Monday, August 12, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.19


 We cleared the landing procedures and had disembarked to HOTS reception. There are seven guards with automatic rifles waiting for me. My host asked that I be taken to the assigned chambers before the party tonight. They placed both of us in the same chamber. I protested strongly.

"Hey, Guys. We are not married yet. So we can have separate chambers. If need be, I can always sneak over." I looked at her. "Or vice versa."

The guards slammed the door on me. I rang the service bell. The guard open the door and looked at me.

"Do you have a condom dispensing machine here?"

The guard slammed the door on me. I guess no would be more polite to say. I turned back to look at Heidi was busy searching the chamber for something. There was the bed, the closet with a dresser at the side plus a standing shower area. Heidi had opened the closet door and rummage the clothes hanging there.

"This is a Gucci Summer 2012 design. That's Gautier 2012 Autumn." She turned around to look at me. "Would you mind turning your back? I want to try these clothes."

Okay, I am being polite. I walked to the shower area and pulled the curtain. I stared at the shower head above me, and wondered if they placed any camera in there. They could had; I mean this may be unearthly of them but we are in space now.

Then I gave up and decided to peed there. I searched for the zipper and than remember that its was to the rear. Heidi helped me into it, and now I am in need of removing it. C'mon, we are man; we don't unzip from the rear. We do it at the front; even when we stand behind. I can assure you that sometimes it calls for acrobatic skills to place your hand behind your lower back. I struggled with; and even got my left hand to reach for my right ear would be easier, and finally I got the zipper tab. Gee, if its going to go down; I would need a giraffe reached to do it. And then the urge became a need to a flash flood.

"Aargh!" I am all soaked down under. I pulled the curtain opened and requested for help.

"Heidi...." I am lost for words. If there was such a sight of beauty, then I am looking at the beauty of Venus in the natural form. Look, guys; I seen enough of the spine of most to know when one was worth the second stare.

"Mr.Blake! How dare you peek at me?" Heidi held up the dress ( was it Gautier, Donna or Guess; who cares. ) to cover her frontal looks, but I was looking at her back. So that does not count for me peeking, right?

"Ich entschuldige mich, Fräulien ( My apologies Fraulien ), but my zipper stuck. And now I am; how would you place it, eine Sturzflut Situation ( having a flash flood situation )" I tried to manage with my German words.

"Ja? Okay, turn your back." I did as she told so she could walked over. She pulled at the zip to lowered.

"I hope you did not scalded yourself with the hot discharge?" She snigged and pulled at the curtain to close it.

I was not amused as I stepped out of my suit and then turned on the water valve.

"Verdammt! ( God damn it! ) Who left the temperature so high?" I looked at my lower chest to my knees. They are all looked like I been branded by a cow puncher with a hot iron. Heidi must had heard my scream as she came running to pull open the curtain. She was after all, an EKO Cobra officer; sworn to protect the innocent and victims like me.

"Are you hurt?" I turned to look at her. She had slipped on the Gautier 2012 dress and she looked nice. Her blonde hair need some combing but who's complaining. I had slipped my hands to cover my lower belly to ease the burning feeling.

"Its the hot temperature. I think they planned to scald us both." I accused out Host of misbehavior.

"Hang on. My Grandmother once taught me that the best salve for scaldings is the saliva." She raised up her hands and spat into it. She then placed it on my belly and asked if I feel right.

"Right? No, I feel.. I hate to disclosed it, but the warmth of her hands were intoxicating. Its sending vibrations to my mind and down to my toes; and along the way trigger something in the scrotum area. Its starting to glow the magical wand of mine.

"Ja, your weiner looks bad; its growing red and that needs a lot of salve." I am in heaven then, as she administer more salve onto me. I turned my body to shield from the shower head in case it has a camera there.

Later she stood up and pulled me by victimized part to the bedding. I searched for the zipper on her dress but she told me, its on the side.

"Not the same design as in Isle, huh?" I made a mocking statement.

"Ja, in Austria; we do it differently." I can only agreed. Unlike Honey Rider, she got the Alps for me to hike on. I trailed my hike to the snowy cap and slide down the other side.

"You swim the Channels for me?" She blinked her eyes for me as I moved downstream. I would do anything to strengthen the alliance between us. Then the phone buzzed. You ever had that when you busy beating the currents on the Channel.

"Wer ist da? ( Who's is that? )"

"Dinner at eight o'clock, Sir." Damned servants to remind me on it.

Well, keep it on the afterburner. I am in the Channels now, and so buggered off." I slammed the phone.

 "Jon, I did not know you like burger too. I do like one too." Heidi replied before she lowered me down to the deeper depths. Who cares what she likes; I am on a mission now.

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