Monday, April 9, 2012

The Lost Legion Part 9


"Who's on the wall?" I shouted at the sentry but he is running for his life than giving me any answer. The walls are burning and the remaining men up there are fighting a losing battle. I can see the enemies climbing over and they would soon in the fort.

"Marco, assembled the men. We will take the fight to them". My Decanus assembled the eighty odd men I have under my command. We have not finished assembling when the gates fell open. More of our enemies are now swarming in with their cries for our blood. The defenders are retreating but I told the Legion to stand firm.

"We will buy them time. Form the Testsuro and defend the breach" The men did as they were told as we formed two sets to closed the gap on the streaming enemy coming in. Pilum and shields are in place and we advanced. This is not my old Legion but a mixed of veterans and new. The older and experienced ones lend in their words and commands to encourage the new ones. The formation is not perfect but its good enough to repel the enemies. The fleeing defenders on seeing us fight is moving back to their last position.

"Move to the breach. Let us gap it with our strength." The men marched in close ranks although some may had fallen but another closed rank to the other person. Its dwindled from eight to sixty and then to the forty but we closed the gap.

"Reform the defence. Form the phalanx and defend to our last of the breath." That is easier said than done as what is in front of us are masses of enemies warrior. Wooden shields are discarded to picked up the metal ones from the fallen veterans but many still hold theirs with arrows embedded in the front. Pilum lost are replaced with Han spears but not one is without a weapon to hold the breach.

We marched forth and held the gap. The defenders reclaimed the wall and we are holding them back. Then we saw the reinforcements from the Kangju horsemen. They must have been brought in by the Chieftain. Maybe there is hope. I held onto my gladius and moved forward despite the pain from the cuts and wounds. I must be with my men.


The calvary I had hidden in the valley was needed as we are losing the battle. Not that hey are breaking the Han but they are still outnumbered. It was not meant to turn the war but to buy us time to escape. I have bandaged my nose but the wound still bleeds.

I saw Lady Peng Rei standing there looking at the gap in the wall. Her body guard Lady Kino is nowhere to be seen. I would get the bitch for shooting at me with the arrow, and hitting my nose.

I see the Lady Peng Rei staring directly at the Centurion. Maybe she likes him but it matters not. He has done well, but he maybe also running for his life. He knows the war is to be lost by dawn and now he is splitting his forces to slipped through. I would not stop him as I am about to leave myself.

The lady looked at me and I smiled at her. She won;'t be able to see my smile behind the bandage but I still want to. But she is leaping off the wall to joined the men at the breach.


Lady Peng Rei

I can see the Centurion moving ahead. He is a fool as he is already injured yet he fights. I must stopped him and tell him to withdraw. The escape route is set and we can leave by there. I climbed up the wall and ready to join to him. I saw the Lord looking at me. I care not for you, cousin, not even Chen Tang. But I do love the man below. He is my lover. And I am his.

I leap down and just in time as an arrow hit the Centurion on his exposed arm. He drops his sword and hold his injured hand. I came forth to assist and I dragged him behind the defence.

"Seek shelter here. I would bandage it for you." I tore strips of cloth from my vest to wrapped his wound, but he looks not at me but to his men. Do they matter to him more than me? Maybe that's why I love him as he loves his role as Centurion. He is a true warrior who fights with his men and not from behind his men.

Learn that Zhizhi. Learn it well for your next life.

Decanus Marco

The Centurion is down, and its up to me to hold the ranks. I see the lady taking care of his wound and he is looking at me. The eyes tells me something and only I understand. Its time carry out his plan. We must escape the trap.

"Move to the enemy. The Horsemen needs us." I pushed the men to move forth. Some hesitate but the pushing force was hard on them and they had to follow suit. We chanced on the Han and we fought like madmen. Its the way to get out of the trap. We need to breach the enemy line.

'Form the line. We cannot be fighting blind." I pushed them hard and they began to form again. It was to work as we lost few of ours and gain more of them. But we are with the horsemen now and they have dismounted to fight with us. I slashed at anyone I assumed is the enemy and thrust where I see exposed flesh.

"The wall has been breached!' Good, now we can escape. But its the wrong side. It our wall that has been breached. I looked back and see Han' rushing in. They flanked us again and they are going in again.

The Centurion? I must save him.

"Sound the retreat. We have to save the Centurion." The men heard me and they moved back ever slowly but we have now the renewed attacks from the Han. They are relentless now as they see victory within their grasp.


I see the enemies coming and I pushed myself up. I would need to fight them or we will lose the Fort. My men are missing and I am alone. I turned I see her. She is here and she is trying to pulled me back. I cannot retreat as my men needs me. I pushed her away and I ran to faced the enemies. I stood there with the gladius and shield.

"Come and get me, you dogs. I am the Legion." They came and I slashed at them. I took their swings with my shield and I returned with my gladius. Flesh are cut and wounds are re-opened but I did not stop at all. I missed that swing and it headed for my neck. It would be a quick death but I am not ready to die. I tried to duck but the other sword came to block the swing.

Its her and she is fighting at my side. She is skilled and fast as she evades the thrust and parry with her sword. But her counter attacks are deadly with fatal cuts. We are surrounded by ten or more of the Han, but they kept their distance for fear of death. I pulled at her to move forth as I need to join my men, but she keep on shaking her head. She point to the back but I did not understand her action. She tried to tell me but I can't hear her. Soon it matter not as an arrow was at her neck. She reached for it but she could not pull it out. I held her to my arms while holding back the enemies.

"Peng Rei .." I called her as we did in the chamber.

She smiled and she died. I was soon to feel a hit on my head and I was down.

Lady Kino

The fool; she runs to meet her death with him. How many can they take on before they are overcome. Its also getting late and the trap may soon close. I could not kill the Chieftain as I was asked by the General Cheng Tang, but I can kill my mistress from being captured. I cannot have her violated by the savages. Lest of all the General; he pays well but he is no friend of mine. I raised my bow and shot the arrow.

It hit her in the neck and she would dead. That is my final service to her. I must go now. The escape plan calls for hasty retreat now.

Decanus Marco

I saw him being clubbed from behind as we rushed back in to find him. I ran to his body but there are many Han' there to hold me back. I have to rescued him but they are many. I don't care as I am a Legionnaire. I lunged at the nearest enemy and killed him, but the others were there to stabbed me with their spears.

Centurion, it hurts. I am dying now. Please forgive me.

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