Thursday, January 12, 2012

Elite 3 Part 10

‘Good evening, Islander. This is Angela covering the news desk for Tim Curry. As of this afternoon, we had no shootouts or building collapsing, but we have the majestic Memorial Park filled in with people for the coming fund dinner with the Governor. So we hoped it will be a quiet affair evening, and all goes well.’
For some reason, Angela never made it back for the next segment of the news as the Editors felt the last line of comment was not acceptable. She was delegated to news desk works instead. This is not only their views but also the viewers who called in to complain of her ‘rude remarks’ on a prestigous event.
Tim Curry is arguing with this doctor to let him go back to work or he will sue the doctor for everything he has got. In the end the doctor signed his release form and let the raving lunatic man go out of his clinic.
The price of the rare metals has stopped plummetting as there was no evidence to support the new deposits discovered. Analysts are now refuting claims of such deposits and bankers are sitting back in an assured manner that their exposure with the mines are protected.

In the seafront, Neelan is out there in his fishing boat and dumping the late Mrs Loman’s body over the side. As he was doing it, he saw a helicopter flying in low over his boat almost causing his to capsive.
Major Gregor sitting in the unmarked helicopter saw the man dumping what looks like a body overboard was curious to take a second look but there was nothing he can do. He can see the sharks coming in from different driections at the scent of blood.
He signaled the pilot but the man shook his head, to say no. They got a mission to fly.
So was Major Tuan as his men starts to get into the van. They are ready to move out now.

I can see the crowd from here at the window on the fifth floor of the building opposite the Memorial Park. I borrowed a binoculars from Peter and am now viewing the mass of people in the park. I can see the invited are arriving in the splendour of colors and glittering jewelleries.I can spy the snipers on the trees and the sentries posts.
I also see Captain D’Cruz in his evening suit satnding by the main entrance to the Main Hall. He is talking to his men through the mini microphone on his shirt collar.
I surveyed the building and I can see nothing at all that looks like a sniper lookout or barrel. So whoever is going to kill the Governor is going to do it in the Main Hall.
Time for me to act. I replaced the binoculars into the bag and took out my Colt Cobra .38. I checked the bullets for the full load and stacked the revolver into my ankle holster. I carried the bag and left the office I borrowed for this purpose.
The bag goes into the car at the front of the building and I walked to the rear of the Main Hall.
I flashed my staff pass to the policeman let his frisk my upper body. There is a long queue and he is getting the agitated looks from the back of the queue.
I am in and he did detect my revolver. I walked over to the kitchen and a ktichen helper came out.
‘You, sit in there and wait for your call.’ I said ‘aye, sir’. I joined the rest in the service area.

Major Ivanov had the conference room cleared of any listening devices, and made sure that all the arrangements are done. He has with him a team of six men which is now in the conference room.
‘You two cover the corridor near the lift lobby. You cover the stairways at the back. You cover the middle section of the lobby. You two are to be in the basement with the driver for a fast getaway. Mikhail, your role is to watch the main lobby for any unwanted guests.’
‘Who is watching the top roof?’ Mikhail is a pain in the neck at times.
‘This is a twenty five level hotel and we are on the third level. If they want to come down twenty two levels, let them be, but I am sure they will be tired then to shoot anyone including you.’
The seven man moved into position. They are all armed with two sets of M1911 each.
At that time, the black van marked with the words ‘POLICE’ was just turning into the alley behind the hotel. It will stopped three shoplots before the hotel back entrance.
Major Gregor is flight is fifteen minutes to arrive on the rooftop.
Pablo took up the glass of water and proceeded to pour it onto the main server that controls the power grid.
The partime tour bus driver drove his forty seater to the front of the hotel and parked the coach there. He also left the keys under the driver seat.

The city went dark.
But half an hour later, some of the buildings had their standby genset working and partial power was restored.
So were the traffic lights running on battery power.
So did the calls for police assistance in some minor breakins or vandalism.
Captain D’Cruz told his crew to be on full alert but he had to let go half his police force to patrol the city.
Pablo, the Maintenance Manager ran into the control room screaming profanities at whoever it was that left the glass of water near the server. No one was in the room so nobody owned up to the mistake, or no one would as it could mean dismissal. And there is no CCTV in the server room as it was said to be infringing their personal rights.
Alfred is in the bus going back to his workshop. He already delivered the coach back to the tour company and submitted his resignation. He is due to fly off for his annual holiday tomorrow.

The ten man commando team is rappeling down the helicopter above the hotel rooftop.
Operation Dark Island is on schedule.The ten man took the staircase down twenty one flight of stairs, and they needed to stretch their legs after the long flight.
The Governor arrived at the Memorial Park escorted by four outriders in his official Mercedes 500. He was urshered in by the organisers of the function to the Main Hall.

I was standing at the back stage looking at the Mr Loman making his way to the podium. I reached for my belt but I held myself back. Its not the time to act yet.

Doctor One and Major Ivanov walked into the Conference Room and greet their invited guests.
‘Gentlemen and Ladies, the meeting is on now. Its as per agreement and we do the exchange now.’ The Doctor took out from his briefcase a long narrow cannister to place it on the table.
‘How can we be assured of the result?’ In every group, there is always the sceptic.
‘Please run the clip for them. You will recognised my previous colleage, Doctor Karnov. He died recently in the act of bottling the virus. Most unfortunate.’
At the same time, seven police officers came in to the service area. They were armed with AK74 and M1911. Tow of them carried AA Shotgun.Five men including the tow carrying the shotguns waited for the service lift while two went up the back staircase. The five men in the lift gotr out at the Third level. They rushed out and without any hesitation shot the two men  wit their M1911. They proceeded down the corridor and shot the man in the corridor. The guard at the stairways was also shot when he looked down the stairways.
The two guys holding shotgun shot at the door lock of the conference room  and kicked the door open. The other five men rushed in and fanned out while aiming their guns on the people at the table. Major Ivanov got up while reaching for his M1911 but he was shot by the other Major with the AK47.
‘Stay in your seat,......’ The two windows of the conference room facing the main street exploded and two men came rappeling in firing their MP5A3 at the heads of the SWAT team. The impact of the bullets at his range penetrated the google worn by the alleged SWAT team. The attacking force of black fatigues uniformed men released off their harness on the rope, and swung the gun on the seated men while more of their team mates came swinging in. It was a firefight and the alleged SWAT Team lost to the well trained assassin commando team.
Major Tuan was one of the first casualties with a shot to the right eye.
Major Gregor looked at the carnage and grab the cannister. He put it in the case he was carrying and closed it. He assessed his loss as two of his men is dead and one wounded in the right thigh.
‘Go’ was his command and they ran for the staircase. Major Gregor then removed the bag of grenade he has on him and pull the pin on one of them. He tossed the bag in the conference room before he ran for the staircase.
Mikhail on hearing the shots ran to the lift and managed to get one. His lift door opened on the Third Level and he got out to see the men running off at the stairways. He took out his M1911 and fired two shots at the last men hitting him in the back before the grenades went off. The blast threw him back to the lift lobby.
The seven man in black fatigues ran through the main lobby to the entrance. They board the 40 seat coach and the designated driver retrieved the key under the driver seat. He started up the coach and sped off. Major Gregor died from his back wounds on the trip to the beach where the helicopter picked up the team. Major Gregor was loaded onto the helicopter and flew back to his homeland.
Meanwhile at the Memorial Park, a gun shot was heard. The bullet came from nowhere and hit the main door of the Main Hall. The second shot hit the policeman on duty near the entrance. The people starts to panic and they began running in all directions.
One of the sentries post was pushed by the maddening crowd and fell over on some innocent people running by it that time.

Inside the Main Hall, the Governor was just about to speak on his speech when the shots rang. The main door was flung open and the outside crowd came rushing in. Captain D’Cruz grab hold of the Governor and asked him to follow the captain. The Governor followed the captain who led him through to the back of the stage and out the back door of the staff entrance. He was asked to board the ambulance stationed there. The Governor looked in and saw two men sitting there waiting for him.
‘Who are you?’ But the Governor was pushed into the ambulance and the door of the ambulance closed. The Governor picked himself up from the flooring and saw one of the men holding a gun to his head.
‘Lie down there, Governor. You are sick. We will take care of you.’ The Governor was made to lie down and the other man took a syringe to inject him in the neck.
Meanwhile the Captain signaled the ambulance to drive off while he turned to return to the Main Hall. He saw the Kingfisher looking at him. He raised his hand with the M1911 and fired at the Kingfisher but the assassin has ran back into the kitchen. The Captain followed suit but lost him in the chaotic crowd.

I ran to the car and looked around for the ambulance. Its coming my way trying to weave through the crowd. I got in the car and started the engine. As I was turning out, the ambulance went past my car. I swing onto the road and followed it. The ambulance is being driven with its lights and siren on, while I followed behind. It turned to the right instead of the left to go to the Hospital and then switched it lights and siren off. It was speeding for the beach and I want to follow it.
I slowed down to keep some distance between us and soon I find its on the road to the old Sebastian place. It turned in to the mansion and I drove by it. I stopped some distance ahead and took off my jacket. I grab the bag and opened the car door. I ran down the road to the mansion gate entrance and walked in. I can see the ambulance in front at the mansion porch and its waiting for someone. I saw the headlights coming and I crouched into the shadows.
Its the Captain’ car and he is driving it.
I took out from the bag the M416 and the extra two clips. I half crouched and ran along the unkempt garden to the porch.I stopped and squat down to listen in.
‘Get him out.’ The captain told the two men in the ambulance. The driver then had joined the captain at the back of the ambulance. ‘Wake him up.I want to see his expression when I shoot him.’ The alleged ambulance injected in another syringe and that woke up the Governor. The man in the ambulance sat up and looked at the captain.
‘Who are you?’ Mr Loman is trying to shake off the medication effect.
‘Lieutenant Drake, Special Forces. We are here on the President’s order to execute you for treason and corruption among the many charges. These are my men from my squad. We planned the whole thing but you had to bring in the Kingfisher to protect you. Well, he has failed and we won.’ The captain took out his M1911 and aimed it at the Governor’s head.
My shot from the M416 took him in the head and then I hit the other two in the chest. The driver managed to hide and ran into the darkness when I shot. I got up from my firing position and walked towards the Governor still in the ambulance.
‘Kingfisher?’ Mr Loman looked like he’s seen a ghost.
‘Alicia Selvi? Where is she?’ My finger is hovering at the trigger and I am very tempted to shoot him now. For Marius and the many who died in this senseless war.
‘They.... uh.... at my mine; Metal Bullion Ltd. Let me go and you can collect them tomorrow...... 1000hrs. I promised you this.’ He is still under sedation and I am not going to kill him until I can get Melanie and Alicia.
‘I will be there.’ I walked back to my car and Mr Loman just sat there looking daze.

I finally managed to get through to Marcel after all my calls to Marius was not answered. Its just that I could not remember the number Marcel gave me after the shock which we went through. But it finally came back and I called his portable.
Then I cried out loud on hearing the news of my brother.
The bastard Loman killed my brother, Marius.
Damned you to hell, Governor.
Marcel said he is coming over to see me here. We have a lot of things to talk about.
And one fof them is how to avenge on Marius’ death.

Three players are troubled at the final game as they had played the game to a draw, but the referree is telling the game is over as a result of too many interferences into the play time. The score board stays blank but they got the trophy but no winner’s presentation.
So the dirty tactics worked but it did not come from them but the organisers.

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