Thursday, August 22, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 2.02

2.        Decision

"I know its hard for you to accept, but its the truth." Uncle Henry later told me. "I am also from that dimension; sent over by our father. It was to explore the land and prepare for an invasion. The Invasion was called off, and so was myself. I could not find my way back but I could communicate with them. Hinkley told me he was sending you over sometime back, but I did not ask why or what? Instead he came over with you, and left me back there."

"The bastard brother left me there for years while he is here to see to his last darling daughter grow." Uncle Henry spoke in anger. "You were his last but you were not from the same mother. Your mother was the King's daughter."

"The King forbid the relationship and they eloped. Or rather she eloped with him." Uncle Henry continued. "You were born and there were two enemies; your grandfather and your father's other wife."

I looked in disbelief.

"She caused your mother's death. Your father confronted her. She was sent into limbo; their version of a prison. Then your grandfather took on a war in your mother's name. They fought and he lost. Your father split the land into four for his surviving daughters." Uncle Henry paused. "Then he tried to made amends for you. He brought you here. He told me. He had hidden your memory, and replaced with one of his creation."

"You mean my father changed my memory. How can he...." I shouted out in anger. The man intruded into my mind.

"I had to, Dorothy." Its him standing behind me. My own father was standing there; listening in and keeping quiet. He also caused my grandfather to lose a kingdom. I stepped up to him and threw him a punch. He took it like a man. Then I stood there as he composed himself.

"I loved your mother. I did not expect her to be done by the other one." The one named Hinkley spoke like we are having a dinner conversation. "I placed the one in limbo. It was the least I could do."

I don't what or why, but I needed my father now. My real father.

He held out his arms and I went for it. We hugged while I cried my emotions out. I am not sure who I am now.

"Dorothy, you have to stopped your sisters. Or rather the one who would destroy your inheritance." Hinkley told me.

"Do you think I care about the kingdom?" I spurt it out. "I just ......want to find out my past. Who is my mother? I need to know."

"Your mother was a...." I stopped him.

"Don't tell me about the kingdom. I am not keen on it. I just want to free the people." I pulled myself away. "I don't know why, but I owed them that."

"You are their Princess. Your grandfather is dead. You are the one they can rely on. " Hinkley barked back.

I had heard enough. I pushed him off and walked away.

"Dorothy, you can walked away from me, but you can't walked away from your people." Hinkley shouted at me. Then I felt the pain in my head. Its the images that passed by my eyes. Then came the sounds and voices. It was followed by the scents and aroma; whatever that smells.

I went down to my knees. It was very painful.

Hinkley picked me up and held me. This time I did not pushed him away. I remembered it all.

My mother. My childhood. My kingdom.

"Father, I want to see mother's murderer." I told him off. "I want to see her or I won't fight.. Not only see her but how she murdered my mother. "

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