Friday, April 20, 2012

The arranged marriage

Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table,
and make sure that your coffee has its sugar and cream...
Your eggs are overeasy, your toast unlikely,
all that's missing is your morning kiss that used to greet me...
Now you say the juice is sour, it used to be so sweet,
and I can't help but to wonder if you're talking about me...
We don't talk the way we used to talk, it's hurting so deep,
I've got my pride, I will not cry, but it's making me weak...
( Karyn White “Superwoman” Opening lyrics. )

“Ahem!” I announced myself before I walked into the bedroom. She is still sitting there on the right side of the bed holding her hands. She is still in her bridal gown and just reached over to turn off the bedside radio. She looked towards me with her expressionless face from her and then raised up a weak smile. I smiled back and walked towards the closed window.

“Thank God, we have air condition on or we would both be sweating bodies soon.” Damned, I regret that remark. I should had held back my tongue. I guess the wine does that sometimes.  “Sorry, I meant to say its a hot day.”

She stood up and took the night gown laid by the bed. Without a word, she went to the bathroom leaving me standing there in my groom tuxedo and a silly expression. Its not like we are strangers, but we just been married this morning by the Priest, exchanged our vows to love and cherish each other. Then we undergo a long and lavish spread which they duly called as a banquet. We been met by  the relativies of of both sides and got my butt pinched not once but thrice by amorous aunties.

“Your turn.” She announced as she exit from the bathroom. I turned to look at her and she is standing just before the doorway of the bathroom with the light bathing her body. She is folding her bridal gown to store it away, and I wished I had more reason not to stored away my desire.

She is absolutely beautiful. I have to admit I am not too bad myself too, but she is above all, the most beautiful lady in this household.

She saw me watching and then she remarked; “I used up the hot water, so you have to contend with the cold water now. The faucet is also leaking so ignore those drips tonight. Oh, they left your pajamas next to the sink.”

She stepped away to sit herself at the dresser and attend to her personal grooming.

“Yes, thank you. I would be fine with the cold water.” I proceeded to the bathroom and close the door. I am intoxicated by the perfume smell she had left in the air there and its not doing me any good for my desire. Then I heard the knock on the door.

“If you are going use the flush, pull hard on the lever. It tend to get jammed at times, or the water would not flush.” I looked at the toilet seat and noticed the cover is down. “Raised up the cover if you need to pee. Please be considerate.” She sounds out again to me. I reached up with hands to my face and hold it up.

“How did I get into this marriage?” I muttered to myself. One week ago, I just walked into this village like a tourist and in the midst of that week, I been courted and now married. But the difference was it was not the lady who courted me but the parents, and before I could say ‘Viola”; they are marrying me off. Or they are marrying their daughter to me. My only surviving relation which is my sister came on a short notice and consented to the marriage as long as her brother does not wander off too late into the aging years alone or end up with a man in  his arms. Both would had been my choice if I was consulted beforehand but they packed me up in this loan suit and marched down the aisle. I would had run but she got cousins which looked like they are part time mercenaries of war. I don’t know how and why I signed the certificate, but I was married today. Now, I am sent off to perform my husbandry duties as expected on the martrimonial night.

I removed my tuxedo and fold them nicely to be placed on the sink tabletop. I stepped into the shower and turn on the faucet. The stream of cold water hit me where it matters most. That felt good and ease off my anxiety as I slowly let the cold water washed off my tiredness from my limbs.

Then the door opened.

“Pardon me. I need to get my bracelet.” She poke half her body in and took the item by the sink. Then she closed the door back. As for me, I was standing under a heavy stream of cold water and with my hands cupping my private parts. I shook off my daze and wiped myself dry with the towel. I picked up the pajamas and noticed someone cut a hole in the bottom piece for strategic reasons. Maybe its their custom here. Or maybe I am told of a lesson not learned before. Anyway I slipped on the pajamas and as for the bottom I reversed it as the extra hole does have a use. Then I noticed that I am walking with an awkawrd impression So I took the tuxedo and placed it over my front. I opened the door and came out of the bathroom.

Oh!!! If you feel it in your heart and you understand me,
stop right where you are, everybody sing along with me!
(hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo...)
I'm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet,
but you got to realize that you got to be sweeter to me!!!
I need love, I need just your love, I'm not your superwoman...
( Karyn White “Superwoman” Closing lyrics. )
She saw me coming out and she turned off the radio again.
“Its okay. I liked that song too. Its Superwoman, right?” But she ignored me and pulled up the bedcover to get onto the bed. Okay, I guess she is not keen to talk. So I just placed my tuxedo by the dresser so I can remembered to collect it tomorrow. I saw the room light switch and turn that off. The room is now all dark and I am quite contended with that for tonight.

But she turned on the bedside lamp on her side. “I can’t sleep without the light.”

“Oh!” I can bear with that. I walked to the bed and pulled at the bedcovers to get in to the bed.

“Do you snore?” She asked of me. I looked at her. That is an interesting question to asked on anyone’s matrimonial night. “I do snore as my mother tells me. So I thought I let you know.”

“Oh!” I can bear with that. I climbed in and then pulled the bedcovers over my legs.

“Do you mind giving me some more space? I am not used to sharing my bed before this.” I can accomodate that,as I move further to the left side of the bed. I am actually sleeping close to the edge of the bed. I turned to look at her sleeping face up. Her eyes are close and her lips are fluttering but I find them sexy.

“Uh, since its our marriage night....” I thought I take the cue and she interjected her own words.

“Oh, yeah. Give me a moment.” She pulled the cover over her head and I can see her squirming beneath it. Then she pulled the cover down to her neck and pulled out the nightgown. She left it on the right side of the bedside. “ I am ready. Do it now. But don’t remove your clothes. The hole there should be sufficient. And one more thing; no biting please.”

I raised myself up with my elbow resting my head to looked at her. “Margarita, we need to talk.”

She opened her eyes to looked at me. “Look you want to commence or talk. I am getting cold in here.”

I really felt like I am a nitwitt or I need to teach this wife a lesson in being a wife.

“Or you need the song to get into the mood. Or perhaps a movie. I got Cousin Roberto lend me one DVD.”

I gave up and got out of the bed. I stood up and tried to think of how to explain to her on what we are supposed to be doing. But I can’t seem to find the words. I am really trying to understand if I want this marriage to work or just resign to my earlier escapades. Then I felt her hand on my shoulder.

“I am sorry, Jonathan. I am not use to you yet. I mean I hardly know you. You came into my life only two days ago and now we are man and wife. Give me time to know you please. Then we can be man and wife. I am sorry.” She does sound sincere about it and I think she deserved a chance to know me.

“Okay, let’s go back to bed. I would let you get in first before I turned around.” I can hear her rustling behind and then I turned to climb in too. I took my edge and leave the pillow in between us.

“Oh, Jonathen.” I don’t know what she wants to asked now that we have mutually agreed to give each other time.

“Yes, Margarita.” I going to doze off soon.

“You have a nice butt.”

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