Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bullet 4 Part 10


Chuka as its now is under bombardment of the tanks and there are little I can do to help. I saw them coming in with the helicopters and they are hovering after the town before the squad rappel down onto the road which we took some two hours ago. I have back tracked here to occupied the squad while Perez and the priest take the children to safety. I am now resting my Remington on alow branch for balance, and watching the squad.

I counted fifteen of them from the two copters. They are dressed in army camouflage and wearing black paint.I counted five snipers with a mix of Remington and Artic Warfare 50. The rest are armed with M16A1 or AK47. The squad favorite weapon is the read handed machete in the scabbard at the waist. Every member is given one of that on their joining the squad. The are lead by a Major Montoi who is on the of the sniper. His mode of operation is the pincer move with the snipers in the center while the others cover the sides.

But not this operation. I relaxed my shoulder muscle and pulled at the trigger as my lens sight is focus on the Major at five hundred yards. The fragging Major is a lucky bloke to had move at the last moment, and the bullet hit the man standing behind him in the nose.I caused a stir there as the remainder fourteen men fired at my general direction.

Its time to move and I creep away silently to the right using the bushes as cover. I move some distance of 50 yards and paused at a thick bush. The sunlight is fading as the sun set in the hills,  and in the jungle; its gets dark quick. I slowly moved my barrel in between the leaves and twigs to sight on the squad.They are moving in slowly with the sniper covering the rear. I cannot turned on my night vision as they are still in the lighted area. I did a count and find there is two missing from the group. I get the strategy now; the two are in the jungle now and hunting me.

Time to change my strategy; as I moved away from the spot and proceeded deeper into the jungle. I moved like a hundred yards and then move to the right for another fifty. Its slow to move in these conditions and more when its all dark here. I paused to take a rest and it was then I heard the rustling of leaves, and light foot steps. Darned! I am getting too complacent or lack of training in this that I forgotten the basic rules. Check for sounds every ten steps; and I allowed the attacker to catch my scent. I lowered my rifle and removed the machete from my waist; I borrowed it from Perez earlier. I removed my jacket and wrapped it around a small bush and prop the Remington next to it. I then stepped back and stood behind the tree trunk to wait for my attacker.

But he did not fall for the trick, as his blow with the machete just missed my head by inches to embed into the tree trunk on the right. I swung my machete with my right hand up to slash into his right armpit; almost severing the arm. I pulled back the machete and did an overhead swing on the injured man's neck on the left shoulder. But his shouts of pain attracted the others and I can heart them running. I pulled out the machete and ran off retrieving my Remington. I can hear the bullets whizzing past me as I ran for better cover. I jumped into a small trench which I saw earlier. I ran along the trench towards the road for about twenty paces before I stopped. I put my senses to work trying to figure out where my predators are now. I can hear the injured man calling for help and sounds of running feet.

Suddenly one of my attacker stumbled over and fall into the trench. By instinct, I swung with my Remington into the face of the fallen man. He took my blow in his throat and I think I crushed his windpipe. He struggled for a while and then went slack. I grabbed the M16A1 and ran along the trench for a distance. I stopped at about a fifty paces and then rested my legs. I scooped up the Night Scope to looked around. I can see the nearest guy is about twenty paces to my left moving up the hill and he is a sniper. I dragged up my Remington and sight it on the sniper's back. I blew his head off and then I ran down the hill to the road. More bullets are whizzing by me but I got them on the run towards me. It worked then strategy as I do not want them to go up the hills giving Perez and the priest more time to take the children across.

I ran across the road and into the jungle. I stopped before a spread of bamboo's. There I rested my Remington to sight on the descending men. I saw them coming down in and I lined up the rifle towards the man in the middle. He has reached the road and was about to run over when I shot him. The bullet him in the chest and he went down clutching his body. But the rest are wise up to my tricks and now stay hidden. But they did not do just that; they started throwing magnesium flares into the jungle; illuminating the area around me. I had to lay low to avoid being seen but I can shadows of them moving into positions. I will trapped soon if I don;t move; so I backed up ever slowly to avoid any notice. It was then I got shot at the left thigh. I rolled over fast as more bullets came in to where I was last at. I rested against a tree trunk and looked at my wound. The bullet have grazed the thigh but it did not hit any bones. I tore off a strip off my shirt and used it to bandage it. I need a miracle to get out of this trap.

The miracle came.

It was a sudden downpour and the rain doused the flares fast. But now I have crawl away to another tree and lined up my Remington. I had an extended cover on the lens to avoid the rain distorting the sight. I drew my sight on one of them and pulled the trigger. The guy took the shot in the left shoulder. I heard more shouting and I lined up my next target; another sniper who is searching for me with his night vision that he did not know I have found him. His lens caught onto mine but I pulled the trigger faster with the bullet piercing the lens and into his eye.Then I saw my other intended victim running for better cover and i shot him in the left ribs to penetrate the liver.

I heard the whistle and that is probably the signal to keep low.

I took the opportunity to crawl back and then sideways with the rain as my cover. I will find some cover from the rain and rest too.

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