Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.15


 "Draken Industries Tech was our breakfast; solution by lunch; Implementation by Supper". Her words to me and all I could reach out for was databases of information. Draken do research and development for the main defense contractors. Hugo was the head honcho and also leads the Development team. They employed more than a thousand staff with half of them involved in his department.

Heidi got me in as part of the staff; the staff are all dressed in sporting attire to work.  I was given one but it was in bright yellow suit with a matching gold visor complete with a water tumbler. I tried the visor but it was made in China; a standard visor with no hidden gadgets.

"Jon, our target is Chamber Room 007 on the seventh level." We took the lift and ended up down seven levels below in a lighted up cavern underground. "Ja, they do have offices in these places. They are conducive to work in."

I heard of Data Centers buried in the caverns or under ice but this was supposed to development section. Soon I was impressed by the layout; its a research for centrifuge and that can only lead to nuclear bombs. There are seven scientist at work there; all looking at their consoles like its the next best thing in life to sex.

Then the alarm went off; 'Intruder Alert'.

Heidi ran for the doorway of he chamber but the place had initiated lock down procedure. Then the worst came; the system confirmed the intruders are in Chamber 007.

"System Intervention initiated Code 007 initiated. "

The seven scientist all panicked and ran for the doorway before it was sealed. I grabbed hold one of the scientist and pushed him against the wall.

"What is the plan? Code 007?"

"Its a shut down on the oxygen here. We would all die without oxygen." The seven scientist went panicky but Heidi was busy compiling notes and files.

"I got it all." Heidi shout at me. Then she pulled the water tumbler straw.

"Jon, suck on the straw. Its oxygen." I should had known; the water contains element of oxygen in it. Heidi later explained to me; their boffins modified the components and it gave us a lifeline. Then Heidi walked to the sealed door and work out her magic. She got it open and we walked out; only the two of us out of nine in there.

I looked at Heidi; she may not be who she said she was. I need to be careful.

I was on my way out when she dragged me into another lift. This one going upstairs' to be exact seven floors up. The doors open to a private office of Mr. Huge Draken. You cannot missed the decor; its all dank and damp for an office this high. Then his secretary walked in; a Scandinavian long legged beauty dressed in a dress one size too small heighten in the tall section with her three inch stilleto. 

"Corrina Tufour. I am Huge Draken' private aide." Heidi took her hand and then passed her a half Euro bill. Corrina took up the note and reached into her chesty orbs to extract out another similar piece of the bill. She placed it against her's and note that it matched.

"He's not here. But the file is here." She passed the pen drive over.

"I would take it now, Ms.Tufour."

There was someone new that just walked in but Heidi knew him.

"Mr.Trang. I am not expecting you." Corrina stepped out her heels. "Heidi, let me take care of Mr.Trang. I am sure he would like to see up my dress now."

Corrina rushed forth in her bare feet and execute a "Khao Yieb" kick ( a step up knee kick. She ran and jumped onto the left knee of Trang and used her right knee to knock into the guy's chin. Mr.Trang knocked out on the floor.

"Corrina our insider in the Organization." Heidi explained to me.

"Leave now. I would have him taken care of." Corrina told while she was pulling the unconscious man away. We turned to leave when we heard the shot.

Bang! Corrina was shot in the back and now laid out spread eagled dead. Huge Draken got his bases covered; he hired an assassin to cover his office. 

"Let's go." Heidi shouted out as more shots came. We rushed out and into the lift before running out at the Ground Level for the getaway car.


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