Sunday, January 15, 2012

Seven Sins of Man Part 7

The way to hunt a pack is to isolate individuals and trap it. We are done with the hostages situation and now we are going to do the next method; direct confrontation. We knew from Alan Carter who and where the second ‘family’ is and they know we knew. But neither knew when the other side will strike. We are going for the pre-emptive strike first. Like us, the other family are also kids of our age and they all carry our name too. But for now, we will call them Family2.
So we planned for our move. We needed the time for Sally to be fully recovered.
We know their names, whereabouts, and now how to get them come over.
But nothing is as planned.
Or worse, we did not foresee this coming.
My counterpart message me to see her. It was on the system box waiting for me to pick it up. I do go in on occassions to challenged the security protocol. And sometimes I win and this time, the security was down for me to go in. The message was ‘Pride, meet at Mrs Peace house. Only you and me. All guards will be cleared out. Reply back. Pride.’
It could be a trap or it could be negotiation for us to come in. But its also my chance to talk to them. Someone said the most safest place is the most dangerous one.
I went back in alone. And in plain sight to show my sincerity to meet.
“Hello, Pride.” I am looking at a boy with a nice smile and good looking too with his ruffled hair. “They called me Pride too, or I liked my own nickname; Prince. It was given to me by my mentor, Doctor Fukuda before he left me for Gareth of your family. I knew all that as we are the surviving fourteen of the forty nine children that was brought in. My family members died or in the asylum section due to the testing, and I am the only survivor of Group Five. All of us are from different families except for Garry and Louis. They are brothers in Group Six. For some reason, your Group was the most successful one. And you are the most powerful one with your mind. I am near your equivalent but I can do only one at a time but not you, you control the gifts like they are your limbs. Since you left, there was a gap and we became Prime. We did most of the missions now. We also know about Project God’s Way. About Godfrey and Maddie and how you escaped.”
“So you know, you are not volunteers but brought in to do the testing. You know what you are doing is not correct. You also know that this......” I tried to reason with him but his reply was more distressing.
“Is what we wanted to do. All seven of us has discussed this and we will continue in our life with the gifts that we have. We still are Prime Team. We do the hard missions and we cleared them all.....” I can see his facial expression turning into anger and his eyes stared at me as if I have taken his liberty away.
“Do you know that you are nearer to dying everytime you used the thats in you? Did they tell you this?” I am searching his face for recognition on the issue of mortality here. We are not demi-gods with gifts, we are demons with a limited life force, ever depleting everytime we used the power.
“Yes.... we know. And we accepted the risks. Its better than living on the street and not knowing when your next fix is coming. We been there. We know.” It was then Prince sat down on the settee. His gaze is on the floor and he looked concerned.
“You did not know the whole truth. You were only told the juicy parts. I know it all as I read the files....” But I was wrong.
“Pride, I read those files too. I could not accessed the system like you but Gary did. He showed me the files. He did questioned like you did. But we had little choices. It either this or we are back on the street as junkies and walkers.I had to make a decision for them. I choose this. I am their leader and I chose what they had to follow. They never question my decision.....” Prince glared at me aas if I had intruded into his private matters. I think if I am him, I may had also reacted the same.
“Prince. We will leave you alone if you do not come onto us. We just want to be left alone.” I turned to walked out but his words stopped me.
“Pride, I cannot allowed that. Our current mission is your retrieval and we have not failed yet. But Global Research will not do it today, as I promised you no guards today. Today we will test your gift against us. The others are outside. Pride, we are still growing our gifts with new addons. We can’t take you today alone or maybe one day from now. But for now, we just want to test your gift.” I knew its too good to be true but I am ready.
“Be nice to me or I will be Pride if I need to tear you apart” I muttered to myself. I can feel the power coming up inside me.
“Pride, did you said something?” He had to asked.
I projected the funitures in the house to be construct a prison wall around him. I got the stereo set to blast the music loud to him so he can be distracted. I ran out to see six teens of my age facing me. They are not kids anymore but big teens like me.
“I am .....Gary or may know..... me as............. Sloth. My gift to make you..... weak and lazy..... I also .....stutter..... when I ....speak...... stranger.” He did make me fall down to my knees and I felt like a helpless person. Gary is a dark teen with bald head and he is sporting the dressing of a rapper, with the chains and oversized jacket.
“Hi Pride, I am Lana, or you can call me Lust. Do you know why?” I can feel her gift as I am in heat for these young gentlemen’s around me.
“Let me help you, Pride. I am Henry or Greed and you shall know by now.” Henry is your next door neighbor kid except this one has multiple arms; four pairs to be exact. He is like Medusa except he grow limbs.
‘Don’t be, Henry. I am Helga as Glutton is my namesake for my growth size.” She is one tall and big lady with a twin pony tail that helped me remember of a comic character.
“I am Elvira; please don’t envy me. But I can control minds. Many at a time too.” I could not as she is everything a woman wished; beauty and brains. She wants too many too soon.
“I am plain Fyre, because no one can tell if I am Fire or Fyre at time.” Another red head but this one can on the swimsuit cover. He is young lad to be seen in your arms at the prom nite.
My body still raked with pain and all kinds of mis-matched feelings. It was not until Prince came into the arena. His gift is telekinetic and he is lifting me up. So he has removed my prison walls and now coming to the arena.
“ENOUGH!” I shouted out loud and my mind swept all seven of them a distance from where they were all standing.
“None of you can rivaled me and keep your distance. I am not Pride for the namesake. I am Pride because I take pride in the gift I have. So buzz off, you wannabes.”  I hovered myself down from the height raised by Prince. When I have landed on the ground, Graham drove over with the MPV and the side door was opened by his double. I got in and the double closed the door.
It was then I blacked out.

“Mum?” No, it can’t be. She is dead. I saw her die. But here she is sitting on the chair looking at me.
“Hello, Prude. I am back in your life. How are you? I know its hard for you to accept that this project was also mine to start with. I did not tell you as I grown to love you and the others more as we spent time together. Don’t cry, Prude.”
“No, Mum.” I am not but in actual fact I was. It seeing her now makes me cry. She is my ‘mum’ despite it all. You cannot hate your own ‘mum’. I couldn’t do it. But Angst did it. He has no emotional ties to her; not like mine.
“Be brave, Prude. There are more trials to come in your life. This is only the beginning. There was more than forty nine children involved. You were all the first beta group, but we also did began the second group with the revised results. They are more powerful and more intelligent. Beware of the Inhumans, as they are called. They are incapable of the emotions of Man, for they are the deprived of it from their DNA. Your only reprieved is they are not ready yet. It will take some years more but when they are, they are going to come for you. And the family. Prepare them well and prepared them good. You are their mother now.....”
She faded off and I am looking at my own self sitting on that chair.
I woke then and sat up in fright. I find all of them standing before me; my own family and they are all okay.
“What happened? How long was I out?”
“Five days and .... twenty two hours seventeen minutes and.... nevermind. That is how long you slept.” I looked at Sally who had probably got things in logical order in her brain. “You been mumbling and tossing a lot on the bed. Who is ‘Mum’ ?” Sally asked the most akward question in the room.
“Mum is myself, and I am your mother. All you here are my children and I am the mother. Above it all, I will never let you all go.”

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