Monday, January 16, 2012


The inspiration for this tale.
There is an epic poem named Iliad and the the sequel, Odyssey by the great scholar named Homer. Its among the oldest works ever discovered by man. The two poems has been told many a times from the campsite fire place to the great halls of mankind.
Iliad is set during the siege of Troy, covering the battle and the people in it. The Iliad shower us with the action that surrounds the the siege, the earlier events, such as the gathering of warriors for the siege, the cause for battle, the events which preludes the battle, and the prophesies that plagues the warriors and the city. It also cover the most important aspect of the epic, the wooden horse of Troy. It brought in many characters that adds to the adventure including the Greek Gods who was said to had intervene in the battle. So unlike any battles, this was one with man and god’s in the areana.
Odyssey took place after the battle, and its about one of the warriors, named Odysseus whose long journey home met with many adventures before he finally land back at his home. In his vovage, he encounted many of the myths and fables like sirens, cannibals and even suffered the wrath of Gods. His vovage was not without their help from the Gods too.
Here I am trying reenact the life of Odysseus as from the days before Troy to his reunited days with his family from my view.  Its a warrior’s tale and it shall be filled with the details of action that surrounded his life. But its not a true account but just another tale spoken by an old man at the campsite fire place. My audience are you if you choose to sit through it, or you may leave if you need to. But beware for the Odysseus like his God Zeus has a very jealous personality. So my advice is to hear the whole tale before you go out there alone.
The tides are in and our voyage begans now....
Book 1
“It was said that Gods created the Ages of Man when they were first created. The first to be was the Golden Age of Man, when everyone lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
Then came the next age which is named the Silver Age. It was not like the golden race in body nor in spirit. A child was brought up at his good mother's side as an utter simpleton, playing childishly in his own home. When they were fully grown and were come to the full measure of their prime, they lived only a little time in sorrow because of their foolishness, for they could not keep from sinning and from wronging one another, nor would they serve the immortals, nor sacrifice on the holy altars of the blessed ones as it is right for men to do wherever they dwell. That made Zeus very angry and he asked they be put away, because they would not give honour to the gods. The ones put away are the ones called the blessed spirits of the underworld by men.
Then Zeus intervened and created Man out of the ash tree in the next age named as the Bronze Age. The Men were strong and warlike. Among other traits, they did not eat bread. Their armor and homes were of bronze. When the bronze men died they went to the Underworld. They chose to worship Ares, the God of War. These were eventually destroyed by their own hands and passed to the Underworld.
Soon then came the Heroic Age as planned by Zeus. The men of this age were more heroic than their predecessors and successors. They were the demigods, but many were destroyed by the great wars of their time. But in death, they believed they will go to the Underworld or to the Islands of the Blessed ones. The island is their ultimate destination upon death as there they may live as heroes for whom the grain-giving earth bears honey-sweet fruit flourishing thrice a year, far from the deathless gods, and Cronos rules over them, for the father of men and gods released him from his bonds. Here they have honour and glory.” The old man shuffled his feet so they will not get too cold or he will feel those bites again on the heels.
“Grandfather, was it then Odysseus was born?” The boy is young and he is one of the twelve who sits next to me. He’s been with me for many tales, and that was one which I alwasy talk about.
“Yes, young one. I know Odysseus when he was young like you.” Truly I know as I have relate on the tale of this Greek warrior many a times before. For for my young listener, he is is a young one with a very inquisitive mind like his all father’s father then.
I reached out for the kid and took onto my lap. He snuggled up so he can sit comfortably as he knows its a long tale and in long tales, you need some refreshment. He handed me a bunch of grapes as a gesture of his contribution
“Ah! The elixir of drinks. Do you know its use to make wine and makes people drunk?”
The group of kids around me cringed at the thoughts of their fruit being made into the toxicating drink.
“The grapes is also one of the favorite of the Gods as its sweet like honey and holds liquid like the melons. Its colors is clear when pressed out but leave it for days, and you will see it changed. It may taste bitter then but its soon to ferment to the nectar that everyone drinks as wine.”
I had a good laugh on my words to describe the grape. Now maybe I will explain to them how a mere man can be made an immortal in the tales where Man and Gods once roamed the physical world.
“Sit closer and you can hear better than the flies.” I motioned to them to sit closer as I began to relate the story.
--------------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------
“Odysseus! Get down here this minute or I will have you flogged by the servants.” I can hear my mother in care howling her head off at the stump of the tree I was on. Its not that I cared as her threats are void of action as none may touched the skin of the grandson of Arcesius unless he himself will it. She knows I ma here daily before the sun sets deep behind the mountains, as I am needed here. Its my grandfather’s command that I come here to see his return by the ships.
I looked up and I see the sun is setting down on the horizon. Thus I am in the garden inside the palace, but the palace is situated on the high cliff overlooking the bay and the city below. From my vantage point I can see the ships coming in and those who are also leaving with the tides. There he is, just as predicted by mother he will be back today. As he has arrived home, its also time for me to get down as my grandfather bear gifts for me from the faraway land. Today I want to see what he will bring me for its my twelth year in the world.
I am going to be a man soon.
I climbed down and jumped onto my mother in care’s shoulder; using her to somersault over to the other side of the garden. Its time for me to run as I know she will be screaming for lashes to be added to my punishment. But not many can catch me if I do not allowed them to do so, as I am young and agile. I jumped over the few low hedges and passed the main door into the corridor which will lead to the Great Hall. Its a long corridor and there are the sentries which are used to my coming and going by this corridor. Soon one day they will answer to me as King. After all I am the King’s grandson and none may stopped me or he will feel the wrath of my current King. The Great Hall lies at the end of the corridor and there I will see my father to collect my gift. They always go to the Great Hall when they come back as its the place to announce on their voyage and also to distribute the spoils. If its a war, then there will be deeds of land or even chests of treasures.
I bumped into my sister, Ctimene as she came from the direction of the Hall bearing her gift. She had already collected it and she is smilling. That tells me mine would be forthcoming. Now the Great Hall is a very large room with can sit more than a hundred people. Its high walls to the ceiling are decorated with the paintings of the previous Kings and their exploits. Its also housed the King’s throne and he presides on it. Its guarded by the best of the guards and there are no fewer than a dozen at any time. If the alarm is rang, a few more dozens will come in from different entrance to assist in the Great Hall. But I am no intruder and no heavy double door will barred me from seeing my father. I ran towards the door and pushed hard on it to run in.
But It was not what I expected.
“I am sorry, Father. I did not know you had guests. Please allow me to leave now.” I bowed my head in respect for my father’s guest and from him while I quietly retraced my steps. Its customary for us to leave the room if there are foreign guests there. Today, there are some which I know not of or seen before. So its customary for me to withdraw and seek my father’s attention on another time when he is free. Nor can I see my grandfather any where.
But my exit was held back by the clamp of a heavy hand on my left shoulder. Its a strong hand and one that I am very familiar with.
“Hail, my grandson cometh and he is leaving so soon without a word to me.” The deep voice of my grandfather Arcesius, son of Cephalus and grandson of Aeolus. It was rumoured that my grandfather is a direct descendant of Zeus like Heracles, but he denies it. He claims himself to be a mortal and free of any god’s gifts. But I seen many people who bows before him when the tall and large man walks the streets of Ithaca. Well almost everyone except me.
“Unhand me, you old man. I will have your head for it.” I stepped aside and pretend to draw my imaginary sword. The old man stepped back and showed me his empty hands that wields no sword. I know even without his sword, he is a very formidable warrior and many has been defeated him in the battle fields and also in this Great Hall. Its rumored that he once wrestled with a raging bull like Heracles and he won when he broke the bull’s back. But my grandfather is better known for being a very cunning man who knows how to negotiate a treaty and make the other King still feel proud with the contents, although he is losing the most. Some said his tongue was given to me when I was born.
“Surely, you will not kill an unarmed man. Its dishonor to do so.”  But I lunged at him with my open hands and hugged him tight.
“Hold your grasp, Odyssues for I am now with brittle bones.” I had to let go off him so he can regain his composure. But for my antic with my grandfather, I have forgotten of my manners that I am still in the Great Hall. That grim reminder came with the wrath of my father. His open palm hit me on the back of my head that I went down to the floor. I would had fallen if not for my mother who held me up from the fall.
“Laertes! That is our son. You may had hurt him.” She has caught hold of me before I could reached the floor, and I am now safe within my mother’s hold as she is feared by Father. He fears no one but his own wife for her fury is more deadly than even Zeus’s lightning.
“Surely, you can teach him some manners while I was away. I am with guests and he comes barging in.” He turns he back to us and apologies to the guests.
I know I am in for a long night of harsh words but fate has to intervened in this time to make it worse. For its not only my paternal grandfather who stood in for me, but my maternal grandfather, Autolycus. Both my grandfathers’ retort on the man who was to lay his hand on their grandson. Even my father, the great Arcesius, champion of many victories that are told in this Great Hall will not be able to explained his way out before the two men whom he is binded to serve. I was still to apologies for my behaviour to the guest which came with my father.
“Please inroduced yourself to King Atreus of Mycenae, and those two are his sons’; Agamemnon and Menelaus.” I looked up to the enraged man who has find himself embarassed in front of his guests. I turned to find myself looking at two older men than me. They wear a dagger each on their waist and looking proud with their father.
“I am Odysseus, son of Arcesius, son of .....” But I was cut short by my father who had then led the trio to the long table. I wanted to continue but my mother took of me by my tunic and dragged me away. I was sent off to my room and there I was asked to stay, so the fury of my father can be quell by my mother later.
It was only at the next dawn break when I saw my father standing over my beddings.
“Father, I beg your forgiveness. I did not mean to be rude but I not see Grandfather for sometime.” I held for myself for his open palm again but instead I got was a pat on my back. I was asked to get dressed and be ready for the morning meal with my two grandfather.
It was not another simple morning meal but a feast was laid out. It was also attended by many of the loyalist of the Ithaca Kingdom. The man who sits up there is none other than my grandfather, King Arcesius with his son, Laertes. We were all seated and soon the feast was to start. The hall can sit a hundred people on its long table and the spread of food and drinks was enough to feed double of those who came. As the servants went around serving and pouring the wine, I was also gobbling my portion with relish. I am seated next to my mother and sister as they picked at the portions on their plates unlike me with both hands on the plates. It was midway through the meal that the bell was rung for the King to make his speech. He stood up and raised his goblet of wine.
“I brought you here today for two reasons. One is my decision to step down as King for my son, Arcesius.” The hall was greeted with sighs and dissapointment as they hear of his abdication. Its normal for a King to die in his throne before the next takes over. “Despair not, my loyal subjects. I know your faithful services to me as the King but I am getting old. I see it in the last voyage when the fleet was delayed a few times because of my poor health. I do not see myself having to defend the throne anymore, but I am passing onto a man who shown his worth many times over. He is my son, Laertes  who I believed holds your confidence too.” The hall was quiet for a while and then one of the lords of the kingdom, raised his goblet of wine.
“To the new King of Ithaca. Long Live King Laertes.” The Hall roared to the ascension of the new King. Its great moment for the Kingdom of Ithaca as the new King will now lead his people to more victories.
“Aye, but let me complete my last speech as the King of Ithaca. You can hear more of his later.” The people in the Hall all broke into laughter. “I am also standing here to day to announce the manhood of my grandson, Odysseus. He has grown far from his mother’s bosom and will take his side to the new King as my son did with me many years ago.” I hear the applaud going aorund the Hall ever louder than before. Obviously these people loves me or they won’t be applauding my name so keenly. But the old man held up his hands to the loyalist so he can still complete his speech. “I am asked by the coming King to hand to his son, a gift of his ancestry. Come here, Odysseus.”
I dropped my half eaten chicken and laid down my goblet. As I walked to him, I rubbed my hands on my tunic and walked to the front of the table. Its an eerie feeling as I can feel all the eyes on me as I took that short distance to walked here. My grandfather signaled to the servant to bring forth his gift and he took it in his hands.
“One day, you will pull those strings and hit the target with this bow. That day you will be crowned the King of Ithaca. And its also with this you will reclaim your crown from any ursupers who dares to challenge you. I give you the bow of mine, Odysseus.” The bow he gave me has a double curvature, consisting of two circular portions united in the middle. Its said that the best bows are made from the horns of the mystical bull. The bow-string twisted, and was made of thongs of leather from the bull itself. It bends yet it will not break to the tension of the bow string on a drawn arrow. It was always fastened to one end of the bow, and at the other end there hung a ring usually made of metal  to which the string was attached, when the bow was to be used. The arrows are kept in a leather quiver and has a belt which you can wear around your back or waist.
“Be careful of the arrow tips; they are poisoned.” My grandfather who had leaned down to tell me that now stood up and had a good laugh. He clapped his hand for the feast to renewed and the joys to be heard again in this Hall. But I was out of the Hall into the garden with my gift. I did my shot at the apple tree and it missed the mark by wide margin. But I was not to give up as I practiced until my fingers became bloodied with blood. It was near dusk when I stopped to give my aching muscles their rest.
Yet I will not give up as at the break of the next dawn, I was there with my gift. It was like this for two long weeks of pain and agony as I pulled the string to released the arrow, but never to hit my target. The day was to turn to dusk again as I retrieve my fallen arrows when I heard the voice.
“You are a brave kid, Odysseus.” I looked up to see what may be a lighted object in my eyes. I adjusted my sight to see the lighted object and it turned out to be Apollo. Apollo is the fabled God with the Bow and Arrow. Apollo sat down besides me and took up my bow.
“Its a good one, and I think its has found a very good master for it. But its master needs to know how to used it well. Let me coach you. Come here everyday at this hour and I will teach you. But be late and I am gone.’ With that Apollo dissapeared from my side. I was awakened by my mother in care, Eurycleria. I am still laying on the grass in the garden.
“Odysseus, you are needed in the Great Hall. Its your grandfather....” I was off on my feet towards the Great Hall before she can complete her words.

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