Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.21


I knocked on the door. The guard opens the door and I asked him come in. He was young and cradle a mean looking gun. But he looked no more meaner anymore; he had his mouth gaping open. He is looking at Heidi who was holding the pillow over her frontal side. It was all I need to showcase my paid lessons in karate-do. I chopped the guard on the back of his neck.

"That was quick." Heidi complimented me as she pulled up the straps of her dress and lowered her hem line.

"You get the guests, while I sabotage the HOTS system. I trusted you have called your boss. Mine is on the way." I pat her left back cheek.

"Ja, no wonder I felt the hardness there too." I felt she was mocking me on the anatomy but I got a mission to complete.

I ran out to the corridor and saw the second guard; and had him down in three strides. The way to get to HOTS was easy with the direction signs. Soon I find myself in HOTS main engineering chamber.

There was one problem. Mouth made it before I reached here with her rifle cocked.

"Welcome, Mr.Blake." She did not hesitate; started off firing the rifle. I was quicker; I had my pillows thrown at her. With her accuracy, she threw up a fierce pillow fight; soon we had feathers all bellowing around us. It also covered my path to the engineering control console. There I stood up and smiled at her.

"Mouth, you missed my feather." She took my bait and shoot at me.

I moved at the last moment to let the 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge hit the console. The cartridge based on the 'Patrone 88'; loaded with a relatively heavy 14.6 grams (225 gr) round-nosed ball cartridge with a diameter of 8.08 mm (0.318 in) have a heavy hitting power. It bore through the thin plastic cover and then broke a couple of electronic boards. The damage stopped the circuitry from working correctly, and now the HOTS system has been re-programmed from a deadly weapon to a communications network with no charge for usage.

The alarm went off and Mouth must had been preempted on the damage.

"You cheat me, Mr.Blake. I don't like that." Mouth pulled the trigger but the ammo clip was empty. But my weapon was ready. I had earlier pulled out the wire with the circuit board and now I swing it like a 'bolas' ( three ball throwing weapon ). The circuit board with the wire tighten around Mouth's neck and capitulate to her last breaths.

Then I focused on the remaining consoles. I always wanted to this like those hard rockers on stage; trampling the equipments and laying my kicks into the screen.


I joined Heidi at the Viewing Chamber. She had single handled the guards and corralled the guests into a corner. I looked at the prisoners and noticed Doctor Yes, and the Draken couple missing. 

"Jon, the calvary is docking but the terrible trio escaped. They have taken off on OTO five minutes ago."

I rushed to meet the calvary which were disembarking now.

"Commander James B" I greet the commander and whispered the plan to him.

"Jon, you are balmy but here are the keys." I stepped myself into the new craft used for Space Missions; the new Shuttle. It sits sixty of us in a rows of six. I pushed the craft out of the docking bay and powered up her engines.

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