania. Do you remember me now, Golan? Or was it Gelim?"

The figure descended down with his arms spread wide and the legs closed together like a descending angel. He was dressed in a dark shirt and jeans. He had the youthful look on him.

"I hate to intrude but does anyone even knew we exist?" Lichfield asked. "He may but he was keen to see us all vanish."

"Lichfield, I thought you died then in the woods." Golan or Gelim replied. " I killed you then. You lying bastard."

"Yes, I almost died. But I lived and waited for today. The stake you planted in my heart was pulled out in time, by an innocent person. I had that person to provide me the nutrients to crawl to safety. Ten centuries it took me to recuperate and restore myself. I had to bid my time on you." Lichfield stepped out to the moon light. He was seen to be a tall man with a slim build.

"The moonlight, I loved the full moon." Lichfield looked to Golan. "Bring on your animal ego. I loved to see that once more."

Golan in his rage, transformed to his alter ego as the Werewolf. He stood seven head's height while his own guards also transformed to their wolf ego. Golan stepped forth to faced the blood sucker.

"Must we, Golan?" Lichfield hovered up above to half the body height of Golan. "Then it would be your wish."

Six more bloodsuckers swooped down and charged into the guards. The bodies clashed and created their own arena of fights. Lichfield meanwhile had just hovered there in front of Golan.

"Like old times, huh?" Golan snarled in the howls of the ancient sound before he charged at the hovering figure. They both crashed to the wall. It was Lichfield who recovered faster with his body twisting free from the Lycan, he swooped up and then down with both his legs aimed at the Lycan chest. The descending blow knocked the Lycan into the flooring and below to the soil. Still on the body of the Lycan, the blood sucker twisted his legs before kicking the Lycan to the far corner.

Golan pulled his body up upright and shook the dirt off the furs. There were parts of his body covered with blood and furs but the Lycan was ready for another round. He was next to me while I was still chained. He reached down and pulled at the chain. It came off after a few tugs, and then snarled at me.

"He is our enemy. Put aside the differences." Golan told me. He need not tell me more. I basked myself in the moonlight and transformed. My body frame expanded and the head went forth with the muzzle growing.

"Pagrindinis Vilkas ( In Lithuanian mean Prime Wolf. )" Litchfield spoke up on seeing my transformation. That won't help him as I rushed to him, with my enhanced strength, the remaining chain came loose easily. I swung out both my arms still attached to the yard long chain. The end of the chains hit the blood sucker on the body causing it to hover backwards, but I was relentless with my attack. I swung at him until he crashed to the wall. I jumped onto him and thrust my claws into his face and neck. I held fast on the bones there and jerked it off him. I fell back with part of his low jaws and shoulder blades.

"Aargh!" The blood sucker tried to screamed but there was not much to bring it out. It turned its back but I charged in this time with the right chain held taut on my left hand. I shaft the chain into the open wound of the bloodsucker and pushed it in to his heart. There I pierced it hard there and tore away at the arteries. It tried to struggle against me but it had never fought a prime Wolf like me. I was to struck it when Golan rushed from behind me to sink his claws into the blood sucker chest to ripped the heart out. It took the heart and sank his fangs into it.

The other blood suckers came to their leader plight but on seeing the dead leader, they all flew up and crashed through the upper windows. I stood there to looked at the remaining werewolves; besides Golan, there was three of the guards, bloodied but still alive.

The Attorney

I shouted in joy when the officer announced that they picked up the signal. It was moving and Clarice had called on the action to rolled. I counted six SUV with four officers each vehicle. We were heading to the pier and then diverted to the warehouses. I prayed hard that it was Morales on the other end. She could had taken my portable with the jacket. I turned off the unit during the discussion and she must had turned it on. The Bureau had the technology to do such tracks by beaming off the transmission towers and triangulating the position.

"She had stopped moving. Its there." The officer pointed to the coordinates.

"All units on standby for action." Clarice had taken over the situation. She looked at me and then passed me the kelvar vest. "Put that on. It might helped you in case you get shot."

I looked at the vest and then slipped it on. I was scared and part of me said I had to go in. Morales may need me. I was tapped on the left thigh.

"Hold onto this." She handed me a small gun. I looked at her. She knew that I disliked guns. I shook my head.

"Then stayed behind." She gave me an order. I nodded. Soon we reached the spot. It was a massive warehouse with four large sliding doors. The officers were split into two teams; the assault team of the heavily armed personnels and there was the agents like Clarice. We have no power in the warehouse but there was the moonlight.

Clarice heard the windows crashing and gave the go ahead. The twelve men assault team in with their rifles leveled and the torches shining. It was like a scene from the movie; armed men rushing in with the constant assuring call of 'clear' as they round the corners.

Then all hell broke loose.

Special Agent

I heard the radio calls and gunshots. Whoever was there was fast and could not be make of with the limited light.

"I think I got the bastard".

"Aargh! Someone cut me." These officers were wearing armored kelvar vest, and yet it was torn with ease.

"I...." Damned, I lost one officer. The second call came in confirming that he was dead.

"Group and move in cautiously." I told the section leader. I looked my officers; they are all huddled close with their Remington and Glock drawn. I hate situation like this. It spoke of panic and uncertainty. I had called for reinforcement. Their arrival was ten minutes.

"Stand down'."I told the assault team. " We would stand down."

I had over reacted. I had failed to take cautions. 

Samurai in the Time Rift 8.2


Taisa stood there and stared into the great void before him; his legs wobbling and needed to be supported by the katana he used as a stand. It was not a deep crevasse or valley he was looking at the end of the world. It was nothing beyond there, but deep dark skies with the moon seen in its full radiance through the sunlight.

"We are truly on Yomi, Taisa Mori." Edo spoke out as he stood by the Taisa to marveled at the sight before them. "I have once heard that the world was flat by the Gaijin, and then disputed by the later ones. But here I am beginning to believe we are truly on a flat world. That is the edge of it."

All in the group had stepped up and watched the sight; some with fear, while some with anxiety, and only one was elated. It was Teishin Buke who in the disillusioned mind frame rushed forth and stood by the very edge.

"Ai, its the way out of Yomi." Teishin did that once at the river and now again here. "Joined me and leap for the world we were in."

This time, Gunso was upset at the Teishin who had overdone his patience. The Hohei leader rushed forth with his yari and that scared the Teishin who stepped back without realizing that his position was already near the edge.

"Come any closer and I would fight you. I feared not you or even Taisa Mori." Teishin Buke hands was on his katana, but he had backed up too far to the edge. Just as he felt the lost of balance, the Teishin lost his footing to fall off the edge. Taisa tried to reached for him, but he was gone into the dark void below below the water.

"Taisa..." Gunso sounded out in despair as the trusted aide had gone on this knees to grabbed his leader by the legs to prevent him falling over. He closed his eyes to the sight of the void and utter his prayers for salvation.

"The Teishin gone!" Taisa Mori shouted out as he retracted his body from the edge. He looked at Gunso who was still on his knees. 

"No, Gunso. It was not your fault." Taisa replied as he crawled back from the edge. "Teishin Buke had gone mad. That could had been his way of ending his misery."

"Or he was right.." One of the freed slaves shouted and rushed to jumped over the edge. He was soon followed by another before the samurais have drawn their katana to ward the rest off.

"Stop it!" Taisa Mori shouted out. "Teishin Buke was mad. That is not the way. The amulet would had glowed if it was."

The amulet worn on the Taisa' chest still remained dull in its shade. It then glowed for a while before flickering off its radiance.

"The amulet speaks." Bento indicated to the Taisa who placed the amulet in his hand. He moved his body to to seek the direction that the amulet was trying to tell him to go. He soon find the amulet glowed louder when he pointed it to the dry acrid land in front.

"We are going back to the Hibagon land."

Leader Keo of the Nihonzaru looked at the departing Hibagon; the solitary leader who fought hard and fierce, had reached the boat and left it to float on the river current. Twenty Hibagon laid there on the river banks; death or wounded against his own of fifty four in which thirty three would never rise again.

"Throw the Hibagon into the river." Leader Keo commanded the others. Its looked at the floating boat and saw the Hibagon there moved. So they would fight another day.

Leader Intai; wounded but still breathing, crawled its huge frame to sit up on the boat. It used its large upper limbs as the paddle to move the boat. As it paddled, Leader Intai was upset at the humiliation by the Nihonzaru and would appealed to the Lord to sent over a bigger force to teach them a lesson.

Taisa Mori had Gunso and Edo to confer on their next plan. They are back in Hibagon land; acrid and rocky, with little forest covers, or even shrubs.

"The amulet still glows and it looked like we are heading for the hills again. It could be the caverns, and whats inside we are familiar with." Taisa Mori explained. "The issue would be it be the right way or are we doomed to explore until we all die."

"We now know that this land is a flat one with a deadly edge. Rini the Nihonzaru once told me that they are forbidden to travel more than fifty sunrise on their land. Maybe their forefathers knew then, that there would be the edge." Gunso recounted his days with the Nihonzaru.

"So we have two warring sides now, separated by a river and numerous predators in between. Lord Noriake added in this." Taisa Mori pointed to the amulet on his chest. "It was supposed to be the key to the gate that would opened for us back to our time. His tale of the samurai from the future and with its unique earthquake feared me but if those are seen by us, then this could be also true."

"But why back to here? This land is no better than the one which we just left." Edo grumbled. "I hate the caverns. And those serpents."

"Have we any choices?" Taisa looked to the two who are considered his peers. "We have none. We can only wandered till we find it or die doing it."

They nodded to the Taisa comment. Then they planned on their defense against the Hibagon. Gunso produced the container containing the poison which the Hibagon feared. He then told the Taisa that Bento and Sun are making new arrows. Bento have also taught Lady Noki on the bow art; and have given her the Mongol bow. Edo-san said he was making more wooden long spears for the farmers and freed slaves. They would laced the sharp ends with the poison. He even suggested that they made nettings with sharp ends on it to trapped these creatures.

Across the river, Lord Jedi made his war plans to fight the Hibagon. He was told by Keo that the Hibagon have crossed over.

"Their invasion would be avenged. Prepared the warriors to be returned from the borders. I want our full force to battle the Hibagon." Lord Jedi commanded. He then looked at Keo who was in restraint by the warriors on the order of the Lord.

"Keo, you have shamed us more than twice. Your service would not be needed anymore." Lord Jedi gave the order for the execution of the leader, Keo. "Tie him in the forest and let the predators take their feed of him."

"I would lead this expedition to invade the Hibagon." Lord Jedi expressed his next command. "Assemble in eight sunrise."

Then the Lord remembered the other Hibagon who was still on his land. He looked to his warriors.

"What happened to the other Hibagon? The one who had a following of six, was it?" Lord Jedi asked. "If he is still on our land, removed him like Keo."

Near to the river bank, Leader Tut saw the slaves leaving the land, on the river again. It would probably sailed to the land of the Hibagon. It was upset that despite the chase, these slaves were elusive. Now it was time to find a boat that will let them pursue the slaves.

They finally found it after a search of five sunrise; a discarded boat, near wrecked but floatable. They sailed across and resumed the chase for the slaves.

The Tempest Prologue 9

Prologue 9

Freddy looked at himself in the mirror. He was tall, but he was not well built like those jocks who played football. They all looked bulky beneath their shirt. He did wondered how he would looked like if he that big.

"Oops! I am sorry, Freddy." The door was opened by his mother. He must had forgotten to lock it then. His mother had seen him standing there naked in front of the mirror. He reached for his clothes and covered himself. She was not leaving and walked on in.

"Its not the first time I seen you naked, Freddy but..." She wanted to ask but he was agitated by the intrusion and more to it, he was fifteen.

"Mother, you could had knocked. I was getting dressed up." Freddy defended himself. In actual fact he was embarrassed by her as he had a hard on then. His mother then shrugged her shoulders and turned to walk out.

"I was just coming in to tell you that Alice is downstairs." Abigail walked out of her son' room to the stairs. She heard the library door closed and knew that Alan was back. She went downstairs and walked in. It was not for her to knock and if there was a family meeting, she was part of it, or no meeting in her house.

"Hey, darling. Could you not please knock." Alan was by himself at the desk and had just taken off his coat. "I could be humping a movie star now."

Abigail locked the library door and walked over to her husband.

"The only movie star you could humped is me." Abigail was a movie star, more like a second stringer but she caught the attention of Alan Nates. He wanted to make her the main star but she decided hat real mobster world was more appealing than the movie sets.

"I am concerned on Freddy." She spoke to her husband who was ravishing at her bosom with his lips while his hands were on their own amorous journey. She pulled away from her husband.

"He was naked in his room, and holding his penis." She spoke out.

"Darling, that's normal. He was probably fantasizing on what's her name....Alice, was it?" Alan pulled her to him but she pushed him off.

"He was not. I think he was examining himself." Abigail turned to walked away. "He could be different."

"No way my son is different. None of the Nates were ...different." Alan voiced out. "Freddy would be a man. If I had to force him myself."

That ended the discussion between the two, but Alan Nates did had a nagging feeling. He had seen his son, taken him out to be with the boys. He joined them in the swim at the pool, and sometimes even in the changing room. Alan noticed that he was shy and at times, kept to the corner, but he displayed something sad. He likes to stare at the boys while changing or in the pool. He asked Freddy once.

"What are you staring at?" Alan asked.

"Oh, nothing." Freddy replied. That got him more worried and he consulted Paul.

"The kid is growing. He is just curious." Paul laughed. Alan took that advise with a heavy heart. He did not get over it for a long time. 

7. Preys and Predators; The Betrayal Part 4 Rating Mature


The Detective

I took to the trails that led the man I wanted to asked. Hasin considered himself a Lord over the city, therefore he stayed in a large mansion on the hill overlooking the city. His was a a hundred acres of woods with one road to his mansion. He had ten guards on permanent duty there, and five of his own when he comes home. Hasin true to his name, kept a harem of his own, whom he changed every year. It was from one of the disgruntled that the law officers came to visit it.

"I paid them whores, five grand a month. All they need to do was open their legs and mouth." Hasin then was in his bath robe with the legs spread out when I interviewed him at the pool. "I don't hit them, or even hurt them in their feelings. I only wanted sex.'

"Mr Hasin, we had complaints that you kept them against their will. I am just acting on the complaints." I looked to the five ladies in the jacuzzi pool. They looked bored or were pumped full with drugs.

"Well, fucked your complaints. Do your investigation, Officer Morales. I am going for a fuck now." The man stripped his robe off and walked to the pool. It was then I left him to his antics, but the complainant went missing before ended up dead in cheap motel. The case was dropped for lack of evidence.

I was back that evening with Cindy. She had told me that Hasin had a hand in my mother's killing. The evidence was in the house. I had acquired two guns but Cindy declined my offer. She said she could managed it. I don't know I believed her, but in my anger, I would believed anyone who said they knew my mother's murderer. The way into he mansion was through the large garden and into the library glass door. It was hardly lock when Hasin was in. There was one guard in that section. All of this I knew from survelliance and informers. There were still the dogs; Hasin kept twelve of them in the garden.

We climbed over the short wall and dropped into the garden. I told Cindy to wait there while I tackled the dogs. Based on the instinct and scent, three dobermans came charging. I raised up my right hand and snarled at them. The dogs stopped in their tracks and started whimpering. One thing about the Lycan, was respect by the canines. I made my way to the library door and saw the guard. He was standing next to the library steps looking bored while taking a smoke. I looked to my right hand and watched it evolved into the claws of the wolf. I stepped up the man's back and removed his spinal cartilage and then severed the heart while my left hand clasped his throat. I lowered the man down before thrusting my right claw into his chest to removed the innards. I left it for the dogs.

"I saw that....You are a ..." I looked to Cindy and snarled. In my half transformation, I still retained the look of my human side.

"No more than your preference for blood." I told her before I stepped up to the library door. I tried it and found it unlocked. I pulled it open to step in with Cindy close behind. Our target was the basement, three doors from the library inner doorway. I peeked out and caught the scent. Two of the guards are in the kitchen which was five doors away. It was a challenge to do the distance to get to the basement door. We took it and soon opened the basement door. We went down and with my half transformation, I could see through the dark area. There were rooms build there with the stairs leading to the corridor.

"Follow me." I told her and surprisingly., she managed well with my pace. We looked at the rooms, checked them out before moving on. Each room contained supplies and unwanted stuffs, but the last door opened to a lower level. There the room was lighted. I saw the chains and iron brackets on the walls, with torture tools. Then I saw the sight I was most appalled by it. It was a man with his right wrist removed. He was tortured from the looks on his body.

I remembered his name.

It was Jacob of the clan. He was of the Goeld tribe, a distance one but their members are here in the city. They were from Lithuania. Cindy ran up to him and tried to wake him. I could tell from the scent that he was dying. Cindy did the unthinkable; she exposed her wrist and cut it. She placed it over his mouth and pushed the head back.

I seen such acts before. It was the practice of the vampires to revive their dying ones.

"Bravo, I am touched." I turned to look at the man who said those words. It was Hasin with his five guards. They were all armed with rifles.

"Officer Morales, I presumed. I knew then you were with them." Hasin looked to the other lady who was still dripping her blood to her friend. "Ms.Golan, pardon my lack of hospitality. Jacob was drained for his safety. He asked me to do it. We are the same tribe. All of us here."

The guards threw aside their weapons and began the transformation. Their clothes ripped and then their muscles bulged to the new frame. I by then had also transformed fully into my other self. Hasin smiled at me.

"A fine body, Morales. Such a pity that Ms.Golan would not transformed." Hasin raised up his right hand to show the exposed wrist. "Perhaps you needed my blood. Your father had made you his first hybrid."

Hybrid? I looked to the two of them.

"Yes, Morales. Golan belong to the tribe too. With myself, years ago, we managed to control our transformation. We also developed the glands to hide our scent. You did not know as you could not had detected it. We were the renegade wolves; the one who hunts their own."

I heard of it; they were the Seekers. The council had them banished and with that they hunt us for the game. They were hunted by the tribes and deemed extinct.

"Golan and myself were the last." Hasin sighed. "We could not mate, but we did an experiment. We took on the blood suckers. It failed too, but we experimented with the genes. We managed to developed one that we soon impregnated with the new genes. She was the first of the new breed; a combination of the wolves with the bloodsuckers. Of course ours was the dominant genes. Her mother died on birth, and Golan took her away before I could experiment more."

"He left Europe to come here. He rebuilt his empire. I came and he went into hiding. I searched him out. I challenged him and we fought.. He won over me. I asked him for mercy, and he did. For twenty years, I avoided him. It was only recently, I took on the new challenge; a duel of legality, a duel of words. I lost that too, but he also lost his daughter. He told her of us,and her legacy."

"Yes, he did. He wanted me to birth his child. I won't it. I am his daughter..." Cindy cried. "I am in love with Jacob."

"No, Cindy. You are not his daughter. It was myself who impregnate your mother. He had tried but I did it. He is not your father. I am your rightful father." Hasin told her. "Like your name, you had to lived your childhood in pain. A false life till you are ready."

"No, Papa treated me well until....he changed. He gave me everything I needed...." Cindy cried out and then whimpered. "He would not let me love Jacob. He had Jacob removed. He told Jacob to kill her. It was a setup. He wanted to frame him and .....her."

I looked at Cindy who pointed her finger at me. Why me? I don't even know them.

"Cindy, let me make it up to you. I would restore Jacob and then you may wed him." Hasin told the lady. "I give you my oath as your father."

She never seen it coming. Neither did he.

The Attorney

I did some checks of my own. Cinderella Golan was the only daughter of the man whose wife died in childbirth. That was on the records. She had everything and nothing as Golan was never with her. She lived with her nanny, schooled in boarding schools, and even did her Uni with friends. Then I checked on Golan.

The man was a mystery itself, came over after the 70's war, and slowly build an empire named the Golan Corporate Enterprise. There were cases of litigation of frauds, but no conviction. However he was successful in acquiring others at bargain offers. They nicknamed him Shylock the Merchant. He was charitable and did many fund raisers for the unfortunate and animals protection. He sponsored the zoo of their pack of wolves, and vultures. Of the later, his famous quip was feed them before they feed you. He approached me when Hasin took him to court for misrepresentation on some trade they were involved in. I won the case on the reversing the misrepresentations to mis-read terms by the concerned parties. In the end, the case was thrown out as misdemeanor of understanding ala intentions to cheat by both parties that squared out the impact.

I looked to the Hasin file; I did an extensive research into the man. He was another mystery; also appeared before the turn of the century, and established an empire by removing some figureheads of ill repute. Hasin once said, there are no business like hostile takeovers. There were concerns by the legal fraternity that he could be a hoodlum in disguise but his funds were legal. The administration did a check on him and ruled out foul play, but there was words that he intimidate his opponents very harsh with a strong appreciation of society needs. His company contributed millions to the city well being. So we have two high achievers but no clues to how they did it. Both are unmarried but the former had a daughter whom he patronize when he wanted to. They are tyrants in the business field, but angels in the social scene.

"So Cinderella Golan, whey do you hide?" That questioned puzzled me. I looked at her photo and then back to the mug shots of the two men. She looked more like Hasin.

I may had the possible opening to a new submission. I called Clarice with my new phone. I knew it was late in the night but she ought to be awake. The Wolf was seen in the city.

Special Agent

I looked at the dead body of the man. It never easy to see a dead body even though you been at the job for years. I still cringe at the sight of the spilled out innards or missing cavities. Once we had a case where the victim innards was plastered to the canvas like an art piece. An avant garde of the new art form.

"We found him and ten others dead like this. We also found the hidden dungeon of Mr Hasin." The local detective advised me while my team was on route from DC. "If it was the Wolf, then he had become Super Wolf."

The dry humor of the detective did not rubbed on me. My subject did not do mass kills in one scene, it does single deaths. This was a mass murder scene.

Could it be the Wolf had formed a pack? I was to explored more when the portable rang.

"I am in the middle of a case." I told him. "Hasin died an hour ago. Don't get your pants down just yet. We may not be fucking for some nights."

He was muttering on the line and I decided to hang up. The detective walked up to me and showed me two guns.

"This was in the dungeon. It was fired and looked like prints. I would run it and advised you." The detective then showed her the new evidence he collected.

I found these furs on the flooring. They are stained with blood.'

Clarice looked at it. Her expression went from bland to concern. She picked up the phone.

"I think we know where Morales was last seen."i then looked at the number. 'New line, huh? Are you giving me the number?"

Number? Phone? She knew then there was a silver lining in the sky.

Samurai in the Time Rift 8.1 b

Taisa followed the indication by the farmer and noted that the river was swift in its current now, with many more creatures in it. They were feeding on what was in the river.

"There were Nihonzaru in the currents and that attracted the predators." Edo explained. "We can't cross today. It would soon be dark and we need to rest. What happened back there?"

Taisa explained the fight and Bento added in the rest.

"I was there upriver when I saw the Hibagon. There were eleven of them led by the One Eyed one. At the river bank, they were greeted by ten more who may had stayed back to guard their boats. As I was to make my way back, the Hibagon was set upon by the Nihonzaru led by Keo. There were more than the Hibagon but the other fought back. I tried to sneaked away and was discovered by the Nihonzaru. I shot two of them and fled into the forest. The rest you heard from Taisa Mori."

"Now the two battles each other and we are free to leave." Taisa Mori remarked. "So be it. We would cross tonight."

"In the dark? You must be crazy." Edo protested.

"We have to, as those Nihonzaru are going to search here and we would be next like the Hibagon." Taisa Mori explained. "Its best we leave tonight."

Taisa Mori looked to the group and they all kept their silence on the issue. He then looked at Edo-san.

"If you want, you can stay on." But the farmer shook his head.

That night they attempted the crossing. They boarded the large raft and three of them took to the oars; Taisa, Gunso and Edo. They hit out to the river and was swept by the current towards downriver.

"Gunso, hold the end." Taisa called out but the current was swift, and even Edo lost his balance. He was held onto by Bento who grabbed his knees. Their efforts were not working as the raft took to the middle and then moved with the current. Some 'orichi' tried to climb on board, but the samurai repelled it. It was the boarding of a young Ryu with it left limb mangled that shock all those on board. It was Lady Ayuse who moved forth and thrust the katana into the wounded creature in its neck. She then kicked the creature off the raft letting it be fed by the other river predators. But what was amazing part of it was she had called out during her effort. It was some time since she had uttered any sound from her voice.

"Ayuse, you shouted!" Lady Noki clasped her care in her arms but Ayuse shook her head. She still would not speak or make any more noise despite the persuasion of the older lady. Bento also joined in but Ayuse refused to try again. Her expression showed fear.

"She needed time, Lady Noki." Bento assured the older lady.

"Time is what we don't have. Hear the sound ahead." Edo shouted out. "I feared we need to get ashore or we would all die."

Gunso had heard of that roaring sound before. Its was when he visited the Shōmyō Falls ( Shomyo-daki ) at Toyoma, Honshu. It was over 1,200 feet in height. He was there as a young Hohei then, with his Lord, and it frighten him till now. The roar of the water was loud like the roar of the Ryu, and its swiftness in the water flow made him feared the drop.

"Work on the oars and hard." Edo shouted as he pushed at the river bed with the oars to moved the raft. Taisa sighted the far river banks and reckon if they would concentrate on Edo side of the raft, they may swing the raft to the river bank. He called out to Gunso to followed him. The three of them pushed hard on the oars that reached down to the river bed, moving the raft against the sweeping currents. Slowly, they made it and then the raft was caught on a side current which flowed the raft towards the river bank.

"Hai!" Gunso shouted out in jubilation. The raft now with the new current and the assistance of the oars, it was moving there. At last they made it until the raft ran onto the solid land again. They rested there until it was sunrise again. It was Gunso who alarmed the Taisa.

"Taisa, you must see this."

6. Preys and Predators; The Betrayal Part 3 Rating Mature


The Detective

I would had her cold turkey but then I could not find the needle marks. The lady was in a bad state and needed some help. The safe house of mine was the basement of an old friend who works day and night that he forgets who he was sometimes. I had some old clothes in the basement but I had to cleaned up the filthy lady. I tore her clothes off and dumped her beneath the tap. I scrubbed her clean while she fought me. I gave her my right hook to settled her down. Soon I had her wrapped up like a mummified corpse and laid on the single cot. I looked at myself; all dirty with the unwashed three days old clothes. I took them off and had them soaked while I crouched under the tap. The water rinsed off the dirt and tingled the skin. I looked to the so called corpse on the cot. It had been weeks since I had someone rubbed my body. I was not particular; single one night rub to the recurring ones, but since Heidi, I had not felt pleasure. It was all a rumble and get your arse off my bed.

I grabbed the rought cotton towel and wrapped it around myself. I climbed onto the cot and held my corpse for warmth. I soon myself rubbing my body against the coarse blanket and holding on tight to her. She somehow managed to spoon  herself into me and let me do the works. I screamed out on the first release and then bit into her blanket on the second. There was not third as we slept spooned to each other.

I got up with the sensation of someone nibbling at my toes. I looked down and saw her sucking my right big toe. She had pierced the skin. She was sucking at it like the baby on the teats. I opened up my eyes and looked down to her. She was drawing my blood from the cut. I pulled up my leg and kicked myself off the cot. I could not find my gun; no, I had no gun. I reached for the baseball bat I saw on the floor.

"Come no closer, bitch." I warned her. "I would smash your blood sucking fangs off."

"No, You are mistaken. I did not bite you. There was a cut. I needed the nourishment." The lady explained to me. "I am not a vampire. Its the drugs. It made me crave blood."

"Fuck you! Only vampires craved blood." I leveled the baseball bat. "Come any closer, and you would have this to suck on."

"Please, Officer Morales. Please help me. Father Sanchez said you would." She sank down to her knees. "I am cursed not by blood but by drugs. My name is Cinderella Golan. Everyone call me Cindy."

The Attorney

I looked at the man across my desk; he does looked distraught but he was barking up the wrong agency. He asked me to locate his daughter, but I am counselor of the legal fraternity, not some hot shot detective. I tried to reason with him which was then he pulled out the cheque book.

"Tell me the amount, You are good, Mr.Landon. In your line of work, you have the network to do it." Mr Golan was imposing on my time and patience. Heidi had stood by me for the discussion then had a turned around.

"Mr.Golan, we would try but no promises." Heidi approached the man to lead him to her room. I be fucked if she come to me for reference. Well, she did. I gave her the 'WTF' look.

"I am not Perry Mason all rolled into one. You took the case, you solved it." I slammed my fist down. Heidi leaned over and asked for my reference.

"You knew the FBI agent. Ask her for help. She had the whole nation database within her jurisdiction." Heidi gave the professional contempt look. She knew what I last did when Ms Starling was in town. She knew everything on me even where I kept my personal diary on Marlene.

"Its for the firm, Jimmy. We ain't going to be famous forever. We would had our low ratings one day, but I want to sure we hold the stash there when it happened."

I called Clarice.

We agreed to meet for dinner at my house. I wanted to cook up a meal but all that was on my mind was Morales and then Hasin. One that could had protected me was missing and the one wants me missing. She came on the scheduled time; with the chinese takeaway, and red wine.

"I brought also the office file on Golan." She walked in with her high heels. Darned! I could had forget the dinner but when she mentioned Golan, all was tuned to work on my mind. She placed the food she had brought to the table. She frowned at my choice; pizza and doughnuts.

"Pardon the menu. The roast got burned and dumped too much sauce into the salad." I apologies profusely, while clearing the pizza and doughnuts. She grabbed one of the doughnuts before I cleared it. She placed it over her mouth and pout her lips through the inner ring. I took the hint with my tongue to lick at her lips. I guessed chinese food did have an appealing taste when picked off the body. I heard it was a delicacy to dine that way in the east.

"I was wondering why Golan went looking for you." Clarice had on the apron while serving the wine. "He could had called on his goons."

I picked up the glass while my attention moved from the file content to her naked form beneath the apron. It was the aftermath of our sojourn of passion, with the mess still on the floor. Thankfully, it was marble flooring as I could had that cleaned up fast. She sat down next to me and grabbed her own glass.

"Golan was no angel with his involvement." She picked up the other file marked 'confidential'. "The Bureau had him tagged but he was under another department."

"Who is this Cinderella?" I showed her the photograph of the young lady. It was taken of her with Golan at the park.

"His daughter; only daughter. It was reported that she was groomed to takeover his empire." Clarice explained. "Party freak and spoiled brat. There was a recent breakup and then she went off the scene. We are still trying to track her."

"And Papa comes to me." I looked up from the report. "Why not your office? Why me?"

"Do you think its linked to Hasin?" Clarice had to raised it up. "Hasin may had abducted her. As a leverage."

"No, Hasin after me. He wants to level me to beneath the ground." I threw in my hasty assumption. Then I recalled her shootout. "How are you faring after the shootout at the church?"

"Shootout? There was no shootout. It was plain murder." Clarice replied. "They were aiming for the priest. I just happened to be there."

Then she recalled the words said by the shooter.

"Wolf? He said wolf lover. Could it be a coincidence?" Clarice muttered. She pushed her chair back and pulled at the apron. "I got to go back to work."

I knew her that much; she was already pulling on her clothes, while I packed up the file. She took it from me and then looked at me.

"Don't be grumpy. There are still the doughnuts left. I could ring one on him." She was off before I could rebuked her view on the dimensions. I saw on the table, the photograph of Cinderella with her papa. Somehow I felt the link but then it could be a false trail. I looked for my portable. Damned! I lost it.

Special Agent

I had the number plate of the shooter car ran on the database. It belonged to some lackey that worked for Golan. I was expecting maybe Hasin, for prejudice reasons but Golan threw me off the trail. I called up some favors from the other continent; my Polish was way off with my pronunciation.

Golan was into drug trafficking here, but in Europe, he was the man for smuggling of exotic creatures among some of his expertise. He would traffic in sable to black bears for major buyers. He had a network which could keep the supply going. They named him the Gray Wolf.

"Dziękuję za informacje, Marco ( Polish for thank you for the information, Marco.)" I laughed at the reply. "Jego surowy, ale mnie rozumiesz. ( Polish for its crude but you understand me)."

It was then the call came in. It was the Precinct. They had the report of the specimen sent for analysis found on the priest wound. It was pure silver mixed with the gunpowder residue.

Silver? It was the common material used in killing werewolves. Was there a link somewhere?

"No!" I shouted out. There are no werewolves in reality. I thought it brought in the others to my room but I was wrong.

"Hasin had been killed today. He was mutilated. They looked like the MO of the Wolf." I was taken back by the Agent statement. Maybe the trip to here was not wasted.

"Tell DC, I am on the case." I closed the portable flap. I never thought of it until then. It served me faithfully, hot and cold and yet never once I asked if it was okay. Have I become so cold to other things? I have not a pet since I joined the Academy. I have not sent out greetings cards for the last three years. Oh God! I am too involved in my case.

For the first time in many months, I actually cried out from loneliness.

Jimmy, make me human again.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...