Friday, April 27, 2012

432 and still counting

Caution: this is N-17.


I walked in the place and drew the stares of almost everyone I walked past. Who would not be with my tweeds dressing, bow tie and round rimmed glasses. I am sure if you seen me, you would had thought I should be in the lecture hall instead of here. I needed a drink and this place looks good enough for me.

"Hey, son. You sure you are not looking for the bowl. Its the door at the rear and its marked PRICK." Loathsome of these punks who thinks their spiked hair is like the length of their phallus which I can tell you is cropped short off the tip. I made my way to the bar and asked for a double scotch. The bartender passed me my glass and I dropped the fifty note.

"Give me one more and keep the change. I have no smaller notes." That drew some awkward stares from the ones who were sitting there with me. I gulped down the first and motioned for my second. It was then the redhead came up to me.

"Hi, care to buy me a drink?" I kept my face to the lineup of bottles there. I can see from the corner of my eyes, she is inching up to me. Her boobs just caressed my elbow and her left hand just slipped down to my right thigh.

"Uh-huh. you want?" She is moving and she is getting closer. I moved my legs closer so that its not too apparent.

"A screwdriver would be fine. But I found my hammer head is more refreshing." She is on the runway and I had to get up.

"Pardon me, Miss. My name is Patrick. My mum used to call me Pat. How are you?" Redhead looked at me and smiled.

"First time here, huh? My name's Rose and I am all red up there and down there. So your mama let you come to town to paint it red." I nodded and gave her my nervous smile.

"Yup, she died last month and left me the business. I don't know why they keep those numbers so big but the Accountant said its huge." I am looking at her huge boobs. I can feel the scotch running down the side of my lips. But she is onto me by then. She leaned over and whispered to me.

"I can show you more if you would follow me to my place. I like to hear more about your big numbers." She is creeping on me.

"No, mama says never to tell strangers on my inheritance. She said they may rob me of it. And she also tell me never to go to stranger's place. It can be dangerous." But she had me by her arms and leading me out. In the next two hours, I did a lot of things mother said I should not do like tell my bank account figures, my name and why I am still a virgin at thirty. But I learned more on my economic on the distribution of flesh..... I mean wealth and landscaping plus some deep bungee jumps.

"Oh, Mary. Can I take fifty from your purse? I don't have small change. I need to take a cab back to where my driver left me............... Yes, I will call you tomorrow on our next date................... And I do love you.............. No, I am sure you will be pregnant by next fall if we go on at this rate......................... Of course, I shared my millions with you. Did I not just deposited some to you just now...................... Love you too. Bye."

An hour later back at my own pad, I took a shower and took our my diary. I jotted down her name and statistics. She is number 432. I looked at the fifty on my dresser. 

Whoever said you need to pay for a fuck and a drink must be nuts.

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