Saturday, January 7, 2012

Seven Sins of Man Part 4

If things were just simpler but they never do. We been on the road for two long days of driving and now we are holed up in a motel just off a big city. Our next acquistion is Angst, the pyro freak. According to the database I retrieved up, his foster family runs a mortuary in the city. So I can guess what they need Angst for; it does save on the gas bills. That is the good news and the bad news is that the family died in a fire at their home last week and Angst could be one of the victims who died in the fire. Maddie told me that is not possible, as she has seen Angst playing with fire once. It does not burn his hands and he is not intimated by it. He is immune to it like a water is to fire. So how do you find a twelve year old kid with red hair in a city of one million people.
That was our issue then.
 “Maddie, the Library. I need to get into the system again.” She looked at me and she understand where I am coming from.
“Graham, I may need your help. You are going to learn how to hack into computer systems in a one day lesson. And lesson one starts now.”

Maddie could not find a library in the city maps so she took me the nearest access to a main frame. A bank just outside of the city. We went in after dark through the front door. It was easy when you have a guard who is going sleep for sometime. He just walked onto a wall hard. The rest was easy with Graham’s skill as an assassin; they do teach you how to pick locks too.
“Graham, you and your doubles are going to hack in  simultaneous with me. But all of you are going to access different directories or sub-systems. I will track down Angst. Ready?” Graham or the Graham’s are all seated at the six terminals desk. They all nodded and on my cue, we were hacking onto the Global Research mainframe. Its easier for Graham to learn as he has photogenic memory and I am an expert in hacking computer systems courtesy of Global Research training. Now we are hacking in on seven different channels and its overloading the firewall. I done this before when I used two consoles to hack into the mainframe before using different routes and protocol. Global Research used me to test their security checks and now I am going in with eight routes, and each route will multiply into sixteen different trails of intrusion. Once we are in the intrusion program will exponentially grow into ninety six programs trying to challenge the protocols. Its a mutli stream attack on the system, and all I need is one program to go through for me to access what I need to know.
“Its working.... they blocked it.” Those were Graham’s doubles talking in different times. But I am in and I got the program to detect the trackers. I am sending them a present of mine and Sally blocked it in time. She is firing back and trying to trace us.
“Maddie, pull the plug.” She did as I said. She pulled the level down. Sally will be able to track us but we bought us some time. More to it, I downloaded what I need on the Clan and also how to track the rest. When did leave the bank; we we couldn’t resist helping ourselves to some small change for our expenses. They came in three big bags. After all, we are using a lot of small notes in our run.

“Was it Sally? How do you know?” Graham is asking as we grabbed our late night meal at the all night stand.
“I know her digital signature. Its her style to imprint her name on the program. Sally is a very smart girl, and she may be eight now; she can out program almost every expert they sent against her. Her ability to slow the process allowed her time to decipher the routines or protocol in the program. She will then countermand those commands or re-route them with her commands. She was send to challenge me just before I left and I lost to her. I am still losing to her but she is not as fast as myself in programming. But she is improving.”
“But she will know we are here. Through the bank networks.” I looked at Maddie and nodded. “But by the time she gets the signal sorted we would had found Angst. We got three hours to find him.”
“Why didn’t you said so? We are wasting time eating here now.” Graham is getting up to move but I told him to sit back.
“Angst will come to us. I had send him a message on the phone he is carrying. I tracked that from the numbers used by the family and if I am correct, he will be here soon.”
He did come on time. Too soon for our liking to be exact. He is always emotional and he is still one emotional kid. He just razed the all night stand we were sitting at ten minutes ago. We were walking back to the SUV when it happened. There goes one of the best hotdog’s stand in the world.
“Angst?” Graham is calling out to the young lanky kid standing by on the opposite roadside. Its Angst or he has grown up in the two years since I last seen him. He is dressed in casual and he is angry as he just send off another stream of fire towards us. I managed to midnswept the flow to the garbage bin near us.
“Stop it! Angst! I mean it.” I projected my thoughts to him.
“Get out of my head.” He cupped his ears and started running. But Graham or his doubles are already moving into action. The seven entities ran across the road and surrounded Angst. We caught up eventually and I saw the missing family member again. He has grown taller but he still harbor that angry look.
“Move away or I will burned all of you down. I had enough of this life. I am going away for my own life. No more missions, no more killings. No more doctors. .........Please let me go.” The twelve year old boy is now crouching down and crying his heart out. I wanted to go and hold him, but Maddie was faster. She reached him first and held him close to her. She held him tight and rocked him like when we were small. It was the same when he was crying then, and she would hold him.
Angst told us he was sent to live with the Bradley’s and they run his mortuary home. Its also their front for the work they do as killers for the Clan. They are enforcers for the clans and they brought him along to wipe clean the traces of the crime. He will burned the bodies or the place so that they body cannot be recognised except by DNA experts. He is also trained in medical surgery so he can perfrom complicated torture methods to the victims if they needed information. He has been on six missions and he is very scared as a kid. He does not want this life and he wants to be normal. He wanted to kill the Bradley’s before but they told him if he do that, others will hunt him down. It was last week when the Bradley’s brought in a kid his age to be tortured for info. He did not want to do it; not to another kid of his age so Bradley shot the kid in the head. That was when Angst lost his control; he set the fires on the man and wife and the house and everything in it. He escaped by the back door and has been running since. But he does not know where to go except hide out on the streets.
And now we found him and we are his family. He offered to remove the tracker by himself and he did not bleed as much as Graham.
Then the questions came.
I had to explain myself for the second time and to repeat the news on Prpject God’s Way. It was then he cried again. He wants to see his real parents again. For once, neither of us has the answer to his question.
“Maddie, please get me to another computer. I need to talk to Sally.”

Finding Evie was not easy as she has left her foster home. She has gone missing for over three months now. More to it, she has moved to a place where the tracker is not responding its signal. She is somewhere in this new city we just came to after a long three days drive. Its another big  city with another million of people in there and we are looking for one young lady of thirteen years of age. We checked the database and her age group counts to nearly ten thousand of them and by narrowing down the list on height, weight and hair color; we got five hundred possibilities. We narrowed down to name that sounds like Evie, and we got twenty six. We tracked down all twenty five in five days with Graham doubling up and now we are down to number twenty six.
The last possibility is a girl who lives in a luxury mansion with armed guard patrols. She is the god-daughter of the local hoodlum syndicate. She has convinced the man himself of whom can he trust and whom he shall had removed including his wife and own son. She has won his appreciation and he has adopted her as his god-daughter. When she walks into the hall, she is envied by everyone who viewed her as a deceiving witch. Incidentally her other skill sets is actuaries and she good at it. Give her a game of chance, and she will win all the stakes. Thats is exactly what she is doing now; handling the hoodlum’s illegal betting schemes.
She is going to be a bitch to get at in this environment.
“Maddie, I need some money to gamble big. Can I have one bag please?” It took me less than a day to get noticed and three bags later from the roulette tables got me into the mansion the next day with a date with Evita Merido, the temptress.
“Hello Pride. Its been sometime since I last saw you. I heard you ran off. And now you are here. Its too much a coincidence.” The temptress does lived up to her name as she lay by the pool in her skimpy bikini. “Pardon me, Pride. I always felt I was better looking than you. And I can still grow in some places.”
“Evie, you need not throw your charms on me. I am here to invite you back to the family. Not the Clan but your real family; all seven of us. You remember Angst, Graham ..... and Lois.” She never liked Lois as she felt Lois’ abilities made hers look very plain.
“Don’t ever mentioned Lois...” Evie projected her charms on the nearby guard. He pulled up his gun and shot at the nearby colleague. She must had shown him that the other one is an enemy of his, and he shot the other guard.
“Stop it, Evie. You are not doing it better. You are becoming what the Clan wants you to be. A killer.” She looked at me. I can feel her coming onto me, but I lashed out with my mind sweep. I pushed back hard and it hit her hard. She fell back on the beach chair and she held her face in pain.
“I am sorry, Evie. I did not mean to do that.” I held her in my arms and for once, I can feel the tears coming down her face. She is back to the Evie I knew before; the little girl who used to play and quarrel with Lois. But their fights never lasted as they are real sisters. Inside her, she still loves her sister.
“Forgive me, Pride. I was scared and I had to find support. This was what I learned to do. How to manipulate the situation. I did not mean to had those people killed. I did not want to but I had to in order to survive.” She is sobbing like never before. I find us being surrounded by a group of armed men, and the man they called the Boss walked up.
“You ain’t taking my girl away. She is mine and she will remain as mine. I had an arrangement with the Clan. I paid them to let me keep her. So back up, sister.”
“The Clan? Wrong word for the day. You lose.” Evie projected her charms on the men around her who now view the man they called the Boss as the Enemy. They all took out their guns and shot him point blank. I took over from her then and projected the men to fall into the pool.
“Lets get you some better clothes, Evie. You can’t travel in these to see Lois.” I shuffled her to the feet and we walked towards the house.
Evie had her tracker removed when she was bought by the hoodlums to be their planner for the illegal gambling and trading on the public bourses.

When you win too many rounds, you might get on better or fall into a slumber. If the later happens then you will lose some. In my case, I was in the later. Now we have half the family back except for Lois, Gareth and Sally. The Global Research call in the odds. They holed up the three in the secured facilty named as the Vault. They are enticing us to come and rescue them.
How did I know?
Sally told me when I contacted her on the network. She knew about the rest who are with me and she also told me that the others are staying for now at status quo. But they may hunt us to get us back to their level of status quo.
Her message reads as this; ‘You had it good till now. But now we are consolidating and we will win. Come on in and see us at the Vault.’
Its going to be family against family if we are keen to take it on.
She then told me through a hidden message of another tale which I had not told anyone else.
Project God’s Way was Doctor Godfrey’s but the second serum was provided by Doctor Maddie Price. Doctor Maddie, who is also a micro-biologist developed those nanities to enhance the ESP of the subjects. It wasn;t just Doctor Godfrey’s work alone which caused us to be freaks. Both the doctors were involved  It was Doctor Janice who wanted to stop the project but Godfrey had her removed. The Clan did as per instruction. Among the seven group, only ours was successful because Doctor Maddie was administering and controlling the dosage. All the other kids has died or are in a damaged mode. Doctor Adam knew the project was causing it and wants to stop it. It was Doctor Maddie who got me to kill him. She did not want to stop her project prematurely and she took me away when they relocated her to another facility. She did it to perfect the experiment. Just as she is now collecting the seven of us for her personal interest. The Clan financed her project and they also want us back for themselves.
And Sally wants out too. Like us as a family again but no Doctor Maddie.
If that is true then the lady I called Mum is more than what she claims to be. She may not be trusted after all.
But can I trust Sally? She is always lies on us to Maddie when small, just to get some attention.

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