Saturday, April 21, 2012

Toys Part 3


"Please call me, Harry Cone. I need some time to rest and plan before we can act again." I took the hand of the good Professor and he pulled me up. He hugged me as an expression of gratitude that I would further his mission; to free my people from the oppression of the Atlantean. The body at rest was when you let your body flow with the surrounding scenes that runs through my mind. I let them get absorbed in like welcoming the tide on the seaside. I see myself in the different role and responsibility. I see the brute ways of the hit-man that I was; the crunching of the nose as I punched at the victim, and then the long arms of the policeman as I cuff the bad ones and console the good ones. I see myself helping the old lady to cross the street while in another scene I am shooting at a woman at point blank. It eerie at some scenes but they are as real within me as that was me in the many vessels I used to occupy. Then I came to the brilliant mind of the Professor Schimdt, as I write down on the board the complicated formulations to debate with a classroom of peers all in white coats and thick rimmed glasses. I see myself putting in the strokes to the board as I explained away at the computations. Then it all stopped like a reel of film that has run its course.

I woke up and looked into the man who held the microphone at my lips. Professor Heptanes nodded his head and reached to turned off the recorder. He then took the notepad from my lap in which I had scribbled the formulation as the thoughts run through my mind.

"Do you have it all?"

Professor Heptanes nodded again, and took the things to his side of the table to work on it. Alexis was to bring me a drink which I needed very badly as my throat is all parched from the incessant talking. I took a long drink to allow the liquid to filled up the dry pores in the throat to the stomach. I thank her and I slumped back on the chair I was on. Alexis reached for my neck and slowly massaged it as I doze off to my real rest of the day. Its been like this for the last three days with periods of where I wake up and doing the recital of my past life.

It was on the fifth day that I actually sat down to discuss with my new allies on the next stage of the plan.

"Tell me, Professor Heptanes. How does the rest of the city changed and this house remain the same?" I was curious and this is a good start to ask silly question in this manner.

"Its does not. It will changed as per the requirement of the new parameters, but we have been lucky they ignored this farm house so far. But we can never tell so we normally take precaution and run into the woods. There is a hitch in the program that it cannot changed large tract of land space which is why they only focus on the city buildings." Professor Heptanes has done his homework well and I am feeling comfortable now I am not dealing with amateur's. I smiled as that is probably my hit-man's personality talking there.

"The formula you gave me looks authentic from mine with some minor adjustments. Maybe it can work this time. But from the contents, I think we need some expertise to get our hands on the quantity we need. But can we work on the team mates now." Professor Heptanes is a scientist trying to be a strategist.

"Team mates?" I asked with a quiz look.

"There are about five millions of you out there. I need to find a way to synthesize the anti-serum to be administered on a large scale. As its I managed to create the first vial but that can only do for five of your kind. I need a team to do five million just as we have grown to nearly a hundred but we could only helped a few to date. Remember this, we are dealing with enemies which are more superior than us in numbers and also in expertise. You need a team of your kind to do the coming task" The Professor is now seated on the chair as he has probably kepi those statements to himself for so long. I nodded my head to his plan and now I am thinking on my new team.

"Professor. The team must have the expertise we need to get the quantity. Those we need to convert has to get us nearer to the source of the material. Shall we discuss the material we need?" The Professor pushed the piece of paper over and on it are the address of the possible location which we can get the materials. I counted six locations which we are to check. Next he showed me the list of equipment which we need.

"I see five equipments in the list but where can I find all of them under one location?" I know the lab where Professor Schimdt work may have it all but there must be other similar labs in the city.

"There is only two other location; one is at the City Chemical Department. The other is in the Enforcers' Head Unit. But without the materials we are useless." The Professor was very specific in his statement.

"Professor, what if we bring the materials to the same location as the equipment; would that solve the problem for us?" I gave him an interesting proposal that he may never had considered.

"No..... Harry. I had evaluated it but the chances of that is strong but the risk are higher for failure. Its like walking into an arena unarmed against a group of gladiators." The Professor is showing me his humanity side. But I am in current psyche I am a hit-man and we take higher risks than most people.

"No, Professor. No man is unarmed if he has a limb that can strike or defend. And six is a small resistance group."

"Okay, Mr.Superhero. We would planned on your assumptions." I love the tone of the Professor as that tells me he is letting me take charge.


I selected my first conversion or shall I say my first save of the mission. My target is an associate of my psyche, Monica Sully; a waitress by the day and a demolition expert by night. The Monica I knew when I was the hit-man psyche was a fat dark skinned lady but now I see the new vessel is a short petite blond wearing a tight shirt and dark jeans. But she still served a mean cup of coffee. I am in my disguise wearing a bandanna over my head and sporting a fake mustache. I flirted with her for a while and then I walked to the back of the cafe. I knew she would follow so I let her do so. After all what can go wrong with a middle man who sports a bandanna.

I stood by the urinal when I heard the door opened. I zipped up and turned to come to faced with my favorite waitress now holding a gun at my face. She may be shorter than me but she held the gun well.

"So Monica, you grown smaller since I know you." That took her attention off me, as she tried to think about what I just said. But that a split second timing was all I need to push the gun away and jab her with the syringe. She fell back towards the door but I caught her before she did. I kind of like her current vessel as she is lighter than before but the work now is to get her out. I held her up by the armpit and opened the door.

It was a bad time to open the door.

The Enforcer was standing there. He was looking at me holding up Monica. I smiled at him and shook my head. But he was not amused to be held up from his urgent needs. I moved aside to let him in. I half dragged her body to the rear of the shop and dropped her into the waiting van. I closed the van door and walked back into the shop again. The Enforcer opened the bathroom door and saw me.

"You, where is your friend?" But I did not reply to him. I just gave him a solid punch into his face knocking him out. It hurt my fist but I did the job well. I guess academic professor does not have the needs for pugilistic skills but the hit-man does. So its a mis-matched body and soul.

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