Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bullet 4 Part 11

36 hours past the start

When your enemies is not ready then that is best to attack them. I took two of them in their rest holes using the machete without the rest of them being alerted. Then I took my extended rest to early dawn.

At 0400hrs, I had my lens sighted on the Major as he sat in his own foxhole. At 0405hrs he move to get up and that was when I shot him.I then moved back to into the jungle and went further up the road. There I had two horses tied to the tree and my guide waiting for me at the shed. He is to take me on a ride to meet up with Perez.

At the break of dawn, we were greeted by the sight of three KIOWA Helicopters flying overhead. Micheal; my guide tells me that we should be able to meet up with Perez soon, but he is also concerned on the copters above. Our worries was to began when the copters fire incendiary missiles at the jungle. The rounds on impact created spots of fire at the thick bushes and canopied trees. The horses are getting nervous as we rode out hard with the copters circling above.

"This way, senor. To the old mine. Perez will do the same too." I followed Micheal as we galloped through the forest. When we reached the old mine, I could see the two wagons there but no horses. We both dismounted and let the horses take flight. We both ran into the mine.

"Perez is here. We followed now." It was a long walk in the dim lighted tunnels for over an hour, when we exit at the other end. I saw the children and then the priest with Perez. They are all safe. But there was some one standing with them; a young lady dressed in jeans and t-shirt.

"This is Claudia and you are an hour from the border now. Go now, Micheal and myself will join the rest to battle the soldiers. I can see Perez is holding a AK47 and he is passing one to Micheal now. I passed the machete to the priest and asked him to take the lead. I will followed on the rear while the children travel in between us.

It was not a hard trail as there are many paths shown as walked by many before to go to the border. There is a small outpost there where the local people do their trade.After a while I stood there to see the whole hill in flame from the incendiary missiles and gunfire can be heard. The priest pushed the children to walked faster while he personally escort the Princess.

I saw the border fencing and the outpost but I was not prepared to see the place swarming with soldiers. There are two truckloads of soldiers and they are looking at the refugees who are waiting for the gate to open at 1000hrs. Its now only 0934hrs.

"Father Seab, if you can come up with a miracle, please do it now.'

The miracle came in the form of twenty peasants armed with rifle and automatic guns. Father Seab handed me the machete and walked to the men.

"Take them over, Marius. I will create the diversion for your escape."

"Here, Father Seab., You need a good instrument to teach them." I passed over the Remington and extra clips. The priest then led the men down to the outpost, while I took the children and walked to the edge of the jungle.

At 0950am, the armed peasant appeared out of the jungle edge and shot at the soldiers. The platoon of soldiers on being shot at; replied with their guns. During the time, I led the children out and joined the panic refugees who is leaning onto the iron gate at the border. The peasants led the soldiers into the jungle with their fight when the gate was finally opened. I took hold of the Princess hand and pulled her with me alongside the children. We are through into the no-man's land now and the next gate is only ten yards away. I pushed the children to run for the other gate and I looked back to see if there was anyone left behind.

There was an old man who is staggering with his crutch for his injured right leg. I walked to him and held him up to walk. He smiled at me and nodded his thanks. I looked to the Princess who was standing just before the other gate. She is waiting for me. I waved to her to go ahead but that was when the shot came in. She was hit in the upper back with two shots by the old man I was cradling. I turned to look at the old man next to me and he shot me too. But the bullet grazed my shoulder but I grabbed hold of his clutch and clubbed him with it. He pleaded for his life and said he was asked to do it.


"General Diego. He has my family in his control. I am an ex-soldier performing my order."

I left him there and ran to attend to the Princess. But she is dead. I carried her up and walked past the other gate. A medical officer was there to received her but she was already dead.

It was then I saw Melanie.

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