Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lost Legion Part 5


I mounted the stairs to our room with Marco. All the rest of the travelers have retired to their rooms but I find the tension still permeates the air. The Innkeeper is putting the latch on the door and there was some knocks on it. The Innkeeper irritated to be disturb when he is about to retire for the night but business calls for him to open the door. I saw him unlatching the lock and opening the door. In came two travelers wearing the heavy coat to shield them from the strong winds.

"Can I come in, Innkeeper? I am in need of a place to stay." Its a voice of a young person but male or female; I could not determine as his face is covered by the heavy hood over it. Marco on pulled on my sleeve to move up but I seemed curious to know who it was behind the hood. I see the Innkeeper moved aside to let the travelers come in. They went up to his counter and deposit some pieces of silver. "I believe it would be enough for the accommodation and some food." The voice spoke again and this time its more clearer.

"Yes, young traveler. Your room is the one on the right, three doors down to the end. I am delighted to have you stay here with us." The Innkeeper is more courteous on the sight of silver. The traveler then removed the hood to reveal a lady underneath it. She looked up to me still standing at the stairs and I smiled. She replied my smile with hers and turned her back to me. She looked pretty and is more I can say for the ladies we see here are crusted by the harsh weather and also on the frequent travels. Life here is tough as water is scarce and the fertile land few in scattered places. So this lady must from afar and strange that she travel alone on these roads.

"Centurion, you coming or sleeping here." Marco called for me and I continue my steps onward. I could sense the eyes of the young traveler on me as I reached the top platform to walked to our room.

"Centurion? Did he called you Centurion?"I looked down at the pretty face now facing me from below the stairs.

"Yes, I am. Centurion Marius, Fifth Cohort. Who may I asked is calling on me?"

"We speak tomorrow morning then. I am tired now." She took her gear and she moved up the stairs with her co-traveler. They passed by us and she smiled at me. But not a word did she introduce herself. I watched her go to her room which is next to ours. The night went well with no incident.

By morning as I was coming down, I can see the hall is full of people except our late night guests. I see the Easterner's are also there, so are the Persians and the long blade group. Everyone is early but no one is leaving the Tavern as yet. We sat down at our assigned table and then the ladies came down. I could the feel the tension in the Hall as everyone watched the ladies step down the stairs. I was surprised that they came to our table and asked if they could joined us. I obliged as I am curious to know are they the ones we are supposed to meet. I was told by the Trader to come here and await one who will find me. The person will carry a seal from the Chieftain.

"I am Lady Ping Rei, of the Xiongnu Clan. I am also the emissary of Chieftain Zhizhi of Xiongnu." She is dressed in goat skin coat over her dressing and she holds her long blade favored by the Han people. She is a young lady probably just touching her adult years yet she speaks with confidence like a warrior. "This is my associate, Lady Bai Ling. She is a excellent companion on my travel. She does not speak much as she is very reserved in nature." I see before a lady dressed in the color of the brown sand and wears a pants like that of a male. Only expression below the head scaff showed her gender, but the eyes are watching the Hall like an eagle. She may be of older perhaps in her forties like me. I can see her weapons are the twin short swords on her back and the whip. Its very unusual to find a lady with a whip unless she was from the army trained. "She used to be an army trainer in the art of fighting."

"Its very unusual to see a lady as an emissary and more so to see a lady as part of the trainers for the army." I scoff at her claims but she was to prove me wrong.

"My jade seal to prove who I am. I know who you are from your looks and dressing. Just as I know who else is in the Hall. Legion, if you are to accept the task, your first one would be to protect me in the coming fight." Ping Rei withdrew her swords and stood up. She turned to faced the other three tables and spoke out.

"I see two of my adversaries here; The Han and the Assassin Guild. I know not of you" she points to the third group which are the ones with the long blade. "Are you here for me or just passing through?"

The long blade group stood up and announced themselves.

"We are here not for you or them but the lady companion of yours. Good day to you, Lady Komi. We are send by the Sensei to bring you back dead. あなたの一族を裏切る、我々はあなたの命を奪うためにここにある。(You betray your clan and we are here to take your life.)." The five person in the group got up and unsheathe their long blades. The lady in question took up her twin short blade and faced them.

"An enemy of my companion is also my enemy."I looked at Lady Ping Rei as she has announced her intention to defend her friend. She is either sick or I am worse. I drew out my Gladius and step back from the table. Marco did the same and stood beside me. There are the three Han and two Persian. If I would to add the long blades, I am looking at ten to four of us.

"Thank you for taking my side. We would continue our discussion after we had removed these scums." Ping Rei is very assuring but she is right. The time to talk is delayed and now is for action.

"More to it, I dislike men bullying ladies." The Han did not hesitate as they came at Ping Rei while the foreigners went for the other lady. I looked at the Persians as they stood back in their places. Good strategy as they let us butcher ourselves before they come in. The long sword came swinging in on our right and I blocked it off with my gladius. I swung out with my left fist at the short man in his face. He was sent back a few feet by my punch. I see Marco busy with his opponent and so was Ping Rei. She had just evaded a front thrust by her opponent by stepping aside and swinging her sword towards the man's shoulder. But he also side stepped in time and moved into position for another thrust. I was nearby to him so I grabbed the plate on the table and threw it to his face. The plate and the food hit his face causing him to lose his focus and that was all Ping Rei needed to thrust her sword into his left ribs.

Lady Kino has her fight over numbered. She has gutted one of her attacker in the torso and now trying to evade four angry opponents. She is being cornered but they do not dare to attack her as she has shown her skills in close combat. I took to help her by taking on a sitting stool along with me. As I was reached the foreigners, I threw the stool at them. One of them turned his back and chopped down with the long blade. He sliced the stool in time before it could hit them, but he was not prepared for my Pugio sailing towards his throat. The dagger embedded itself into his throat and killed him. I was then near the foreigners and swing my gladius. My opponent saw me coming and faced me off with a short swing of his blade to deflect my forward thrust with the gladius. He was to reversed his swing and bring his sword up high to slash down. But I had my right leg reaching out with a block to his lower torso. It sure pays to have longer legs and I kicked him hard. He keel over on his front and I followed on with a hard blow to the back of his head. He is out of the fight now.

Lady Kino has taken down one more but she has been slashed in the left arm and she lost her left blade too. As for the last foreigner, he is alone now against four of us. He decided to withdraw and ran for the door. Lady Kino was not to take chances threw her right blade at the running man's back killing him instantly.

I looked at the two Persians who decided no further action will be a better option. They got up and left the Hall.

"Lady Ping Rei, I would suggest you attend to your companion while I keep watch for any follow up to our fight." But none came and soon we discussed the usual terms and conditions. In the end we agreed to meet up with Chieftain Zhizhi on the final terms. The ladies left on their way while we took ours.

While on the trail, I asked Marco on his opinion.

"You are one fragging crazy leader. How can we fight off a ten thousand army with only a hundred of us. Do you know what is the odds of us staying alive?"

"Its the only way we can secured enough gold to buy our passage past the Parthians. I know we may not win but I intend to try and get those golds for the men. If they are still alive after that. It matters not as they and myself included missed Rome, and our home. If we are stay here, we would die and not see it at all. If we try, some of us could go home. But sometimes the former is better as to die now would be the same as going home. I am tired of this land. I prefer death than dying in this foreign land."

"That is what I just said; you are a fragging crazy leader. And we are equally mad to follow you. Frag you, and frag the Legion." Marco kicked his horse to ride faster.

But we made it back to camp alive and well.

And into trouble.

"Who are those men?" I shouted at Franco. They are all holding their belongings and marching like cows on a stroll.

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