Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toys Part 1


My head throbs very badly as I staggered off the chair. My feet is too weak to support me and I fell back on my chair. I paused to remember what happened six hours ago. I remember continuing my experiment on some notes I found in the lab. It is very interesting as its a new formulation to increase the brain waves to a level beyond current understanding. I looked at the author of the notes and was surprised to find my name on it but not my handwriting was on it. But nevertheless, I am intrigue by the workings. It wrote of the final solution in the drawer under lock.

Somehow without any hesitation, I reached for the key in my pocket and took it out. I looked at the key yet its so familiar but strange to me. I went over to the cupboard at the rear of the lab and opened the doors. Inside was two columns of ten drawers and I reached for the third one from the bottom and inserted the key. I took out from it the vial which was contain the new solution. My next thought was the insertion of the solution into my body vial the syringe. I did it and the excruciating pain that followed stretched my body to its limits. I could feel inside my brains like it was on fire, and then I blacked out.

I am awake now, but my body is lethargic as I lay there.

I can see in my mind the working of some images and events which I have no control. I can see the images of people in the suit who comes and inject some people with their pistol syringes into the back of the neck. Or the removal of such people to the different units and the exchanging of clothes on them. The identities and memory of the people changed according to their new looks. Then the image shifted to the moving building structures and changing landscapes in the roads and parks. Its all like a dream and everything is fluid. Its my city as I remember it but the scenes are changing and becoming new.

Then I saw the man looking down at me in the chair. He is dressed like me, but he is younger and has spectacles on.

"What are you doing in my lab and wearing my name tag? I am Professor Schimdt and you are an impostor. I am calling the security unless you leave the this lab immediately."

I looked at him and was confused as I am the real Professor Schimdt, and this is my lab. It cannot be that I am the impostor. I pushed him away and got up to my wobbly legs. I reached for my wallet and produced my ID. It said I am Professor Ernest Schimdt, Bio-Chemistry Head of the University of Research. The other Professor produced his and its said the same.

"I am calling the Security and have you arrested for trespassing and impersonation of myself." The other professor reached for the communication unit in which I reached over my right hand and grabbed his left arm. I turned him around and swung my left fist into his face. It was a reflex of mine and then I pulled him towards me with the right hand. I kicked my knee into his groin and got him half curled on the ground in pain. I reached for the communication unit and pulled it off the socket. I staggered myself across the lab into the hall ignoring the moaning of the man on the floor. The corridors are empty of people as I slowly made my way out of the building. Every step I take is very strenuous on the muscles but I am starting to feel better as I keep on moving. I reached the front door and open out to the carpark. I saw my car parked at the park and I moved towards it.

No one has sounded any alarm as yet. I got into the car and start the engine. I drove out as calmly as I could. It was then the alarm went off but I am passed the gate. I drove down the same route I remembered taking everyday but the scene has changed. Its not like it become something else but some of the shops are different from the ones I saw yesterday and so are the houses. The yellow house on the corner of the street which I admired for its garden is now a white washed church with a cemetery plot next to it. There is also the pizza kiosk I stopped by at times, is now a car sales yard.

This is unbelievable. Its like a dream and yet more like a nightmare. More true when I reached home. Its still the same house with the twin levels and the long patio where I sometimes sit to sipped my glass of wine. But when I reached the door, it was opened by a my wife; or was my wife; or may be my wife. But Rose is a blonde and this one is a red head and she is dressed like an executive to office.

"Excuse me, sir. Can I help you? You are standing on my house patio and you are blocking my way." She looked like my wife but she is not my wife.

"I lived here. Is Rose Schmidt in the house?" I asked her as I stepped back.

"There are no person named Rose staying here and I have been staying here for ....five years now. Mister, if you got a problem, see the Professor or get off my patio." The red head is holding her briefcase in front of her and she is not moving from the door.

"Good, the Police are here. Officers, please have this man removed from my house. I do not know him and he is disturbing me." The lady is pointing at me.

I turned around to see a police car and two officers of the law walking towards me. But what alarmed me was that one of the officer was holding a pistol syringe like the one I saw in my image. I don't know why I did it, but I grabbed the lady's briefcase and threw it at the officers. I then ran past them into my car and drove off. I have now the patrol car chasing me on the roads. I am pressing down the pedal on the gas and zig zagging in between cars on the busy roads. Its my first time doing this and I am scared to my bones. As I was driving I keep on getting images passing by my mind.

Images of people with different identifications and personality. Images of me being a police officer, and then a baker and once a hit man. Its all so confusing as I am supposed to be a middle aged Professor of a University and here I am driving at a high speed car chase like a professional. I saw the truck coming out of the alley and I calculated the distance and speed like a pro. I pushed the car to the maximum and cleared the truck just as its coming out. The police car on my tail did not clear it as it crashed into the side of the truck.

In the next hour, I have parked the car in a building basement and I am sitting at the coffee stand on the corner of the street watching the passing traffic. I am trying to clear my head but the splitting images are coming in vivid details. Its like a set of memories which are playing the reruns on my mind. I am already into my third coffee when the first contact was made. It was a young boy of five led by his father. They just sat on my table and looked at me. It was the boy who spoke.

"Professor Schimdt, my name is Control. I am here to help you. You are not feeling well and if you were to follow me back to the Lab, we can sort out the matter. It will not take long and your life will be normal again." I looked at the young kid who just spoken to me like my peer.

"Who are you? And what is happening?" I looked at the boy and all I see is a freckled young boy who should be playing withy his toy soldiers and robots. But instead he is talking to me as if he is a peer of mine.

"As I have mentioned; I am here to help. If you were to follow me, all will be fine. If not,we will take you by force. That will be very messy with all the people around us. I have the place surrounded with my men and you will have no avenue to escape."

"I do not want to leave. I just want to be cured or get rid of this nightmare. Do you understand me?" I pleaded with the boy who just sat there looking grim.

"You leave me no choice." That was his reply. The man who was to sit next to him raised a gun at me, but I was fast to react. I held up the table by the side and topple it on them. I then ran inside the shop and out the back door. I turned to see the end of both alley are guarded by two men each. I wanted to turn back to the shop but I can see more men running across the street to come in.

I am trapped in the alley.

The opposite door to the one I came out from was suddenly open. I ran towards it and was in the building. The door closed behind me and I saw a young lady latching it. She motioned to me to push the large crate against it which I did. She then led me by my hand to run to the front of the building as I can hear the thumping on the back door. We were out of the front door and there was a van with a opened door. She pulled me in and the van door was shut while the driver of the van took the van onto the moving traffic.

"Who are you? What is happening?" But she has a gun pointed at me. She pulled the trigger and hit me with a dart. Next thing I know I was unconscious.

I woke up to a bedroom; laying on a soft comfortable bed. Its a ladies room as I can see the dolls and frilly curtains over the window near the bed where the sunlight filtered in. I tried to get up but the body is not responding. It felt numb all over and I am immobilized. Then the door of the bedroom opened, and my captor came in. She is still dressed in the dark jacket and jeans, but she is carrying a tray of food and drinks now.

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