Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mexican Standoff

Its a Mexican standoff for the trio as they faced each other.

Their names are not important as nobody remembers nobody when they are dead and buried. But for simple reasons, we will call them the law, the outlaw and the lawless.

‘Lawmen, you thinketh I will shoot you first or him?’

‘Outlaw, you can shoot either of us, but you are going down too. So Lawless, your call on who first?’

‘Like all of you; I also hold two guns in my hands. My trigger fingers will tell which I should pull first or second, or together.’

‘So we are in bind here ain't we, Lawmen?’

‘Outlaw, I called it a fixed situation which I intend to ‘un-fixed’ soon.’

‘Hey you two, the only fixing and un-fixing is me. I am the one who does all this. Yours are to carry it out.’

Yes, we know. Lawless because of your works, we are doing this today. So tell me if you have any regrets before I shoot you. Don;t worry Outlaw, you will get your turn soon enough. I always play it fair.’

‘Lawmen, you underestimated me. I have no regrets at all on my works. My only regret is my relationship with your mum. She will be a widow if you shoot me. And he loses his mum too, your step brother the Outlaw.’

‘Lawless, her biggest regret is to marry you. You conned her of twenty year on her lifetime.....

‘Lawmen, say no more of my parents or I will kill you first.’

‘So the Outlaw speaks for his lawless Dad. Ever thought you will be better off without him. Like I did for fifteen years when I left home. I cannot bear to see Mum cry nightly for this man....’

‘Leave mum out of this. He is my dad and I know how he treats mum. Thats’ why he has to die today. Its you stopping me.’

‘Son, I did not mistreat her. She tried to kill me so I shot her by mistake. I loved her very much, son. You are mistaken on my act.’

‘Shed your tears for the barmaids, Dad. I had and seen enough to know how you lied about the stash of money. Mum toiled her life for you. You are the bastard.’

‘But I am your father. You kill me and he will kill you as its his duty to prevent any unnecessary killings. Your and mine are not.  You have a duty to me as my son. And me to you as a father.’

‘I have my duty to Mum and she said to kill you.’

‘Don’t do it, Outlaw. Don;t add murder to your list of crimes. Let me kill him as a Lawman.’

You are mistaken, brother. Killing.....’

The shot rang out and the Lawless fell down. The brothers turned to look at the shooter which is their mother.

‘Mum? ‘Mum? But why......’

‘Lawless, you gave me no choice. I had to shot you as your son would had done it. Its his duty to me. Just as my other son will shoot his stepbrother as he had to upheld the law. But I hold no duty to any of you except myself. ’

‘But the lawman will arrest you now..’

‘Does he, or would he need time to re-consider his real duty?’

‘No, mum. You are the President and I am obliged to follow your orders as its my duty.’

‘And as President, I pardon you, Outlaw; of all crimes. They are petty ones compared to murder.’

‘Thanks, mum. It my duty to serve you as your son.’

The trio walks away from the Mexican Standoff, and the man shot was removed later by the authorities as unsolved case. The mother had to get rid of the obstacles before her re-election as President for the second term. Just as when she killed her first husband; the ex-Governor to marry the second, she is duty bound to only herself. Unlike her own children, the spouses are just materials to be worked on.

( In order to govern, the question is not to follow out a more or less valid theory but to build with whatever materials are at hand. The inevitable must be accepted and turned to advantage. Napoleon Bonaparte )

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