Friday, August 16, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 2.01

1. The Recruitment

Its been only one day since I came back and now found myself with this bunch of misfits. I never seen a more pathetic figures' with a range of age from fifteen to forty years than them. They are all standing there trying to impress me.

One thing that intrigue me more was that I been away for only one day. Time movement is different in the two dimension. I was away for two weeks there but its only one day had passed over here. Its more like twelve days to one day on this end. 

"Uncle Henry, you been there too long to go back again. Aunt Em needs you." I am trying to convince him that he is needed here. He has removed his wizard robe and now dressed in green camouflage; carrying a mini cannon phaser mini bombs launcher installed on its barrel. He also packed a twin hand phaser on his waist belt. On his back is another phaser rifle with a shorter barrel armed for rapid fire.

"The heck I needed him here." I looked at my Aunt. "He goes where I go. How can he go without me?"

If you seen my crazy Uncle, then you should see my aunt. She is similarly dressed in camouflage but she is carrying a double barrel mini cannon in her arm. It fires a set of deadly mini multi round projectiles in each shot. With this cannon, you can't miss; its fire a  spread that even a gazelle cannot outjump. She is also wearing her apron with her usual cooking utensils including kitchen knives.

I have a crazy family.

Oh no! I am struck below the belt. There are these three phaser guns toting young hunks.

"Hicks, Zeke, Hunk; I don't care what your mama said, you are going back......" I never got to complete my comments.

"We are not going nowhere unless its with you." Its Hicks as he stood forward from the other two. I can see the gleam in his eyes; he loves me and I am not sure I do. I held out my hands to his, and held it firmly.

"Hicks, we may not come back. I can't afford to lose you." I can tell the emotions eating into him, and he is one tough nut to crack. I shook my head at this lovey dovey boy. Gee, given the different circumstances, I want to kissed him.

"Okay, you can all go with me, but packed up your gear well. This is going to be one hard battle." I walked to the pile of gear which I had instructed Uncle Henry. "You got half an hour to sort things out."

I looked at the three boys dressed now in their farm overalls; orange shades, but they are armed with the short barrel phaser rifles with extended ammo packs. On their hips are the machetes which they used to removed the stubborn plant stubs. Hicks even carried his own flame lighter. They have multiple pouches on their overall with mini frag grenades. The even brought along their hover boards plus some extras.

"Dorothy, do you think we can transport our bikes too. And one more farm truck." Hicks had to raised the most stupid question.

"Hicks, I am not sure. I could do it or we could have the bikes components embedded into our body." I looked at Hicks and he has this sad puppy face expression. "Okay,we can try."

"Dorothy, I need to talk to you." I looked back and saw the real Wizard. We both went to the side to talk.

"I need to go back." The Wizard was all dressed in his rightful outfit as the Wizard; a blue cloak over his blue tunic and pants. He's bare footed and without a hat. His head is one smooth one without any hair on it.

"I am their father. The Witches' father." I heard the older man, and really wanted to punch him out but I held back.

"I am their father. I orchestrate the King's fall. I split the land into four. When the daughters of mine started becoming bad. I left but I placed your Uncle there. It was a choice which I had to made, and I do not regret it. It was needed for me to contact you." The Wizard explained himself. "You are my only last daughter which can restore order."

Me; his daughter? This can't be happening.

I looked at the older man and then walked away. He cannot see me crying.

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