Monday, April 30, 2012

Toys Part 13


Three days was all they took to find me, but they only sent over Martha. I was in the old safe house at the farm. I was sitting nude in the shower area with half a dozen liquor bottles and cocked gun nearby. I have been doing some thinking and who am I going to trust. And who I cannot trust.

And I do not have the answer as yet.

But she was there. She walked in dressed in a blue blouse and jeans. She sat on the bidet and looked at my forlorn figure. I raised my eyes to look at her. She does look beautiful in that body that I know so well. Its the Secretary's previous vessel before Control changed her. The one I used to make love to, with my kisses on the parts I know so well that even in the dark I could reached.

"Hello, Butler. I would suggest you get dressed or I will wait outside. I think your thoughts are too obvious to me." She stood up and walked out.

It was an hour later when I staggered out to meet her in the kitchen. I was dressed in my white shirt and dark pants, with my gun tucked into the waistband. Its uncocked as I do not want to blow myself off. Martha had prepared a pot of strong coffee for me and it smell good. I pulled up a chair and sat down while she sat across me.

"Where are the others?" I had to asked as if I cared. But I wanted to know. Just in case.

"They are safe in the new place. I am not to tell you as Freed has just declared you unstable for works. So has Control. There is a warrant for your arrest. Snide has been shot dead yesterday in a shootout with some criminals. But the Professor believed he was executed to tell on you. Butler, what did happened the last few days?" Martha reached out with her hand for mine and held it.

Martha Kiln is a vessel with a Aroint and her identity. She is no Atlantean and she Martha Kiln 101, which made her special I told her all I know and she was silent for a while. Then she started crying like a young babe. And we both cried like young babes.


"Butler, whom can we trust?" I am siting with her on the settee and she is in my arms. We have held each other and that was as much as we wanted to do.

"I don't know. If Heptanes is who he was, he could be the key to unlocking the assimilation. Or changing it to his model. I don't know myself if I am unlocked or re-mold into another. Assuming his serum is correct,you are the only one which can decipher itas in my psyche as Schmidt, I could only do part of it. It was you who gave me the final changes. But you could read the whole formula and tell me what it actually do." She looked at me and nodded her understanding.

"I need to know how did Heptaner unlocked the Aroint identity. Maybe then we can understand more of who we are inside here." I am pointing at my head for the answer I may really need is within me. "Then I will decide on my work with Micheal. Or Heptanes, Or Control." She snuggled up to me and I can feel her warmth.

"What about Oracle?" She raised a name which I have not considered. If Micheal is right, Oracle could be my guide in this confusion or a trap laying to be sprung on me.

"I will check her out."

":Be careful, Butler." She has moved onto me with a movement I know too well. When I first met Martha Kiln, she was an elderly lady of ten or more years older than me. Now she is housed in a vibrant body of a nubile young lady on a equally young man of a great physique. It does not take much for the need of the body to override the mind as we let our insecurity bind us as one.


"Oracle please." I dialed the number and told the receiver.

"Room 512, Fifth Floor, The Place. One hour." And the line was dead.

I knocked on the door and it was opened by a burly and huge man. I introduced myself and the man allowed me in. He pat me down and took my gun to leave at the side table by the door. I walked into the room and was surprised to see a young lady dressed in the school uniform sitting there. The young lady looked up and motioned to the burly man to leave.

"I am Oracle. I know Micheal sent you. You have questions for me and I shall try to answer them. But do sit." I sat down across her on the settee. The vessel sitting across me is a girl of about sixteen and tied her hair in braids. Heptanes serum worked like his brother's but his retain the memories of the previous psyche, whereas Heptaner erase it all. Both has the serum to release the Atlantean control but there are differences. You are now like us, an Aroint in a vessel, but you retain the memories of the former. Mintor is your Aroint name. But why does Heptanes wants to released the Aroint remains a mystery to us. He was the one who wanted to destroy us as a nation whereas Heptaner wants to study us. He is the known one but not Heptanes. I fear he has other motives."


"Our own but we are few who escaped before we got assimilated. We discovered the means but not to transfer at will. We still need your device to do it. Why don't we do it for them? There are limited unused vessels and we can't just take it out. What we want is the one Heptaner had done; remove the identity and surfaced ours. Hence we searched you up."

"How did we know?"

"There are some of us inside the network with strong access. But again, we are few and like your Professor, we need to mass produce it to be successful."

This is too unbelievable and I am not sure who I can trust till now.       

"Martha Kiln is a good ally. She is unbiased as we know and she knows the formula or when she sees it. Trust her and only her. I have no more advise for you."

"The telekinesis?"

Our gift to a few chosen. You are one too. But the others may not be able to project it out but they can hear you out.I am to go now. Call me here if you need me.

She gave me another card with a different number.


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