Monday, April 30, 2012

Bulimia and Me

PG13 and its a sad story.....

I run and jump everyday for five miles and then an hour at the exercise bike. Its my routine and the best time to do it is from nine at night to midnight. In the morning at six, I am at the pool and I would do six laps before I come back for my aerobics session. I do it all alone as I can't stand company with me. I carry a Taser with me on my runs if you think I am not being careful. There were one or two such incidents but they won't try again.

Am I fat? Pardon me, the correct term is obese. No, I am not. I am slim and I looked good in my running suit. I think I have reduced the fats content in my body to almost nil but I am not giving up till its all gone.

I am back now at my apartment. There Brett coming back with his date. He saw me and he waved at me. I did the same but his date does not look pleased. Well, screwed her. I am not fucking your man so you can get screwed yourself. I known Brett since I moved in three years ago but then I had Matt for company. So Bitch, you can be assured I did not screwed your boy friend. I only screwed mine.

I went in to my dark apartment. It no necessity to turn on the light as I know my way around. I walked to the kitchen and raid the fridge. I am famished from my run and I needed my nutrients. There is the cheese block, the cold meat and the milk shakes. And of course my favorite pecan nut ice cream. Matt used to go nutty over it. He would spread them over my belly and licked them up. Yes, Bitch. He licked me up with the Ice Cream. Never had that, huh?

I sat down at the table and gobble my food. I reached for the remote and turned on the box. Its another crappy re-run, and I seen it thrice. I switched to the lifestyle and it showed the cooking series. That's refreshing as it a new recipe and the chef looks delicious. Matt was a chef and he used to cooked those great meals for me. I told him I would put on weight but he said, 'never an inch would I missed on you'. We would fuck like crazy then, even on the kitchen floor. Yup, Bitch. Never had it there before, huh?

Time for my shower. I dragged myself over to the room and into my shower. I strewn off my running suit and stood naked there under the shower. Its refreshing at this late hour to be standing under the cold torrent water. It brings out the heat in your body and closed the pores off. My shower is long as I washed every part of my body of the odor and dirt. I toweled myself and step into my flannel gown. I know I looked like a gramp lady but I liked it. The fabric rubbed into my skin and its feels nice. Matt used to rub me down with the towel and he would carry me to the bed. He could as he was a big man. He would lowered me down and we would make love the night through. Bitch, I doubt with Brett that he could do that. He is a wimp compared to my stud.

Oh, no. I must get rid of it. I ran to the sink in the bathroom and I pushed my finger into my throat. It must come out. It has to or he won't like me. The cheese, the cold meat and the all I ate is coming out. Its all out and I am glad. I slided down to the floor and sat there. Matt used to say take out the trash if its not needed. I listened and I obliged. But our child was no trash. Its our effort and love that the child was created. Its our love gift but he did not want it.


I lost our child and also him. For him, I felt no loss but the child, I felt remorse. I was deceived by him for his lust and my weakness for his cooking. He put everything into me and discharge them like my waste including our child. I am angry at him. Every time I eat, its him I think of. Every time I run, it from him to be away. I could stand the hours when we used to make love here. I had to leave this place. So I ran. I come back late to washed away the dirt as I washed away his touch on me. As I throw up the food that he placed in me.


You made me what I am today. From a healthy lady with a voluptuous body to the skinny wreck today.



But why did you leave me? Was I too fat? I can lose the weight. No, its not me then. It our child; it make me look big. I swear I did not eat too much. I watched my weight for you.


Please don't leave me. Oh, please. I won't eat again.

Toys Part 13


Three days was all they took to find me, but they only sent over Martha. I was in the old safe house at the farm. I was sitting nude in the shower area with half a dozen liquor bottles and cocked gun nearby. I have been doing some thinking and who am I going to trust. And who I cannot trust.

And I do not have the answer as yet.

But she was there. She walked in dressed in a blue blouse and jeans. She sat on the bidet and looked at my forlorn figure. I raised my eyes to look at her. She does look beautiful in that body that I know so well. Its the Secretary's previous vessel before Control changed her. The one I used to make love to, with my kisses on the parts I know so well that even in the dark I could reached.

"Hello, Butler. I would suggest you get dressed or I will wait outside. I think your thoughts are too obvious to me." She stood up and walked out.

It was an hour later when I staggered out to meet her in the kitchen. I was dressed in my white shirt and dark pants, with my gun tucked into the waistband. Its uncocked as I do not want to blow myself off. Martha had prepared a pot of strong coffee for me and it smell good. I pulled up a chair and sat down while she sat across me.

"Where are the others?" I had to asked as if I cared. But I wanted to know. Just in case.

"They are safe in the new place. I am not to tell you as Freed has just declared you unstable for works. So has Control. There is a warrant for your arrest. Snide has been shot dead yesterday in a shootout with some criminals. But the Professor believed he was executed to tell on you. Butler, what did happened the last few days?" Martha reached out with her hand for mine and held it.

Martha Kiln is a vessel with a Aroint and her identity. She is no Atlantean and she Martha Kiln 101, which made her special I told her all I know and she was silent for a while. Then she started crying like a young babe. And we both cried like young babes.


"Butler, whom can we trust?" I am siting with her on the settee and she is in my arms. We have held each other and that was as much as we wanted to do.

"I don't know. If Heptanes is who he was, he could be the key to unlocking the assimilation. Or changing it to his model. I don't know myself if I am unlocked or re-mold into another. Assuming his serum is correct,you are the only one which can decipher itas in my psyche as Schmidt, I could only do part of it. It was you who gave me the final changes. But you could read the whole formula and tell me what it actually do." She looked at me and nodded her understanding.

"I need to know how did Heptaner unlocked the Aroint identity. Maybe then we can understand more of who we are inside here." I am pointing at my head for the answer I may really need is within me. "Then I will decide on my work with Micheal. Or Heptanes, Or Control." She snuggled up to me and I can feel her warmth.

"What about Oracle?" She raised a name which I have not considered. If Micheal is right, Oracle could be my guide in this confusion or a trap laying to be sprung on me.

"I will check her out."

":Be careful, Butler." She has moved onto me with a movement I know too well. When I first met Martha Kiln, she was an elderly lady of ten or more years older than me. Now she is housed in a vibrant body of a nubile young lady on a equally young man of a great physique. It does not take much for the need of the body to override the mind as we let our insecurity bind us as one.


"Oracle please." I dialed the number and told the receiver.

"Room 512, Fifth Floor, The Place. One hour." And the line was dead.

I knocked on the door and it was opened by a burly and huge man. I introduced myself and the man allowed me in. He pat me down and took my gun to leave at the side table by the door. I walked into the room and was surprised to see a young lady dressed in the school uniform sitting there. The young lady looked up and motioned to the burly man to leave.

"I am Oracle. I know Micheal sent you. You have questions for me and I shall try to answer them. But do sit." I sat down across her on the settee. The vessel sitting across me is a girl of about sixteen and tied her hair in braids. Heptanes serum worked like his brother's but his retain the memories of the previous psyche, whereas Heptaner erase it all. Both has the serum to release the Atlantean control but there are differences. You are now like us, an Aroint in a vessel, but you retain the memories of the former. Mintor is your Aroint name. But why does Heptanes wants to released the Aroint remains a mystery to us. He was the one who wanted to destroy us as a nation whereas Heptaner wants to study us. He is the known one but not Heptanes. I fear he has other motives."


"Our own but we are few who escaped before we got assimilated. We discovered the means but not to transfer at will. We still need your device to do it. Why don't we do it for them? There are limited unused vessels and we can't just take it out. What we want is the one Heptaner had done; remove the identity and surfaced ours. Hence we searched you up."

"How did we know?"

"There are some of us inside the network with strong access. But again, we are few and like your Professor, we need to mass produce it to be successful."

This is too unbelievable and I am not sure who I can trust till now.       

"Martha Kiln is a good ally. She is unbiased as we know and she knows the formula or when she sees it. Trust her and only her. I have no more advise for you."

"The telekinesis?"

Our gift to a few chosen. You are one too. But the others may not be able to project it out but they can hear you out.I am to go now. Call me here if you need me.

She gave me another card with a different number.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Toys Part 12

I did as instructed and there was light in the room. It also showed me a small boy standing across the room. He motioned for me to followed him upstairs. I mounted the steps as the small boy reached for the lamp switch. The place downstairs is soon dark again. But not the hall upstairs.

I find myself facing three vessels. All looking young and two of them are ladies. The man was the one who spoke first.

"Please be seated Officer Butler. Mental speech across such a distance tires the ladies but it was a way to bring you here. My vessel name is Micheal. Do you wished to communicate in this manner or the way we do as our species do." Micheal is a young man of about mid twenties and a slim look dressed in the delivery uniform of a pizza outlet. The two ladies are dressed casual for the office trendy wear but both are of different hair colors; blonde and red. The ladies are seated and now having a drink with their hands on the forehead.

We can talk in this manner if you are comfortable. My real name is Tzchak.

Micheal is talking to me again in my mind. I shook my head and motioned to him to stop.

"Officer Butler, your name is actually Mintor and you were our clan leader of the Zinat. We are one of the twelve tribes that represent the Aroint people." Micheal paused to look at me if I want to said something, but I did not. "We are the true species that once inhabit Aroint before we were brought here. There are a thousand of us without the influence of the Atlantean; we are free but we cannot survive without the vessels. We cannot breathe their atmosphere. That is how the other one die; he will the vessel to stop breathing. Its a painful death but it was needed to stop them testing us. We heard of the renegade as there were some of you before, but you are special as you are our leader. We had you tracked down and contacted with the sacrifice of one of ours. You have some questions I believed." Micheal paused to take a drink as I looked at the man to place my questions.

"Assuming you are right, then how did you escaped the serum? I was given ..impression that all was assimilated by it. So how did you fight it? An anti-serum?"

"No, we did not have that. I know you have one. A prototype which allowed you to be with us again. Yes, I probed your psyche as I am gifted to do so. But I will stop if you do not allowed it. Back to your question, there are few of us who escaped the assimilation, We reside in the unused vessels and escaped. We are few compared to the millions who are assimilated. We been fighting since then to save the race. You heard of reports of some vessels which are renegade. They refer to us and they exterminate us on sight. I know you are confused since you have the Freed to assist you. But I would be wary of the Freed as they are Atlantean in the mind." The two ladies are recovered fully now and staring at me.

"Heptanes?" I asked.

"One of the evil twin as you knew but he did not tell you that he was there that day to assimilate the first batches. He is evil and his sudden turn around to me stands for something sinister in his coming works. He may had developed the anti-serum but does it worked on en masse and does it have side effects. He has yet to tell you. We do not work with Freed. We work alone. I won't work with Heptanes." Micheal got up and so are the ladies. "We have to go. The other officer is looking for you."

Micheal and the ladies got up to leave by the front stairs. Before he left me, he pass me a card. "Seek her for the right answer."

Its written on it as the Oracle. There is a number there.

Micheal has left and I can hear the steps downstairs at the rear of the shop. I walked back downstairs using the rear stairs to stare at Snide' gun pointing at me from below the stairs.

"Where did you go? I though they took you like before or worse."

I climbed down and walked out the rear door. Snide was following me while I ignored him. I needed to have some place alone and time to ponder on my predicament; Freed, Aroint and myself.

"Snide, can you tell Senior I am on a case and will be away for a few days?" I did not wait for his answer as I walked back into the earlier cafe. I was out the front door and into the car. I drove off without Snide.

I am confused.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Toys 11


"That's my twin, Heptanes. He went missing ten years ago and we have never met since." Professor Heptaner is still down with me at his desk when I saw the photo on the desk. It showed two identical man but clearly one is slightly larger. That would be the man I know as Heptanes. "We used to be close and until he became very obsessed with the experiment on the vessels. He argued with me and left that day. I heard rumors that he is working with the Freed but I have no contact with either to confirm it. Perhaps you can help me there. But for now, I am asked to work with you. Follow me." Professor Heptaner led me to a room at the back of the lab.

I see a vessel sitting looking lost and cowering in fear. The vessel is a man in his thirties and he is sitting at the far corner. But I knew him as Jake Sully.

"Subject has been removed of his identities but we did something new. We restored his original identity to him. He is of a species called the Aroint. We use them to assimilate these artificial identities for the vessels. But today, I am going to experiment on this species. You are to protect me in the event the species become too violent." I nod at his request.

We went in together and the Professor sat next to the vessel. For the next one hour, the Professor just sit there to speak to the vessel and never once did it looked up. But when the Professor got up to move out, the species looked up. It looked from the Professor to me and pause as it fix its look to me. It eyes is looking at me as if its trying to speak to me. I begin to follow the Professor when the thoughts came to my mind.

Help me.

I pause at the doorway and looked back at the vessel.

Help me.

The species is talking me. In my mind.

But how do I reply.

"Officer Butler, can you please join me here? I am finished with it for now." I closed the door and join the Professor.   


"Professor, tell me more." I am with Professor Heptanes in the safe house. I came in an hour earlier with a number of stealth moves and the Professor was in about ten minutes. Since then we discuss on my call on his so called twin. He confirmed his evil twin as he called him, and has not spoken to the brother since that day. But he let me loose on one secret.; the serum was created by them. The twins.

I grabbed him by his coat lapel.

"You bastard. You created the bastard and now you want to remove it. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I shook him by the lapels.

"You did not asked so I did not."

"So when would you tell me?" I am getting agitated at these games. I felt like I been given the role as Pawn here. Its time for me play as another role like Rook.

The twin did develop the serum as part of the project for Control but when the purpose it was used to do with the serum made known, Heptanes protested. But they went ahead and he left. But he was pursued by Control paid mercenaries and after two years on the run, they cornered him in a safe house. He was left for dead but he was saved by Freed. He took one year to recover mentally and also physically. Then he was back to help the Freed but he needed time, place and people to make the new anti-serum which is where he started on the project. It was to take more than three years to get it done finally with my help as Schmidt 213.

"How can I trust you?" The Professor looked to me and smiled.

"You don't, but you have no choice."

"Leave me alone. Get in my way and I may forget who I work from." I pushed the Professor away and walked out the safe house.


The subsequent session with the Professor Heptaner and the species was quite similar. But not the third session. The Professor left midway on some urgent matters. He told me stand guard over the species while he attend to his other matter. I stood there looking at the species.

Please help me. I am an Aroint like you.

I looked at the species. I don't know what I did but I focused on the species.


You can. Listen to me. There are many of us here but we cannot act. I read your mind. You have the end but not the means yet. Don't give up on it. You will free us one day.

I don't know how.

You will when the time is right. I have told the others. I am going to leave now.Goodbye.

I see the vessel which the species inhibit jerked and then it went still. I ran to the vessel and felt his vitals. There is none. The species is dead and so is the vessel. I ran out of the room and called for the Professor. Heptaner arrived and confirmed my earlier conclusion.

"Control will be upset. That is the sixth species we lost."


Control was upset that he took me out of the mission. He said I should had stopped the species from committing suicide. But no words of protest was allowed.

Heptaner has been seconded to other works. So I am back at work as an Enforcer.

It was during my lunch with Snide when I got the first contact.

Come to the back now.

"Did you said something, Snide?" I looked at him but I can see his mouth is full of chips now. He was also looking across the room at some young punks.

"Uh-huh." I think that is best he can reply with his mouth full.

Officer Butler. The back please.

Its there again Like in the cell with the species. I got up and walked to the rear of the shop. Its the kitchen area and the chef is not too happy with me coming in uninvited. I spied the back door and I used it to exit at the alley.

The second door on your right.

I walked towards it and find it unlocked. I went in and it was dark inside.

Close the door.

Toys Part 10


"Monica, this is not what you think it is now. I am not the real Officer Butler from the Enforcer. You remember me as Harry Cone. I brought you in as Harry Cone and I need you in my team." I hate it when a lady draws a weapon on me even though now its just a bread knife. "Professor Heptanes, please explain to her. I thought you told me she has been briefed." It was then the memory came in and I can see Monica struggling with Officer Butler. The bastard raped her once in her previous vessel; not the one I see now but the one I knew when I was Harry Cone. "I am sorry, Monica. I did not know that he did that. Heptanes, help me here. I really screwed it up."

But it was the intervention of Alexis who managed to get the lady to released her hold on the bread knife. Then we all sat down and Alexis sat next to Monica with her arms around her. I am sitting across Monica and she is glaring at me. I can feel what she is going through in her psyche facing the man who raped you.

"Monica...." But it was Alexis who motioned for me to shut up. I did and avoid looking at Monica. We were supposed to discuss on the new team member but since the incident just now, we just talked on general issues. Heptanes suggested that we move out as he is worried that the surveillance camera may be installed nearby and we could be picked up soon. He suggested we move to a safer place he knew. One of the reason  for the move was me as Officer Butler. Its become a suspicion if I am seen coming too often. 
So it was proposed that I would use the safe house in the city for contact instead of coming to the new place they identified. I was not to know the location for fear the real Butler would know. That ended the meeting and I was seen off by Professor Heptanes.

"Butler, we will take care of her. You go ahead with the new member and we will back you. Meanwhile I am working with Martha on the serum."

I took my leave and went back to the city. I got a message to see the Senior Officer Graw, who replaced Cantor.

"Control wants me to tell you that they found Martha Kiln vessel at the bay. She has committed suicide. So you are off the hook, but I got a mission for you. I need a missing vessel found. She is Monica Sully; you brought her in before for some possession of bombs making devices. Get her in and I may have more for you to do."


"Do you know the Sully's are looking for you over their sister disappearance? Did you take her when you were Butler or before?" Snide is sharing my lunch break at one of the City's Open Park. We are having some packed sandwiches while watching the others walked on this park. I see a lady walking her dog as she is munching her lunch of a foot long sausage. Snide took his drink as I was still staring at the lady. "So you are talking or do I continue eating?"

"Oh, I took her as Harry Cone and Butler happened to come in. So I knocked him up and brought him too. He was not in the original plan but I find that as an Enforcer, I get to go places which Harry can't or vice versa. Shucks, I am all confused. So okay, I took Monica but I needed her skill set. I forgot about the brothers' but Monica is now devoid of her identity control. She can be herself." But we have new trouble. "Snide, three o'clock. And nine o'clock. You think they want to talk?"

"You raped their sister and you think they want to talk? I would suggest you finished your drink and we back up slow." I did as he said but we have an other issue; they are also at our rear. There are two of them each on each side. I don't know why started the shooting but the bullets came sweeping in from all directions. We crouched down before the tree trunk and I told Snide to hold our fire. Its dangerous to shoot in a park especially when its noon. But the Sully's boys are not keen on park rules, but their own.

I saw my opportunity and took down one of them. He was standing too far out from the cover and I shot him,

"I thought you said you were not shooting." Snide is now firing at the man in the rear.

"I lied and I am tired to being shot at" I got my second shooter as he tried to run for cover. Snide got his too and we are getting better or we are just lucky. The sirens can be heard in the distance and the shooters are leaving. We came out of cover on seeing them leaving.

"Snide, I want to meet the Sully's." Snide just shrugged his shoulder and walked back to the car.


"Jake, I want to say I have nothing to do with Monica's disappearance. I was in the cafe that day and I was knocked out. You can verify my story with the Unit." I am sitting across Jake Sully; Monica's elder brother and leader of the Sullies'. I don't know how they find vessels for these characters but they always look big and nasty. But Jake is an exception. He is small frame and wears a business suit. He also have a nice haircut and wear glasses.

"Is this him?" i whispered to Snide who is sitting next to me. He just nodded.

"Officer Butler, the last time your name came out involving you was when I dragged her out of the room and she confessed to me that you raped her. This time she has gone into hiding or missing as a result of yourself again. I may be a lawyer but at times I forget that there are other means of getting justice done. In this case, you got ten seconds to convince me why I should listen to you." Jake may be small in body size but he does not mince his words. I looked at behind Jake to see the two brothers sitting there. They are of the opposite of Jake as they are well fed boys with muscles to go with the frame.

"There are six of them here including Jake." Snide was polite to tell me my odds.

I had to play my ace now. I signaled Snide who stood up. He put his finger to his lips and whistled to the back of the shop. There came out the sister of the Sully's. Monica walked up to her brother and sat down opposite him. She is sitting by me and looking at her brother.

"Jake, he is clean. I am helping him on a case. And asked the boys to back off. Tell....Mama I love her." As she was talking, I was looking at Jake for any moves he might make. Jake reached for his vest pocket and took out a handkerchief. He passed it to the sister and stood up.

"I will be waiting and you let me know. He won't last an hour when you give me the word." Jake Sully left the place with his men. I turned to look at Monica but she has got herself up and leaving the place.

"Monica...." I tried to call her but she won;t stopped for any question from me. She was out the same door she came in and probably in the van now. Alexis will drive her home now.

"Butler, I just got comms that Control wants you tomorrow at the Freedom Square. Contact will be made on your arrival at 0900hrs. I wondered why he page me when he could had told you directly." I shook my head and reached for my comms unit. It is turn on and there is no message from Control.


"Officer Butler, this is your new comms." I been standing here at the Freedom Square for ten minutes before this kid came up to me and handed me the package. "There is an unlisted number in the memory. Please call that to speak to Control."

I did as he said.

"Officer Butler, your comm has a bug on it. We believed it was placed there by the group named Freed. Use this new one and I will contact you on here. I also have a mission for you. You to meet a Professor at the Science Center. He will be expecting you. His name is Heptanar. Your other mission is on hold for now. I read your brief on the meeting with the Sully. Interesting that they are giving you the doubt on their sister. But we shall discuss that later. Goodbye."

Heptaner? There must be mistake. I will see the Professor first.


"Welcome, Officer Butler. This is my lab at the Science Center. Can I get you a drink?" The man who just spoke to is also known to me as Heptanes.

Valentine at age above 80

Picture this scene of three very elderly folks sitting on the public park watching life go past. Their names are Jimmy ( 83 years ), George ( 85 years ) Pete ( 79 years ) and Cherry Rose ( 91 years ). Its their usual routine most morning to come here from their Aged Homes fifty yards away. Its a nice lovely morning that day, and the birds were there; I meant the ones that perched on the branches.

"Did you see that? Its Valentine Day."

"Jimmy, if I did,would I need you to shout about it?"

"No, George, It remind me of the time when I was with Luna. You remember her. The one with the tanned looks and wearing skimpy suits."

"Jimmy, if I do remember all your girlfriends, I would not be considered as senile by the Doctor. You has so many that I resorted to counting sheep instead for my nightly sleep. Its less stressful. Well, at least they have coats on them."

"For Pete's sake, stop moaning. You were always second best to me."

"Who called me? And I don't moan in my sleep. It just the bed complaining of me wetting it nightly."

"No one called you, Pete. You should do something about your bed wetting. Its disgusting."

"Jimmy, at least I can still squirt through there and not a have bag around my knees to flow it out."

"Hey, you guys stop it. I don't need you guys to tell me what's it like then. I got Woody Woodpecker re-run to remind me every morning of those glorious days."

"You have to excuse them horny boys, Rose. As I was saying, its Valentine Day and I was wondering if you would do me the honor..."

"Jimmy my lad. If I did the honor, do you think they would be calling me Cherry Rose behind my back? Of course, I would be delighted if we were seventy years before this day."

"Rose, my dear. How can you be unkind? I could sing my favourite to you. Its "Oh, Carol!" I changed the lyrics for you."

"By George, please don't do that. If you ever let Jimmy sing, prepared to hear a man scream from a torn ligament. That his style."

"Pete, shut up. Okay, I won't sing. Can I quote you a poetry then? A poetry of love."

"Aha! The poetry he knows are the limericks. Here is one I remember of his. Let me do it.
'There was a young lady named Smith
Whose virtue was largely a myth.
She said "Try as I can,
I just cant find a man,
Who it's fun to be virtuous with.'
"George, how can you despoil my linguistic art with such saucy lines?"

"If I was young at twenty, I would not had mind be Ms.Smith and get my virtue despoil by one like you. But at ninety, I saved it with my tag as Cherry Rose."

"Pardon me, Jimmy, but did you checked the date today? It 1Feb 5th.. You slept through Valentine yesterday as we did not wake you up."

"George, how could you? I should had been awaken."

"Jimmy, you were moaning of some lady named Sally, so we reckon we let you sleep it over. After all, we did see you getting upright so we let you dream on to kingdom come."

Friday, April 27, 2012

432 and still counting

Caution: this is N-17.


I walked in the place and drew the stares of almost everyone I walked past. Who would not be with my tweeds dressing, bow tie and round rimmed glasses. I am sure if you seen me, you would had thought I should be in the lecture hall instead of here. I needed a drink and this place looks good enough for me.

"Hey, son. You sure you are not looking for the bowl. Its the door at the rear and its marked PRICK." Loathsome of these punks who thinks their spiked hair is like the length of their phallus which I can tell you is cropped short off the tip. I made my way to the bar and asked for a double scotch. The bartender passed me my glass and I dropped the fifty note.

"Give me one more and keep the change. I have no smaller notes." That drew some awkward stares from the ones who were sitting there with me. I gulped down the first and motioned for my second. It was then the redhead came up to me.

"Hi, care to buy me a drink?" I kept my face to the lineup of bottles there. I can see from the corner of my eyes, she is inching up to me. Her boobs just caressed my elbow and her left hand just slipped down to my right thigh.

"Uh-huh. you want?" She is moving and she is getting closer. I moved my legs closer so that its not too apparent.

"A screwdriver would be fine. But I found my hammer head is more refreshing." She is on the runway and I had to get up.

"Pardon me, Miss. My name is Patrick. My mum used to call me Pat. How are you?" Redhead looked at me and smiled.

"First time here, huh? My name's Rose and I am all red up there and down there. So your mama let you come to town to paint it red." I nodded and gave her my nervous smile.

"Yup, she died last month and left me the business. I don't know why they keep those numbers so big but the Accountant said its huge." I am looking at her huge boobs. I can feel the scotch running down the side of my lips. But she is onto me by then. She leaned over and whispered to me.

"I can show you more if you would follow me to my place. I like to hear more about your big numbers." She is creeping on me.

"No, mama says never to tell strangers on my inheritance. She said they may rob me of it. And she also tell me never to go to stranger's place. It can be dangerous." But she had me by her arms and leading me out. In the next two hours, I did a lot of things mother said I should not do like tell my bank account figures, my name and why I am still a virgin at thirty. But I learned more on my economic on the distribution of flesh..... I mean wealth and landscaping plus some deep bungee jumps.

"Oh, Mary. Can I take fifty from your purse? I don't have small change. I need to take a cab back to where my driver left me............... Yes, I will call you tomorrow on our next date................... And I do love you.............. No, I am sure you will be pregnant by next fall if we go on at this rate......................... Of course, I shared my millions with you. Did I not just deposited some to you just now...................... Love you too. Bye."

An hour later back at my own pad, I took a shower and took our my diary. I jotted down her name and statistics. She is number 432. I looked at the fifty on my dresser. 

Whoever said you need to pay for a fuck and a drink must be nuts.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Toys Part 9

"Professor..." But Heptanes walked forward to embrace the professor I brought back to the rented hotel room. The two older professors then sat down and talked of their younger days. It seems that Heptanes knew Martha from his younger days. Soon the two professors are comparing notes as I stood guard over the window. Its going to be a long night and I need to complete my mission but how do I hand over a lady I just won her trust.

We took her to the farm as the next changeover was due to happened this week. So it will be save for her there while I figure out how to explain her disappearance. I was back in time to get the new list of changeover of identities. I find in the list is Martha Kiln but its not my assignment.

We are to go to the home of the affected and bring them to their new identity place. There we removed the previous identity and placed the new identity in. Then we will bring the new vessel to their new place unless some changeover is done on the place. Then we wait while the place change before we packed the vessel in there. So you can be a grocer yesterday and a banker tomorrow. Or a Housewife of three today and a Doctor tomorrow. Then the Special Squad will come in with their trucks to place the Nanites into the water supply to activate the new instructions. But the Nanites does not affect us as we have the antidote in us to reject the Nanites.

It was then I found the perfect vessel for Martha Kiln. The vessel was to go back for storage as its happens sometimes on request by the Science Center. But today I intercepted the vessel and move it out the back door to the farm. Professor Heptanes with the approval of the other Professor transferred the identity over. I took Professor Martha Kiln previous vessel and threw her over the bridge at the river. She may be found or never at all as this is the river that flowed to the sea.

But the bad news was to report to Control I lost the target.

"Control will see you now." I followed the Secretary but she did not have the same walks as the previous vessel. She does stack more on the front top but I am not into the motherly love when I performing. The Secretary opened the door and I walked in. I walked to the glass top table and faced the man named Control. Today he is a young man with a well trimmed beard and wearing round rimmed spectacle. below his mop of hair on the top of the head. He is dressed in a gray suit with a dark tie and wearing matching shoes.

"I hear you lost Martha Kiln."

"Yes, I tailed her and then I was set on by a trio of men. I managed to defeat them but she was not be found. But I got this book from her lab. She has been experimenting with some new drugs. Here is the book." I hand over the book and he took it up. He then dropped it on the floor.

"That book is not important. We are the one who finance her project. What about the youth you took for a drive.? Did he tell you anything i ought to know." I am not surprised that he would know I took the youth for a ride.

"The kid told me about the experiments and the book. His friend died in her works. He wanted vengeance. But he was shot before he could do more for me."

"An unfortunate workings of that Department. You are lucky they did not take you too. I stopped the shooter in time before he could take the shot. But Officer Butler, you have failed in your mission. Then again, you had some difficulty which many would had been more fatal. I would ignore your failure here. I would suggest you find Martha Kiln dead or alive. But be on your guard, I know everything that happens here. I may call on you for other works. Do you like my new Secretary looks? I know she is not of your taste but I like it." Control got up from his seat and walked to the door.

I took it that mean I am dismissed too. I followed suit and I see Control walking with the Secretary in his arms. I guess my dinner would be chinese takeaway tonight with Martha Kiln.

"I hope you like the new look." I looked at the familiar curves which I used as my minstrel piece on some cold evenings.

"Officer Butler, every lady loves a new makeover even though its makes me aged backwards twenty five years. But the butt needs to be worked on as it too pouting sexy for me." I guess you can never satisfy a lady all the times but hopefully most times.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...