Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 1.20

20. White Witch.

"I am Glinda' sister. I am also known as the Witch of the South or some people called me The White Witch." The newly sister is all white from her hair to her shoes. "I did not come to fight but to end this war."

The White Witch saw the other army leaving and she smiled. She then looked at Glinda.

"You ought to be shameful." Glinda told her sister. "I would like you to walked back to your castle now."

Glinda did as she was told.

"I am the eldest sister of the four. My sister Glinda caused two of them to died, although I do not mind. It not that I don't like them or their handling of the people but we were given the lands to rule over. We were told to rule in according to our whims. Father was right; we did rule according to our whim." The White Witch smiled as she recollect how their father have separate the lands for them. There was one more clause not spoken of by either sisters; upon their death or incapacitated, their lands would be split among the able ones.

"Since they died and Glinda humbled by you, I need to manage all my sisters' lands including my dead sisters'." The White Witch then pulled Dorothy aside.

"Dorothy, I been watching you. You are trouble." She told me. "You leave this land and we would call it even."

"White Witch, I just want to go home. I am doing it now. I would be leaving here." I told her off.

"And how do you intend to that? Fly off on some basket with a balloon over your head." The White Witch smiled at me. "I doubt you and your Uncle ever knew how to get out of here."

I was surprised that she knows so much.

"The Tower servants told me many things. They need not go to any chambers, but they need to have good eyes and better ears. " The Witch smiled and handed me a note.

Soon I was with Uncle Henry aka the Wizard.

"Uncle, do you know the White Witch?"

"By reputation." He replied. "She never come to the City before. Why do you asked?"

"She just told me how to get home." I looked at the basket in the chamber. "That won't worked."

"That? I am going to use that to leave the city only. It was not intended to get out of the land. I don't know how to go home but I would figure that out later. That was until you turned up." The Wizard looked at his niece. "Your presence overrode a number of things. One was with you here, I got a visit from Glinda. She told me about you, and she wanted me to know she would kill you. If not you, then her sister from the West would do it. When I met you, I asked you to kill the Witch. I should had said the witches."

"Can we get back and talk later?" I told my Uncle.

He agreed.

I held him with my hand and tapped my boots three times. I chant the spell which the White Witch gave me. Soon I find a whirlwind appearing us and then we were back home at the farm. We landed on the real Wizard and that broke his hologram.

He appeared as the real Wizard.

Soon, we were having a serious discussion. After what I heard from the Wizard, I wanted to go back to Oz. Its looks like what I went through was just the appetizer. I came up with a list and passed it to Uncle Henry.

"We are going back to Land of Oz."

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