Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Gaurdian ( An extension to 1.5 )


Karthum stepped to the street facing the house of Kutai. The streets was filled with his followers; loyal ones that would die for him. Such was the devotion of the false God; the ones fed with influences that they could not controlled themselves. They had believed in him and willing to die for him. He looked to the house that resembled not any of the structures he had seen as houses. It looked more like a dark tower that reached the skies with its pointed roof that resembled that of the sting of the scorpion as it leaned in an arc. The tower was protected by the high walls, that looked like the crater rim around the tower. An abomination growth from the ground would had better described the place. The crowd started moving towards him, but he was not fearful of them. It was what he feared he would do to them. He held the two blades firmed in his hand and was to move forth when Torak stopped him.

"I would handle it." Torak looked to him. "They are innocence."

The boy waved his hand and the crowd all fell to their faces without a sound from them.

"Now your path is clear. Slay everyone in the tower." Torak told him. "Spare no one. They are not who you may think. The mind play tricks."

Once Karthum stepped into the tower, he was greeted by a spiral staircase the lead to the next level. On the spiral staircase was his old friend Thunan holding the same curved sword he had when he died.

"Karthum, join me...." Karthum did not bother to hear the dead man as he cut him in half before he ascent the stairs. On the next level, he saw six man creatures with one of them holding his daughter, Sena by the throat.

"Come no further, Guardian." The creature with the upper body of the dark cobra hissed towards him. "My friend have a strong arm."

The one holding Sena was a creature with the bull's head. Karthum did not hesitate and charged at the bull head. He saw the creature cracked the bones in Sena's throat but his vengeance was a slice down the bull head, with the shorter blade into the cobra jaw. He pulled out the blades and swung it wide to removed the other man creatures. The goat head bleat out in pain when the long blade cut off part of its face and horn. The shorter blade had only cut the camel head on the left forearm. The other two man creatures took to their heels but was stopped with a blazing death.

"Cowards!" The voice belonged to an old man who stood there by the far corner.

 "Hello, Guardian." The old man held uptight his body, tall and slim wrapped in a green robe that covered his whole body. "My name is Aube, the forgotten offspring of Anubis. He left me at the oasis with my birth mother, the maid of his realm. We were rescued by the kind trader who was to raise me. He was more than a trader, he was a grand wizard too. He knew who I was from, and stayed there to entrapped me. I brought him many caravans but he declined them all. He offered them water and shelter like the true faith had asked, but he chased them on first light."

 "Mortality took his life while I lived on. I extended his offer of help but I also helped myself. I learned his wizard spells for in death, his soul was mine to call upon. I became the Unnamed One."

"For years, I had build the oasis and then the town, driving in devotees to my spring. Once they had drank the water, they served me. But your city Mina had drawn all my devotees." Aube told him. "They found Set more appealing. They brought him gifts and gold. I have both too, but I desired followers."

"Yes, I convinced the brigands to raid your city and then my minions went to devoured the souls." Aube laughed. "Where was Set then? He did not helped your people then. He did come but who ever need one who was late."

"Show yourself, Set. Hide not behind Osiris image." Karthum shouted out. "Or perhaps upon his death would you reveal yourself."

Aube removed his green robe to showcased his frame of green scales with the long tail. He expanded in size while his head evolved to be that of the twin headed serpent. It stood over Karthum by over seven head high.

"I am Aube, the Serpent." It strike at Karthum with its independent head on the elongated neck. For each strike, Karthum used the blade to deflect the head.

"Perhaps two may not suffice." The Serpent hissed out. Upon that, there appeared four more on the body as it expanded in length and width to triple from the previous size. Then it stood high at over twelve heads high.

"The higher they are, the harder they fall." Karthum shouted and leapt up. He swing his long blade and removed the two middle heads in one cut. The four headed serpent then coiled back on the attack. Not only did it hissed in pain, but it body size had reduced.

"So the body loses a head also loses the size." Karthum rushed in and slashed at the other heads. He took down two more before it slithered to the far end. It was smaller then; almost the size of the warrior.

"Guardian, you may not win just yet." The double headed serpent hissed out and the from the corners of the level, dark scorpions appeared with their sting poised to strike. "I had befriended many friends of the plains."

By instinct on the double blades of the Guardian, a streak of fire enveloped the sharp edges. It flickering flames deter of the stinging creatures from approaching the Guardian. He swung the blades like lighted torches to pushed the scorpions off. They retreated on the flames but approached when it was far. Again by instinct, the Guardian thrust the double blades into the flooring while the flames spread out across the level.

"You fool! We are in her and you had invoked her being." The two headed serpent slither off down the stairs which the Guardian had followed. He saw the serpent slither out the doorway and soon they were outside. The tower swayed to the fire on its first level, but the sight of the tower was soon to evolved. It changed from that of a tower into the giant dark scorpion with its belly in flame. It was am huge on with the height towering a hundred and fifty heads height. It had a set of giant pincer on it but the sting on it tail was the concern of the Guardian.

"Mother, I tried to warned you." Aube hissed out but the large sting of the dark scorpion struck down the twin headed serpent. It then looked at the Guardian. It hissed at the other and then shrieked out in pain as the fire build up. It turned to look at the Guardian. It twin pincers reached out but the Guardian had blocked the attack with the blades. He stepped back some distance to assess the giant.

The Guardian tried to cut at the pincers but they were steel hard. He went for the joints on the eight limbs but those were equally well protected in its shell. Then he saw the opening to thrust the long blade into the left eye of the scorpion. He missed it and struck instead at the lower jaw of the scorpion. It reacted the pain there and raised its head. With its head distracted, the Guardian rushed in beneath the giant scorpion belly and thrust the double blade in. He pushed at the blades to cut at the belly pushing his way to the fiery burning torso. The Guardian ran out from the opened belly and looked to the giant scorpion as its shrieked out more loudly. It then dissipated into the sands like the storms that appeared and disappeared with no trace.

"You done well, Guardian." Torak told the warrior who stood there looking at the husk of what may had been Aube. After the scorpion had stepped on it, it also dissipate but it left behind burnt bones.

"That was Aube remains of his humanity. It would now be buried in the sands and never to be seen again." Torak explained. "I am also leaving for my own realm."

"Guardian, you are freed of your servitude. Find Sena, and take care of her." Torak told him. He handed over to the Guardian an amulet. "Wear this, and in your dreams it would guide you to her. In your journey you would find yourself and to guide others."

Karthum took the amulet and wore it over his neck. He looked to see the boy walked away but soon disappeared into the sands. He then saw the horse that was saddled with supplies appeared before him. He mounted the horse and rode towards the sun.

In the plains, the sun and the stars are your guide. If you looked hard at it, the Guardian may appeared to you. Ask of it for the guide to your problem.

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