Thursday, April 26, 2012

Toys Part 9

"Professor..." But Heptanes walked forward to embrace the professor I brought back to the rented hotel room. The two older professors then sat down and talked of their younger days. It seems that Heptanes knew Martha from his younger days. Soon the two professors are comparing notes as I stood guard over the window. Its going to be a long night and I need to complete my mission but how do I hand over a lady I just won her trust.

We took her to the farm as the next changeover was due to happened this week. So it will be save for her there while I figure out how to explain her disappearance. I was back in time to get the new list of changeover of identities. I find in the list is Martha Kiln but its not my assignment.

We are to go to the home of the affected and bring them to their new identity place. There we removed the previous identity and placed the new identity in. Then we will bring the new vessel to their new place unless some changeover is done on the place. Then we wait while the place change before we packed the vessel in there. So you can be a grocer yesterday and a banker tomorrow. Or a Housewife of three today and a Doctor tomorrow. Then the Special Squad will come in with their trucks to place the Nanites into the water supply to activate the new instructions. But the Nanites does not affect us as we have the antidote in us to reject the Nanites.

It was then I found the perfect vessel for Martha Kiln. The vessel was to go back for storage as its happens sometimes on request by the Science Center. But today I intercepted the vessel and move it out the back door to the farm. Professor Heptanes with the approval of the other Professor transferred the identity over. I took Professor Martha Kiln previous vessel and threw her over the bridge at the river. She may be found or never at all as this is the river that flowed to the sea.

But the bad news was to report to Control I lost the target.

"Control will see you now." I followed the Secretary but she did not have the same walks as the previous vessel. She does stack more on the front top but I am not into the motherly love when I performing. The Secretary opened the door and I walked in. I walked to the glass top table and faced the man named Control. Today he is a young man with a well trimmed beard and wearing round rimmed spectacle. below his mop of hair on the top of the head. He is dressed in a gray suit with a dark tie and wearing matching shoes.

"I hear you lost Martha Kiln."

"Yes, I tailed her and then I was set on by a trio of men. I managed to defeat them but she was not be found. But I got this book from her lab. She has been experimenting with some new drugs. Here is the book." I hand over the book and he took it up. He then dropped it on the floor.

"That book is not important. We are the one who finance her project. What about the youth you took for a drive.? Did he tell you anything i ought to know." I am not surprised that he would know I took the youth for a ride.

"The kid told me about the experiments and the book. His friend died in her works. He wanted vengeance. But he was shot before he could do more for me."

"An unfortunate workings of that Department. You are lucky they did not take you too. I stopped the shooter in time before he could take the shot. But Officer Butler, you have failed in your mission. Then again, you had some difficulty which many would had been more fatal. I would ignore your failure here. I would suggest you find Martha Kiln dead or alive. But be on your guard, I know everything that happens here. I may call on you for other works. Do you like my new Secretary looks? I know she is not of your taste but I like it." Control got up from his seat and walked to the door.

I took it that mean I am dismissed too. I followed suit and I see Control walking with the Secretary in his arms. I guess my dinner would be chinese takeaway tonight with Martha Kiln.

"I hope you like the new look." I looked at the familiar curves which I used as my minstrel piece on some cold evenings.

"Officer Butler, every lady loves a new makeover even though its makes me aged backwards twenty five years. But the butt needs to be worked on as it too pouting sexy for me." I guess you can never satisfy a lady all the times but hopefully most times.

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