Sunday, August 25, 2013

Oz; A remake of the tale 2.04

4.  A New World

With Hinkley's help, he brought all seven of us over back to the dimension where Oz exist but its not the same one which I left from. Its all white and cold; there is not snow but the temperature is near to freezing. The other thing about this land was that its all white; the trees, leaves, the ground but the skies are still red. We saw some birds and they are all white. Even the Crows are white, and the Hornets too. Nothing of other shades are made to white.

"Darned! She had become more powerful. She is now changing the land to her preference; which is now white." Hinkley remarked on the new landscape. "She always tell me that she liked white. She wanted everything white in every thing around her.

"Hinkley, are we talking of the White Witch?" I asked once we organize the equipments which we bought over. I remembered Hinkley cautioning us' do not leave anything workable in the dimension. If its not from here, take it back. Or destroy it. We all agreed as whatever we brought were going to use to fight his war. And when its all over, there would be nothing left to bring back unless we survived.

Suddenly, we saw a familiar figure walking towards us; its the cat. Not exactly the same on which I met on when I was last here. This one is dressed in Mexican sombrero with a set of leather boots with the wide lapels over the top. The cat was also wearing a waist belt with a cutlass. More to it this cat had a dark patch over its right eye.

"Holy Mackerel! Its you, Wizard." The cat pranced up to them. "Smelly Fishes! How can you bring her back? She is the cause of all this."

The cat reached for the cutlass.

"If I still have my claws, your face would be the first one I defaced." The cat approached me. It then paused and looked at the weapons which was on me. Like the boys, I also carried the rifle and also the mini frag bombs. I am not confident of my voice sonic boom here but I got a war to fight here.

 "Cat? Is that you?" I asked of the cat. Its the same one I met the last time I was here; the one with the crystal body but now that body are laced with cracks and chipped off surface.

 "The name is Puss. Never had been Cat and most unlikely to change either way." The cat then looked to the Wizard. "Master, we are on the verge of losing the war. So tell me what is your strategy to win back what we lose."

"We need to get to the Cave." The Wizard told the cat.

"The Cave gone. It was destroyed by I could not afford it found by her." The cat looked away and then back at the Wizard. "Please leave. No one wants you back."

"Puss, I need is that box. Did you keep it?" The Wizard asked.

"I destroyed that too." Puss replied meekly.

"PUSS, I am your MASTER. Tell me the TRUTH." The Wizard shouted his command to the cat. "You are my apprentice and would always be."

Puss then spoke up.

"I kept it. Its in a safe place." Puss looked me. "Can't say much for your friends."

"Cat, where are they?" I rushed forth to confront the cat in the boots.

"They were captured and held in different places. You won't have them the same anymore. They been changed."

"CAT! I WANT NAMES." I am truly upset now.

"You don't have to shout. I can hear you." I looked at the forest tree lines. Its Droid. Or just part of it.

"I can't move much without my body. Puss was kind to help me with my head but it does gives me the headache." Droid was left on the ground. It must had fallen off the tree branch.

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