Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Elite 3 Part 6

Major Tuan was standing at the window at the Ground Level of the Sebastian Mansion watching the biker rode pass by. He could hear the police sirens coming towards this direction.He turned to the six men to get into position while he loads the AK74 he is holding.
As he stood by the wall next to the window, he tried to recalled the face he just seen. Its a familair face but for a moment he could not remember. He saw the rider getting off the bkie and was to walked towards the mansion but the biker changed his mind when he heard the sirens. The biker got back on the bike and rode off the treeline.
As for Tuan; his immediate concern are the two patrol cars driving into the compound now. Three policemen came out of the patrol cars and started talking. They were commenting on the biker hitting the bike trail which will lead to Beach Road. One of the trio reached for the car radio and advised the despatcher to alert the other patrol cars.
One of the policemen decided to walk up to the diplated mansion. He peeked in at the same window which Major Tuan was satnding earleir. He looked inside and frowned at the waste of money on this place which is now in a state of neglect and abuse. He turned to walked back to the patrol car and told his colleagues of his wish to buy such a house.
It was then the portable of Major Tuan rang.
The policemen trio looked back at the mansion and three well places shots hit their foreheads. They fell back against the patrol cars’ body.
‘Yes.... We are ready.’ Major Tuan ended his call on his portable and called his men to clear the bodies immediately. He told them to throw the bodies into the sea. The patrol cars are driven off the compound and parked at the treelines near the biker trails.
The major walked out of the mansion towards the garage. There inside are two van’s with the words ‘POLICE’ on it. Its the exact copy of the genuine Police Vans, except this ones’ have more firepower than a normal van. It carries a M240 in the back of each van and AA12 Shotguns.

I met up with Marius at a remote beach location near Beach Road. We compared notes and concluded our findings on the whreabouts of Alicia is still unknown. But we can conclude that the person behind the kidnap is the Governor. If he is involved, then the niece of ours is with his gang and that means ‘The Padre’ is our target.
The Padre stays at the Grove but he normallys hang out at the office which is a four storey building in the city business blocks. The name of the building is ‘The New Factor’, built on a half acre prime land and now surrounded by eight feet high wall with perimeter defense on it. The entry to the buiding is via the main gate with two armed guards handling the entries. The building is an intelligent building design with fully automatic sensors to activate the doors and lifts.
The Ground level is a glass enclosure all around it with partitions builtin for small conference or meeting areas. In the centre of the building is the escalator to the next level  which are the office units. There are two levels of office units, with an open concept flooring design. The management sits on the top floor or the penthouse level, which consists of ten cubicle rooms and one large office/conference hall, where Mr Pedri ‘The Padre’ sits. On a working day there should be about a hundred over staff working in this building.
The building has three levels of carpark in its basement, but only two levels with over a hundred bays are opened to the staff. The last level is offlimits to everyone unregistered. Its sealed off with a roller shutter closing the ramp going down. There has been speculation that the bottom level is a drug lab or similar setup.
But unknown to many, there are twenty armed men and women in the building daily, as their job is security. They are all armed with M1911 and carries AK47 as their preferred rifles. This is besides the three personal guards of the Padre.

Mama Oleo point at the Building as we drove by in the van. ‘Thats’ your target, girl’ was what she had to say to me. I looked at the high walls and the guards, and it reminded me of my previous engagement with such clowns. I need my brothers’ here as they will know has to be done.
‘Mama, I got to call my brother. He will know what to.do. If Alicia is there, he is the best person to get Alicia out’. I picked up the portable and dialed Marcel’s number but he is not answering. I dialed Marius and his is also out of range. I looked at the gun pointing at me at my waist.
‘You sure did not waste time to collect, did ya?’ I looked at Mama Olein and smiled.
‘I worked for the Governor, or Mr Loman. My sister was the one who did not like Loman then but she worked for him to take care of Alicia. Its true she was fond of Alicia, and she will even die for her. But not me, I worked for the money, girl. Mr Loman asked me to look for you, and find out what I can from you on the Kingfisher. Please hand over the phone.’ Mama Olein was one mean looking bitch now with her harsh whispers now.
I handed her phone over and smiled.
‘Didn’t think I will be so stupid to tell you where Kingfisher is? The number I dialed are random numbers. So now you take me to my daughter and I may just give you his real number.’ Mama Olein turned into a nasty witch and she wanted to swing her gun at my face but the person sitting in front stopped her.
‘Don’t do that, Mama. Mr Loman was very strict on the instruction. We bring her in to see her daughter and then we take action.’ The man was seated in the front passenger seat and he is a young man not many years other than Alicia.
‘Oh, shut up, Paco. I will keep her alive to see her daughter and then we aim to collect on the Kingfisher reward. Yo, lady, get down on the carpet. And stay there.’ Mama Olein motion me to sit down on the carpet space between the seats and keep my head down. Its cramp and stuffy but at least I am alive.

The Memorial Park covers a two acre land just outside the city limits. It housed the Island Monuments to its early settlers, and there is a Hall which was built for large public functions. The Hall can accomodate over a thousand seatings at any one time; eight hundred on the ground level, while the rest two hundred in its thirty private cubicle on the mezzanine floor. The mezzanine floor also housed the control room for the lighting and sound system of the Hall. There is a podium opposite the control room, in which the speakers or invited can deliver their speeches. There are four main entrance doors to the Hall, and four more smaller doors on each side. There is one emergency exit at the back of the podium to be used when needed.
On the grounds of the Memorial Park are the monuments for the early settlers. Its designed like a modern sculpture of a yacht but minus the sail. There are some minor or small sculptures which depict the way of life in the island, but it confounding to many who attempts to understand it. The only addon to the park is two high sentries post tower of over twenty feet high on both ends of the Monument area. Its used by the guards to oversee the crowds as to avoid any abuse on the monument pieces.
‘Captain D’Cruz, can I have a status report?’ The Commissioner was standing next to the Captain in the park. The captain has just come but he was briefed in the car by the Sargeant on duty here. The Commissioner is eyeing the odd looking monument called the ‘Yacht’.
‘Yes, sir. I have deployed men in the Hall and around the park. We will have snipers in the nearby trees; we are building platforms for them to operate. I have also planned the escape route in case of any assassination.’
‘Good, but make sure it works tomorrow.and get a bath soon. Your uniform stinks.’ The Commissioner walks away to his car.
The captain looked at the man he calls the Commissioner gets into the car. Its utterly disgusting to report to this man whose main concern is his poker game. He cares not for the bombing incident at the hospital or the Kingfisher. Or even the Governor.
‘Sargeant, are the platforms ready?’

Across the city, inside the large rectangular building with high windows, and air vents on the top wall; Doctor One is busy with the re-packaging of the virus into six containers. Its crucial that the containers are full sealed and ready for delivery for the meeting tomorrow. Once he has done that, then he will have the means to carry out his next operation back in his homeland. The doctor can see the anxious looks on Major Muskow but his role is only after I completed mine. But he has done well with the hospital ward, and the employers are happy on it.
‘Doctor, we are done.’ Doctor One looked at the medical technicians and was quite pleased.  He took up the technician’s hand and shook it.
‘Well done, Sminov. Tell your team to packed up and get ready to leave for the jetty. But do a last minute checks please.’ Doctor One smiled at the Technician who is glad to be going home and richer in the pockets. The Technicians went back to his work and re-checked all the containers. Doctor One motions to the Major to see him.
‘The Medical Team is ready for evacuation. Please arrange the needed.’
Doctor One move towards his office at the lab and sat there at the seat which he has occupied for the last month. He sat down and heaved out a sigh on the development. The buyers are in the city and they are ready to deliver. He has to prepare for the demonstration of the virus to convince them to part with a hundred million per cannister.
‘Doctor, the cannister is ready.They are loaded into your car as per instruction.’ I looked at the Technician as he stand at my door, ever eager for my final nod to leave the place.
‘Get me the Major.’
Major Ivanov Muskow walked in and sat down at the chair. He is looking very amused to see the Medical team running with eagerness to collect their luggage and boarding the van to take them to the jetty.
‘Make sure you leave no trace to us.’
‘Yes, Doctor. And your reservation at the hotel is confirmed. You may check in anytime tonight. I also have booked the Conference Room for tomorrow at 2000hrs.’

I drove over to Peter’s and we discussed our plan.
All was set in twenty minutes and now its time to take a short nap while Peter packed us a dinner with pizza.

Mama Olein kept her word; I was brought to see Alicia. The van pulled up after a long bumpy ride and we pulled up next to a high hill. The hill has a cave mouth big enough for a train to go in as there are rail tracks there, but its not a train that was going in there. Its a small train dragging a series of iron carts on its end filled with ores. These ores are sent to the nrarby processing plant where it will extract out the rare metals from the sands and others around it.
Its a mining tunnel for rare metals.
I was led into the tunnel and after making some headway in the semi-dark environment, I came to faced a large cavern which is brightly lighted. There are two small bobcats loader doing the loading of the dugout ores to the iron carts. There are a series of smaller tunnels which may lead to the actual digging in the hill. In the cavern, there is a three armed guards and five workers doing the loading.
I was prodded by Mama Olein to follow her down the small tunnel on the right, and we walked for a short distance before I came to see my little girl at the end of the tunnel. Her left leg is shackled to the large chain that is staked into by a large iron pin to the ground. She is kept like a trapped wild animal. I ran forward to hug her and asked if she is okay.
‘I am fine, Ma. I am only tired and hungry. Are you here to get me out?’ The young lady is putting up a strong front and hopeful of me rescuing her.
‘Soon, darling.’ I was pulled aside by Mama Olein and told to sit next to Alicia. A set of shackle was attached to my right ankle and joined to the same iron pin. Some worker came in with a iron pick and removed the pin and is now re-attached back to the ground.
Mama Olein left us alone and we shared an emotional time for a while.

A tip off was given to the Police on an illegal lab in one of new warehouses near the docks. Captain D’Cruz was advised and he despatched off the SWAT Team. Sargeant Rebecca and her four team members are loading the SWAT Van now for their coming assignment.
The Commissioner was advised and he told the despatcher to let the Captain handle things.
There are twenty five police officer surrounding the building now, with the SWAT Team in position to storm in. Captain D-Cruz picked up the megaphone and spoke into it.
‘This is the Police. You are surrounded. Give yourself up and we will settle this nice and quiet.’
There was absolute silence and then a shot rang off hitting the officer next to the Captain. Before the Captain can issue the command, the whole area was enveloped in a series of loud noises as more officers return fire at the unseen assassin.
‘Stop the shooting! Stop!’ the captain’s command was heeded but the place looked as if its was used as a firing squad wall. The sounds of reloading and cocking of the guns can be heard among all the officers but none of them was shot since then.

‘Look, man. I am just the delivery man. I got the order to deliver it here, so here I am. You tell me to wait, I can do, but you tell me no one ordered any pizza; then I am at a loss here. See here, its said Jenny, 2nd Floor, Admin Office, The New Factor Building. So I am here.’ I looked at the man who is holding me up from going in. I know he is loking at my pizza man uniform to authenticate my identity. I am riding a scooter with my assitant helper holding ten pizza’s, in the carrier bag.
‘Okay, go straight to Basement One and take the service lift to the Second Floor.’ He raised the barrier bar next to him and we rode through. Two men with pizza delivery for the admin office.
We rode down to the Basement Carpark and parked near the Service Lift. We walked up to the lift and pressed the up button. I can see the CCTV looking at us and then it panned to the carpark area. The lift door opened and three ladies came out with their handbags swinging at their elbows.
‘Is that pizza I smell?’ asked the brunette, and Marcel replied in kind; ‘No, its my masculine smell’. That drew some laughs from the ladies as they walked to their cars. We got in the lift and looked up for any camera. There is the camera in the right hand corner and Marcel squeezed the tomato paste on the viewer.
I pressed the switch to the third floor and put the pizza carrier bag down. From underneath it, we withdrew the two PDW from it. I have two extra clips inside my jacket, and my M1911 is in the side pocket of my dungarees. I re-attached the suppressors. Marcel removed the small pouch he has on his waist to pass two fragment grenades. Marcel is holidng onto three for his own use.
The lift door opened on the thrid floor and there was a semi bald man standing there holding his briefcase. I looked at him and smiled.
‘Pest Exterminators. Leave now or you may get infected.’ The semi bald man ran into the lift and hastily closed the door. We went to the staircase door and tried it. Its unlocked and we went in. The alarm went off in the building, and so we ran upstairs.
‘Whose plan is this?’ I asked Marcel. ‘Its suicidal.’

Just when you thought it was safe to stand up, a shot came from the building. It hits the patrol car near the Captain and exploded into flame. It soon followed up with some series of shots at the officers.
‘Captain, he’s got a grenade launcher in there’. The young rookie was cowering behind the patrol car now wondering if they will win today.
‘SWAT! Smoked it. And then stormed in.’ SWAT Team fired their teargas cannisters into the building through the shattered windows. The five team member then ran across the yard to the shutter roller door.The SWAT Team are dressed in their blue fatigue and Kelvar vest. Theya re armed with M1911 and MP5A3 with telescopic lens and torch light. One of the team members attached a small chunk of C4 at the base lock of the roller shutter with a short fuse.
‘Fire in the Hole’ and the C4 went off to disclodge the lock. The same team member raised up the shutter roller slightly and threw in two flash grenades. Once that has exploded, he grabbed hold of the edge of the roller shutter and pulled it up. As he raised it up, his team members crouched and ran into the building. The four team members fanned out and took firing position. They scanned the place for shooters and saw none, but some dead bodies hung up upside down like slaughter animals in the centre of the building. The place is cleaned of any equipment or machinery except for the six dead men.
Beneath the hung men is a box, and its ticking.

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