Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fantasies? Don't we all have it.....

This is the Saturday wake up edition...... Or was it the Friday doze me off Nightline....

Nevermind, indulge in the walk I took...

My first trip to the red light section of the city I was in. Okay, I lied. It was my first time in a red light section in a new city, all alone and the pussy ( pun intended ) took off my binds ( or was it restraint ) to sample what things in life that I missed. Gee, fifty seven words for that statement. I can assured you if you asked me to speak it out here, I would had probably stammer five times and drank down a glass of red wine straight up. That was assuming I had an audience who would care to listen.

Good, I got your attention. Pardon me, but I needed courage to walked into that place.

Good gracious, its not a girlie bar. I been to that, with and without the explicit motions, bared and unbarred ones, squeak and squeezed, but I would be darned honest, never been in one of this one before.

Cut the crap and get into it? Wow, you are pushing me there. Okay, its to do with the strap and its cutting edge if you can catch my drift.

Play, hold onto your garters. We would go in.

Darned! I dislike it when they get uppity on me. There was one thing Man do well in life; that was climb on top.

Ding Dong! There goes the bell. I wondered why people still installed in bells. I meant you had doors which could be activated by remote switches or hired burly guys to stand there.


"Can I be of service to you, Sir?"

Oh, miss me God on your next evaluation test for naivety, I was dragged here against my will. I meant I could had stayed outside but the devil in me dragged me in. No, it was not by my toes. It was, you know like a 911 call. You beat the lights to smoothe the fire, kinda comparison.

She done it. She actually asked .....Her? I could had sworn it was a Him. But some do have a more muscular frame. I did but it drooped downwards.

"Here is our latest models." The saleslady; they are called that, right. It used to be Avon ladies but that was in the 60's. "You are familiar with the acts?"

I stepped forth to squint my eyes. Was she questioning me or her? There ain't much in the world I had not seen. I could tell that the lady was not wearing thongs, probably a ....or gracious me, she was not wearing anything. Thank the love life of mine, the lady with me replied.

"No, we are ....first time attempts." The way she word it was like I was a frigging seventeen old boy. I wanted to tell her, I had the notches on my groin to show the numbers.

"Amateurs, I can see that. Let me show you around. We have an assortment of choices." Aha, I laughed at that one. She did have one thing there; a set of bottoms to cover the bottom. But the ladies had paraded down the aisle to the next section.

"Here we have the standard cuffs; self locking and press here; the locks open. In case you lose the keys." I examined that. It worked. There goes my investment in the velcro tapes.

"Or you prefer the spanks. This paddle comes in different linings. These are padded for the starters." Paddles, I seen them before. I used to play ping pong with those. Never knew why they were oblong instead of round.

"Or our very own cords. Soft yet firm, it won't hurt even if you over stretched." Bungee ropes could had suffice, but sure beats the plastic ones I bought from the shop. Bloody ropes burned my hand when I tried to lower the box with the pulley.

"Please step over here. Here we have more advanced restraints. The under the bed rollover." I betcha Wolverine would howled on that one.

"The spider web for the standing position." I can just pictured myself upside down. Sure beats the bed for the plateau angle. I wondered if the blood gets into the head.....or bad idea, the other head might lose blood. Sorry, Spidey. I would skipped you for now.

"The ceiling swing. I loved this to the see saw." That really made me turned off. I did once installed a swing in the room but all I got a was bang slammed into me with the wooden end. Hurt for days. No more Tarzan swings. I don't care if Jane says she is a virgin.

"Or you prefer the domino." I could had gotten that leash and collar for a quarter that price. I was to asked if it had flea off spray but she had us into the more intimate session.....I meant section.

"Our very own water bed. You could experience the drowning effects." The last time we tried the water bed, her bra hook pierced the plastic cover. It was a wet affair with lots of scooping fo water into the bathroom.

Ben Wa balls?

She asked for Ben Wa Balls. I have already loathe Obi Ben for not returning my laser saber and now she asked for balls.

"Sure, we do. We called it the Y section." Y section? I am pissed. I came in here for the P to the Y but she was directing us there. I wondered if she had one on her then.

Stupid thought added with stupid voice command, equal more stupidity.

"Yes, I do. Hold on." She extracted it over.

That was it. I am leaving. I dragged my love out but left the last remark to Ms Ben Aw.

"We don't do sales return even on guarantees but from you, I would not lay your balls in her."

One thing fruitful on the visit was we had some great sex that evening. We done almost every conceivable act after a long hiatus due to age. It can't be helped as they played the old MTV hits; Girls just wanna have....

"Oh, yeah." still rang in my ears. Pardon me, that was myself. I decided not to be domino. I never knew feather duster had more than one use in the household.


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